Yunxuan fed the breakfast to adore, and the nurse gave the injection to adore.

Admiration only now knows what is real helplessness: knowing that these potions have no use at all, their effect is not as good as flowing silver needles and pills, but they still have to be injected.

The teenager was tossed by the medical staff, and his eyes were always on Bella's small face.

How afraid he is of her discomfort.

Soon, the streamer came. He injected and fed the medicine to the adoration as usual. After the sharp pain of the adoration chest disappeared, he handed the paper and pen and the three brothers' brocade bag to the adoration. The adoration was written quickly and handed over to the streamer for safekeeping.

When Liuguang was about to leave, adoration grasped his wrist in time.

Looking at the expression of adoration, he waved his broad sleeve lightly, then laid a small border and said, "let's talk."

Adore very painfully will Bella know things said, but also asked Liuguang for medicine.

He felt that Bella was hurt. He was reluctant.

Liuguang sighed a little. He had the pure natural medicine of cooling, swelling and pain relieving. It was no problem for Bella to use it there.

Just: "what if she's really pregnant? Do you want me to mix something in the medicine and let her... "

"Adoration tangled for a long time, shook his head:" leave it to fate

Liuguang reopens the medicine box of red sandalwood and takes out a box of ointment for him.

Since ancient times, lovesickness has always been bitter. How many people know it is bitter and keep on persisting. He can't help asking adoration: "what is the taste of love?"

Admiring the pale cheek, she asked softly, "you and the previous female eagle?"

Who knows, Liuguang is in a hurry. It seems that he has to explain it carefully: "it's not my child who makes me mate that day. I haven't become an adult yet, so I caught another one to replace me in a hurry. I didn't sleep with that Eagle. "

Admire Zheng Zheng, some understand, but can not believe to look at him: "you live so long, but virgin?"

“……” The streamer is speechless. Isn't this guy broke last night? Is it necessary to laugh at him like this!

Adore wrong open eyes, close eyes to rest, but do not forgive him, and said: "good endurance!"

Liuguang put away the medicine box, waved his sleeve, withdrew the border and left: "hum!"

As soon as Bella slept, she went to Yunxuan for lunch.

She opened her eyes and instinctively lifted the blanket and went to the bathroom on slippers.

However, at the moment when she sat up, the original quiet and natural expression on her face suddenly stiffened. The intense pain made her tightly wrinkling her small face and tears whirling. However, after a few seconds, she tried to suppress it, unwilling to let anyone see it!

She gritted her teeth and insisted on putting on her shoes and went to the bathroom.

In the process, she turned her back to the glass wall, so they didn't notice the blue.

But the eyes of adoration are always focused on her.

Would he ignore her face, which had just been difficult and intolerable?

Under the quilt, big palms tightly hold the ointment left by the streamer.

He quietly waited for Bella to finally come out. He immediately reached out and handed the ointment to her: "ask the doctor for it, you, take it inside and use it."

Bella looked at the simple little porcelain pot, shook her head, and whispered to him, "I would rather die of pain than believe you! I won't let you succeed! "

A sense of suffocation invaded the heart of admiration, and he suddenly covered his chest and coughed!

"Cough! Cough! "

Bela rushed up to him and held him: "slow down, take a deep breath, slow down!"

Admiring in her arms gradually recovered, looking at her: "no medicine, really."

Bella looked at him with infinite pain in her eyes.

His eyes are devout.

But she couldn't believe it.

Because she has only one chance, she can't afford to gamble, she can't imagine any accidents or if possible, she can't stand it!

Falling into tears, she sobbed in a low voice: "I really hurt, so you don't force me anymore. I don't want to use it, no matter what you say is true or not, I don't want to distinguish, don't judge, I won't use it! "

Adoring to see her red lips, were bitten by her own in her sleep.

It can be seen how restless she is in her dream. Compared with her wound, the scar on her lip is almost insignificant!

Adore circle her neck, press her body to oneself, plead: "wife, you believe me this time, really just detumescence, you used will be better, won't so ache."

Bella tearfully took off his arms, went back to the tea table silently, picked up a food box and fed him: "if you have eaten and are full, I will wipe it."

I admire the letter.

He ate a lot, but Bella ordered a take out with his cell phone and asked the nurse to help him get it.

She has been careful not to eat the food qushiwen made for her!

Because she is afraid that admiration will make qushiwen add contraceptives to her meals!

At the same time, both Yunxuan and Qinglan are aware of the abnormality!

"In the morning, someone went in to clean up the room and found several bath towels that had been cut into one by one by scissors. Moreover, there were blood sheets in the garbage can in the bathroom!"

Qingya opened her mouth and concluded boldly: "Bella didn't wake up until noon today. I think she walked in a very awkward way. Besides, her face was so bad that she seemed to be ill! Will Bella tie the prince with a rope last night, and then rob him? "

Yunxuan: "..."

Tilt blue: "..."

They all don't believe that Bella will do such a thing at this time, and Qinglan also has a helpless look at Qingya: "Bella is a girl who knows how to be reserved and born noble, she has self-respect and self love, and has a strong sense of shame, so she won't do such a thing."

Said, he looked at the eyes side of the elegant, whispered: "not all girls, like you, will like the man so enthusiastic."

Qingya: "..."

The world of adoration, originally is looking out of the window. It's dark at dawn, and it's dark. It's very fast.

But after last night's experience, he is living like a year.

In the evening, linglie and Qiao Yekang both came to visit and admire each other. At last, as the night deepened, everyone left. Suddenly, the adoration turned to Qinglan and said, "stay on the couch tonight and watch the night. Let Bella go to the opposite side to sleep with Qingya."

Qinglan thought that admiring Bella was uncomfortable, so she was distressed and hurriedly said, "OK!"

And Bella fell into tears on the spot: "Luo adore, why do you have to stab me in the heart to be happy? Why don't you just kill me, so I feel better! "

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