
Linglie suddenly can't bear to shout at Mu Tianxing!

Mu Tianxing tears in disorder will cut the beautiful cheek into several pieces, a crystal clear.

She stared at him in a daze. In the past many years, has he ever yelled at himself like this?

Linglie seems to regret it.

Holding his head in his hands, he turned around and then faced her. He opened his arms and went to her direction: "my dear - adoration will be fine, and you will be fine. Don't talk about it!"

Mu Tianxing stands in the same place, and is finally held tightly in his arms, and then wails!

Qiao Yekang looks over here and finds that everyone is in a mess.

He felt out the Bloodstone in his pocket, brushed it gently with his thumbs, and then put it back in the pocket of his military shirt or the pocket at the heart.

"Brother Huang and sister Huang, I don't think you need to despair too much. Because there was a man who was also in the northern moon in ancient times, and he had a deep relationship with our family. If Xuehao and Qianyu can meet him, they will surely come back. "

Qiao Yekang was full of words, and after linglie and his wife cast their hope to him, he said: "besides, this man is proficient in pharmacology and has a profound research on medicine. If Qingyu or Xuehao accidentally revealed to him the condition of his admiration, even if they didn't know they were going to bring yuyancao back to him, this man would fill them with a bag of yuyancao They brought it back! "


Mu Tianxing is excited in an instant. Her face looks like a dim stone suddenly becomes a dazzling jewel.

Linglie also looked at Qiao Yekang excitedly: "really, really?"

Qiao Yekang nodded hard: "I was sent back by him. It's just that he's obsessed with the exquisite ancient medicine and the miraculous herbal medicine. He doesn't want to come back with me. "

Linglie immediately steps forward and stares at Qiao Yekang: "who is he?"

Qiao Yekang sipped his lips, as if unwilling to say: "his identity is a bit awkward, and repeatedly let me keep it secret. So I'm not going to talk about it. "

Although Qiao Yekang's description of this person's identity is voluble, but the linglie couple just trust his words!

Not only trust, but also instinctively believe that things will develop in the direction predicted by Qiao Yekang: Qingyu and Xuehao will bring yuyancao back to the modern era with the help of that person's power, and cure the disease of admiration!

Mu Tianxing folded his hands and prayed: "meet, meet, meet!"

Her state of mind was about to be destroyed by the signing of the temple and ignited by the news brought by Qiao Yekang.

A heart, so for their own children, go around, ups and downs, no regrets!

Suddenly, Zhuo ran burst in without knocking at the door: "your majesty! Queen! His royal highness just vomited blood and fell into a coma again! Now the doctors are rescuing! "

Smell words, linglie couple and Qiao Yekang rushed out one after another!

They only saw that the crystal clear glass wall had been drawn the curtain!

Bella was also chased out by the medical staff. She covered her mouth, looked at the heavy curtain, and wept helplessly!

Mu Tianxing hugs Bella, and two women who are deeply in love with each other rely on each other warmly!

Qiao Yekang was also anxious and heartbroken. He took out the Bloodstone in his pocket and put it on his lips and kissed it carefully. This was the habit he had developed when he was upset over the years.

And linglie, clenched his fist like Mount Tai, stood still!

Suddenly, two hurried footsteps hit, two little nurses even pushed a defibrillator toward the adored intensive care unit rushed over!

Mu Tianxing quickly covers Bella's eyes!

She felt her legs were soft, but she stood up stubbornly!


Adoration, has it reached the point of using electric shock? Did he stop beating?

There are too many words in my heart to ask these two nurses, but I dare not!

Afraid to delay the nurses rush in to save the time of adoration! What's more, I'm afraid Bella can't bear to do something stupid when she hears it!

At this moment, Mu Tianxing found out that he wanted to go with him after his death. What a funny idea!

She has no right to commit suicide!

Because she is not only the mother who adores one person, but also the mother of several other children. She is linglie's wife and the queen of Ningguo!

So no matter how painful or difficult it is, she must break down her teeth and keep going!

Just like the man she always supports, linglie, even if the body is full of injuries, she should smile gracefully to the end!

Not far away, streamer also came.

But his body was obviously weak, his face was pale as paper, and his lips were light, as if he had suffered serious internal injury.

Qiao Yekang saw the streamer coming, and when he was about to put the Bloodstone between his lips back in his pocket, he put it away.

He recognized Liuguang at a glance, and asked anxiously, "is the doctor sick? How are you? "

Streamer shook his head.

He just wanted to find the news of Qianyu and jixuehao, so he flew twice to Beiyue to find the secret history of Beiyue palace.

Because it's inconvenient for him to enter the place with heavy mechanisms, he can only release his spiritual power to search the whole palace. After several times, he turns into an eagle running back and forth, so his body is so weak.

Looking at Qiao Yekang in front of him, he had a moment of trance.

It seems to smell the smell of yuyancao.

But in a flash, the smell has gone, and I can't smell it any more.

Streamer can't help but smile bitterly. It seems that in order to admire things in this period of time, he is really going crazy.

From the cuff, he felt for a small pale blue porcelain bottle. He handed it to Ling lie and said, "what's in it, please give it to Lingli immediately! Can help him through this crisis! "

Linglie's trust in Liuguang has reached the point of not asking what this bottle of things is.

He knocked on the door and said, "open the door!"

A nurse came out at once, and saw that it was icy, and her face was pale with fright

Linglie ignores others. He sees that the doctor has prepared the defibrillator, and even his adored chest clothes are opened. He is about to shock him in the chest!

Linglie strode in, under the shocked eyes of all the medical staff, went to the cork of the small porcelain bottle and held the head that adored the childish and handsome.

He looked pitifully at the blood that had not been wiped clean on his son's neck. His heart was about to ache and he could not breathe.

He choked and said in a small voice, "adoration, father give you medicine, you are obedient, drink it, father beg you!"

Hold the son's mouth, Ling lie poured the liquid in it into the mouth of adoration!

The medical staff is dying of anxiety because the blood pressure of adoration is too low and the ECG on one side is going to disappear.

Finally, linglie took the medicine and put the adoration back. The doctor said immediately: "Your Majesty, go out first. We need to give the prince an electric shock! Otherwise, it's too late! "

Linglie's tears, turn in the eyes: "no! I want to stay! I will accompany my son! "

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