Bella is now possessed by the fire in order to get pregnant.

Great mental pressure, coupled with physical pain, made her even speak in a ferocious voice.

Qing Lan saw Bella burst into a temper and cried. She was embarrassed in an instant. She waved her hand to escape from the scene and said, "I suddenly remember that I have something to do with elegance in the evening. Then, you can talk about it first."

Before leaving, he also helped them to put down the curtain of the glass wall, all let admiration and Bella two people solve independently in it.

Adoration is just fear of Bella going on doing stupid things tonight.

Last night was like that. She's been struggling all day today. If tonight

She can't stand it tomorrow!

Adoring nature is also clear, not all girls will be like this for the first time, but she is strong every time, does not understand the main point, but also has to focus on, people do this kind of thing is your feeling, I wish, tangle, it will come naturally, she is dry and direct, how can not hurt?

Bella looked at him and had bathed him as usual just before the doctor left.

Bella went to the closet to get her pajamas and said, "wait for me."

Adore: "..."

He hasn't seen much TV since he lived in.

This time, I turned on the TV and waited while watching.

Bella came out of the bath and her hair dried. She also had a pair of scissors in one hand and a brand-new bath towel in the other, as she did yesterday.

Admiring her like this, my heart wrinkled.

When a woman loves her children and can do that kind of thing with the man she likes in such a way, her heart should be so desolate.

Eyes slightly red, his warm eyes turned to her, see her face full of tragic, he hook lips a smile, gentle way: "come here!"

Reach for her.

But he couldn't cooperate with her to make her pregnant.

Love a person, like her to him.

Love a person, and think about her like him.

Bella stops a meter from the head of his bed, and his fingertips touch her less than half a meter away.

She gazed at him, her lips trembling: "tilt, adore, I know you were tied last night, you will not be so easy to let me tie tonight."

She looked at him powerless but candidly. Her eyes were full of sorrow and entreaties: "I, adore, would you like me to tie it again today?"

She can't beat him.

Even if he is ill and can only lie down quietly, she is still not his match.

Bella knows that.

I admire taking a deep breath to relieve the depression on my chest. I dote on it and say, "OK!"

Said, he originally stretched out the palm is invitation like, palm up, and then he folded his arm back and actively grasped the top of the bed bar, a look that she was allowed to tie.

Bella hesitated to look at him, step by step carefully forward.

His eyes fell on her uneasy steps.

When she finally got close, he suddenly reached out and struck off the scissors in her hand like lightning. By the way, he caught her shoulder and pressed her body against him!

Bella fell into tears in panic, just about to accuse him of dishonesty, but he blocked her red lips, with never had the feelings of love and hate intertwined with love and hate invaded all the space in her sandalwood mouth.

A little bit of time passed, and my body was about to blow up.

Because he once tasted that kind of taste and was lifted again, he will react soon.

Raise your hand and give Bella a clean chop behind her neck!

The little girl's body slipped down.

Adoration took her to bed and kissed her with her soft little hand: "wife, I'm sorry."

He covered his chest, tried to control his breathing, afraid that he would have asthma. Then he took out the medicine given by the light under the pillow, took off her pants, and helped her apply the medicine.

When he saw the extent of her bruise, his hands, and his heart, trembled at the same time!

Adoration drugged her, put on her clothes, then she turned her side into her arms, turned off the light and went to sleep.

In the latter half of the night, somehow, the idea of admiring that aspect was suddenly aroused.

He opened his eyes and saw nothing. His hands and feet were tied up again. He couldn't tell whether it was a dream or a reality until Bella said angrily to him, "bad guy! You can't believe what you say! "

Then tonight I repeat what happened last night.

His admiring hands almost pinched the bed fence. He thought helplessly that if he had known this, he might as well have started with her and followed her, so that her injury would be smaller.

When Bella finally took the pillow and put it under her body, the two of them lay side by side.

Bella said confidently, "I believe I will succeed, you will not succeed!"

I adored nothing.

As the night grew darker, their thoughts became clearer.

Clearly he did what she hated, but the more he did, the more she loved him.

Obviously she also did something against his wishes, but the more she insisted, the more he put her in an indelible position, the more he loved her.

Love is the biggest fantasy in the world. It can't be explained by science and reason.

Four days in a row.

This morning, linglie and his wife came with the streamer in person.

Admiring Bella, who was curled up in a deep sleep on the side of the sofa, she knew that her time was up, and her family came to send her, and she was about to hibernate.

He is very reluctant.

I can't give up Bella.

Liuguang gives a needle to the adored chest, and linglie holds his hand: "your grandpa and grandma finally wait for the ancestor, but they can't go through hundreds of years ago, so they may not come back for a while."

Adore smiled and looked at Mu Tianxing, who did not cry in front of him, but whose eyes were red and swollen, and said: "mother, not sad. It's a great honor and satisfaction for my son to be the son of Luojia. "

Mu Tianxing also knows that after his hibernation, it depends on God's creation to survive.

However, when linglie advised her, she also said: "my son is like this. Let's be a living horse doctor. Besides waiting for miracles, what else can we do in the face of this extinct herb?"

So mu Tianxing came up, took their hands and said, "wait for your grandpa and grandma to come in the evening. This time, we can't hide your grandpa Huang, he loves you the most. "

Qingya and Qinglan don't know, just listen to Qinglan and say, "what happened tonight? Big brother Huang called me and said that his instructor suddenly gave him the leave to come back this afternoon. What's the matter? "

On the sofa not far away, Bella was finally woken up by them.

Rubbing her little eyes, she opened them and looked at so many people in front of her innocently. She suddenly realized something.

Her admiration, it's time to hibernate!

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