The situation of red Qi seems to be very serious.

The venerable man took off his mask and healed him for a whole hour. Only then did his forehead sweat and fever subside.

Ji Xuehao is watching. Even though he doesn't know the pharmacology, he obeys the venerable's words and remembers the steps and action essentials during the injection. Later, there were several places on red Qi, pointed by the venerable's fingertips, for Ji Xuehao to try the injection.

Ji Xuehao gave the needle seriously, and the venerable smiled proudly: "it's my apprentice. The needle is clean."

When Ji Xuehao got up, he couldn't help laughing: "master, do you use your disciples as test objects?"

First, take him to wash the marrow, and then take red Qi to teach him how to practice.

The venerable one smiled and looked at the scar on red Qi: "I don't know if the medicine made by yu'er can remove the scar on Qi'er. If only there were jade plants. "

Ji Xuehao's face is fretting.

Yuyancao again!

"Master, we have been in this world for more than two months. We must go back in half a year. I don't know where yuyancao grows and what it looks like. Maybe we can find it if we have the will! "

Ji Xuehao has a positive, progressive and positive temperament.

It seems that no matter what the environment is, he is always able to face positively and accept the challenges calmly. This kind of positive attitude towards life is much better than the young people who the venerable once saw in the modern society, who have a negative attitude and always complain more than they do.

The venerable also liked the apprentice more and more. He thought that the son-in-law chosen by the Luo family was also a dragon and Phoenix.

"No hurry. Because it's useless to be in a hurry. I'll watch the stars tonight. They will be reflected before the total solar eclipse. I know you want to do everything, and you want to help yu'er's family as much as possible. But Xuehao, sometimes the God means that no one can predict, and the power of man cannot be changed. At present, you and yu'er will be safe when they come. Take good care of yourself and learn skills. That's what you need to do most. "

"Xuehao remembers master's instruction." Ji Xuehao continued.

In the air, there are blue smoke with clouds curling up, combined with a light smell of medicine, which makes the heaven and earth more antique.

The venerable one took back the silver needle that had been stuck on the red Qi little by little, but his movements were sharp and gentle.

On the big bed, the handsome face of red Qi also attracted Ji Xuehao's attention.

He didn't know if he was the first one to take off the red Qi mask.

Ji Xuehao looked at the mask beside the pillow and said, "what's the meaning of the mask, elder martial brother?"

"Hahaha." The venerable smiled: "Qi'er is stubborn. He says that he will be ugly in the future. If he takes off his mask, he will marry someone. But it's just a joke. I put him on a mask to give him a way back. After all, the world is full of wars and political turmoil. It's impossible to live a life of seclusion on a snowy mountain. As a child grows up, he needs to go down the mountain to make a breakthrough. "

Ji Xuehao finally has a little vigilance.

Turning his eyes slightly, he said, "master, I'll go to the pharmacy to see how yu'er's scar removing medicine is made."

Turning around, he went.

The room is bright and clean, the place is very spacious, all kinds of herbs are fragrant, many drug slaves are working hard.

The pharmacy of Yaozhuang is also a very special place. There are three entrances in front and back. The first entrance is a wide yard. Baskets of herbs just picked are washed with a clean ice spring. After drying, they will be sent to the hall of the second entrance. They will be placed in categories. According to the role of herbs, drug slaves will either mash them into mud or grind them to the end to preserve them.

Most of the income of the pharmacy is from pharmacies. Clinics in many countries under the mountain are also operating under the sign of "Xueshan pharmacy".

Ji Xuehao walked around the front two doors and walked to the third door. Looking at the locked wooden door, he went up and knocked softly: "tilt feather."

Qing Yu will come and open the door soon.

The third gate is a place that only the venerable and the closed disciples of the venerable can enter.

Welcome Ji Xuehao into the room, and immediately close the door.

There were many candles in the room, as bright as day. There were several small dishes on the table, which contained the powder she had just put out.

Ji Xuehao looked at her from a distance and said, "master brother, did you take off the mask last night?"

"What's the matter?" he said

Ji Xuehao doesn't speak.

"I picked it," she said. Master said that the most important thing for a hot person is to cool down. Master also said that when many children have a fever, when grandparents see that their children are ill, they wear more clothes and cover more. As a result, they have died of internal heat before they can be sent to the hospital. I'm afraid that the elder martial brother will be Wu, so I'll give him some heat. "

"Qing Yu, I put on a mask when I came to save the elder martial brother. Just when Shifu was treating him, he took it off himself. "

He said half and stopped, staring at her.

When Qingyu heard what Hongqi said in his mind, he took off his mask and said to his wife, "so what?"

Ji Xuehao said: "so, when elder martial brother wakes up, if he asks if you have ever taken off his mask, you should say no!"

"Oh." She nodded her head in a sort of stupor.

Ji Xuehao raised his hand and pinched her face uneasily: "did you listen to me? In short, you took off his mask this matter, do not mention! No such thing! You know what? "

"I see." "Why do you let me say that?" he asked

Does he know something?

God, if he knew that she had heard about the mask in the morning and picked it again, would she be angry?

Ji Xuehao looks at her innocent face and sighs softly.

It turns out that the girl doesn't know anything at all. She can't know. She can't!

He smiled and said: "no reason, I just think that the elder martial brother has been wearing a mask for a reason. We don't know the reason, so we casually move his mask. In case of violating his taboo, it will not hurt the feelings between the elder martial brother and sister?"

At last, he was relieved.

It turns out that Ji Xuehao doesn't know at all. That's great!

"By the way, Xuehao, there are two medicinal materials in this medicine. They are too deep. I haven't learned them yet. I can't recognize them. Can you help me see? "


In front of the small table, the young man took the book and looked at it carefully in front of the candlelight. The young girl was quietly with him holding her chin.

Time is quiet.

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