Since she woke up, Bella has become very sensitive.

For example, they talked all night long, but at dawn, Bella was sleepy, but she was secretly admiring her. She twisted herself on her legs. The skin on her legs was several pieces of blue and purple, and she was not soft at all.

And adoration if you want to sleep, Bella will be particularly nervous: "adoration! Adore! Are you in a coma again? You open your eyes and look at me! "

For fear that she might be worried, he also insisted on saying that he dared not sleep for a while.

While the medical staff on one side looked at the interaction of the two people in their eyes and moved them in their hearts.

Originally thought that only 17-year-old boys and girls, even if it is early love, how deep can the feelings?

But seeing their love, they are ashamed of the adults who are married and have children.

Sure enough, the innocent feelings of youth are the most open-minded and precious.

The body of adoration is weak after all. At one o'clock in the afternoon, I can't hold it. Close my eyes, Bella doesn't respond to what she calls it.

Come and have a clean check. Then everyone comforts Bella and tells her not to cry, not to be afraid. She says that adoration is just sleeping and will wake up soon. And the medical staff repeatedly promised that Bella would have a rest with her, but she just sat by the bed and clenched her admiring hand: "no! Wuwu ~ I will keep him, I will accompany him, I will see him with my own eyes and open his eyes! "

Stubborn girl, tough love!

The doctor called for the ointment and gave it to Bella: "wipe a little, and the blue and purple on your legs will go down faster. In fact, you don't have to pinch yourself all the time. His royal highness is very weak. He hasn't slept for such a long time. It's normal to sleep for a while. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Don't be too nervous. "

But Bella said, "his life is in danger now. How can I not be nervous?"

Bella so with the admiration, but who saw in the heart can not bear.

Outside the glass wall, I feel deeply moved when I look at it.

They quietly reflected this situation to linglie, so under linglie's instruction, the doctor quietly took a sleeping pill and lied to Bella, saying that it helps to improve her resistance and energy, and can help her to have more and more sufficient energy to wait and admire.

Bella listened to this and drank without saying a word.

She sat at the edge of the bed, clenched her admiring hand, and sat with her small head like a chicken pecking at rice. After a while, she fell asleep at the edge of the bed.

The nurse draped her in a small blanket.

Oblige and oblige look at Bella and adore. They go back to the next room, one by one, and go to bed as soon as possible.

The mink lies on the side of the reclining pillow.

Up to now, it's still hard to digest the fact that his younger brother has crossed.

He closed his eyes and lost all his aura to find Ji Xuehao, but he couldn't find it. He became more and more powerless, more and more sad, and even his ability to hate himself was so poor that even his favorite brother couldn't protect his integrity.

"I believe that Xuehao and Qingyu will be OK," she said

Mink rubbed against his chest, adjusted his breathing, and went to sleep with him.

Bella is so tired that she has been sleeping under the influence of drugs.

In the evening, Qingrong and Qinglan get up, and even Qingmu wakes up, only to find Bella is still asleep.

Admiration is hard to avoid heartache, clenched her hand and said: "can you hold her up and sleep with me?"

It's too hard for her to sit like this. She's afraid that her hands and feet will be numb when she wakes up.

But the nurse said, "well, we're not sure if you have any wounds, in case This kind of poison can be transmitted by blood. "

At the first hearing, the eyes of admiration will be sharp: "then hold her on the opposite sofa!"

So, a male doctor came to pick up Bella with a blanket and put her on the opposite sofa.

Adoration deeply looks at Bella's sleeping face, wondering if she seems to be sleeping too deeply, frowning, and worrying: "is she infected by me?"

"No. You have no blood contact. " The doctor took the temperature of adore himself, helped her to go to the bathroom and so on.

Outside of the blue look worried, asked: "when can we go in to take care of adoration? He's awake. Shouldn't the paramedics be in it all the time? I want to go in and look after him myself! "

"Don't worry, doctor's mind is clear. Come as you admire best. "

In fact, he also wanted to rush in and take care of his adoration. They were very sad to see Bella become so tired.

Tilt capacity can also feel the maturity of tilt blue, unwilling to tilt blue in my heart, so I shifted the topic and said, "did you call Yaya today?"

"Tilt blue Leng for a while, way:" two or three days did not contact. I'll go back and call her. "

With that, he turned and entered the opposite room.

Qingrong hugs mink, thinking sadly: there is something wrong with Qingyu and Qingmu, and Xuehao. He has something wrong with Qinglan and mink, but we must be good. We can't do it again. Otherwise, how can the elders of our family bear it.

Admiring through the glass window, I saw my brother.

He asked the nurse to get his cell phone, and then called tilt Rong. Without a word, tilt Rong cried. He also wanted to cry, but he endured, afraid of waking Bella.

After finishing the call, he gave Ling lie another call.

Before the phone call, admiration also asked all the medical staff to temporarily withdraw from the ward and not allow them to listen.

After dialing the phone, linglie answered it in almost two or three seconds, and the voice was full of surprise and excitement: "adoration?"

"Father." The voice of adoration is still weak, but it's more gentle than before: "I know about Xuehao and Qingyu. Don't be too upset, father. Our ancestors have gone through it. But they come back after ten years. There's still a chance to meet each other in this life."

Linglie was very sad to hear that.

The child, with one foot of her own, was in the coffin, but at the first time she called to comfort him.

Linglie was extremely remorseful: "it was the father who underestimated the treachery and insidiousness of Yundan Xi and harmed you."

"This is my own action without complaint." His eyes fell on Bella, all eyes on him outside the glass wall: "I'm sorry that I just want you all to worry about it."

"You silly child, don't say that." Linglie would like to see him, but: "today, there are state guests to entertain. Your mother and I must attend. We really want to go to the hospital..."

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