Qiao Yekang, with a dignified face, leaned in linglie's ear and said some urgent military information of the border defense, which needs linglie to make a decision immediately.

After saying that, he looked around his eyes in surprise: "eh, why don't you see Qianyu and Xuehao?"

Before the air transport of tropical fruits and rare seafood, the Qiao family took some to Jijia. After all, Jijia is also a relative of his own, and it's a new arrival in Ningguo.

Just went to these two times, do not see the figure of the inclined feather and Ji Xuehao.

I thought they were both in the hospital, but I didn't want to see them in the hospital.

At this time, Qinglan has gone to the new school to report.

He asked his parents for leave and wanted to avoid the new military training, because he really didn't dare to leave the hospital. He was so obsessed with his illness that he was afraid that his front foot would go, and his back foot would not even see the last side of his brother!

But linglie and his wife refused. They not only sent Qinglan to the school, but also Qingrong to the military school.

Both brothers were red eyed, but they listened and said, "each of you will go back to school. Because of my affairs, your life has been completely irregular and worried. If I delay your study any more, I will be really uneasy. "

Therefore, when tilt face and tilt blue leave, they leave with red eyes.

Qiao Yekang's question at the moment can only be answered by linglie couple on the corridor.

Mu Tianxing's expression was cold and he didn't speak.

This makes Qiao Yekang realize what he may have asked wrong. He looks at Ling lie in surprise: "brother Huang?"

Linglie was stunned for a moment, then said: "you go back first. I'll think about the handling of the military situation for half an hour. After half an hour, I'll send you the decision."

Qiao Yekang nodded, but did not leave immediately.

And linglie suddenly asked, "Yekang, have you ever been to any place against time and space in the five years before you disappeared?"

Qiao Yekang put one hand in his pocket and stroked something silently. A pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes met the sharp and deep look of the eyes. Suddenly he asked, "why does brother Huang ask?"

Linglie sipped her lower lip, still thinking about how to say it more safely.

When Mu Tianxing heard their conversation, her maternal instinct came up, which made her uncontrollably nervous, and tightly grasped Qiao Yekang's sleeve: "Yekang, you tell Huang Sao, do you know how to return to the modern era from another time and space? If you know it, you must say it, sister Huang, please! "

Qiao Yekang's heart sank, and suddenly the alarm clock showed an incredible possibility: "Qingyu and Xuehao, shouldn't they?"

"Come and talk!"

Linglie suddenly interrupts their conversation, turns over gracefully, and goes to the room opposite to the adoration.

Inside the glass wall, adore just finished spraying the medicine to relieve asthma, and gently lean the cheek on Bella's chest.

Bella, with tears in her eyes, patted him gently on the back.

His eyes were staring at every move between the linglie couple and Qiao Yekang outside the glass wall. Even though he was ill, he wondered whether he could see any clue and help any more.

In the next room, linglie and his wife confessed everything to Qiao Yekang.

And Qiao Yekang immediately stood up and looked at them strangely: "why don't you look for me? I can help adore find the antidote! I'm familiar there. I've been there for five years! And... "

Besides, there are people he loves.

Mu Tianxing looked at him tearfully: "do you know how to go? Wuwu ~ I'm afraid they don't know that yuyancao can save adoration! I'm afraid I can't wait! Both sobbing and Liuguang said that admiration now depends on the spiritual power consumed by Liuguang every day. However, it's impossible to support it for more than a year. It's hard to say how I feel when I think of my two children's accidents one after another!

Mu Tianxing said: "I saw adoration and hemoptysis with my own eyes today. I asked the doctor. I knew that adoration coughed blood once a day, but he didn't tell us! He's afraid we're worried! "

Linglie gets up and hugs the trace of stars in her arms.

He closed his eyes and pressed his wife's soft and excited body towards his heart!

What method can stop her tears completely?

He knew that from the day when she married him at the age of 18, her life had been affected by his relationship. Maybe when she married an ordinary people, there would be an ordinary and simple man who would give her ordinary and simple love and lead an ordinary and simple life.

But she was destined to be his wife.

And he can give her stability, but little pity!


Linglie cries her name with heartache.

In fact, if it wasn't for her, he might have given up, decadent, and broken the jar.

It is precisely because of her appearance that she brings sunshine to his world, which makes him have to be strong for her, a towering tree in her world, and a vast sky for her and her children.

For example, now, hearing the news of adoration's illness and his coughing up blood, linglie's heart is about to dry up.

But he can't fall, he can't take his life!

"Little darling, there's a saying in China that says it's very good. It's called" if you don't die, you will be blessed! "! You see, when you were in India, you had a baby with three children. It's not only you who survived the disaster, but also our three children! Especially adore, it's amazing. He was the first to follow you across the crocodile lake. At that time, who knows if there will be any crocodiles? But he was not afraid. He saw the crocodile swim to you and tilt blue. He threw a stone to hit the crocodile's head and saved you! Therefore, I firmly believe that our admiration will not be an ordinary man! I firmly believe that our admiration will overcome all hardships, and there will be future blessings if we do not die! "

Linglie almost crushed the bones of Mu Tianxing's shoulders.

And she nestled in his arms, obviously about to collapse: "but I've heard too much of this exciting words, whine ~ it's all empty, it's all empty!"

"It's not empty, it's faith!"

Linglie held her head and pulled out her disordered hair: "listen to me, once people have faith, they have the power to support themselves to persist! Adoration is still lying on the opposite side, Bella is still waiting, they both did not fall, we are their strong backing, how can we fall first? Collapse first? Give up first? What will they do if we fall! "

"But how long will this life of self deception last? Wuwu ~ I want jade and grass. I want to see my admiration rise. I don't want to listen to such nonsense! "

Mu Tianxing suddenly pushes Ling lie back and says, "uncle, if you really admire something, you can take Qing Rong and tilt blue. Woo ~ I'll accompany him. He's my son. I can't let him go there alone."

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