Ji Xuehao doesn't know the pharmacology.

After he read the word "Sheng secluded" to Qing Yu, he helped her find the medicine she wanted on the medicine shelf, then watched her operate quietly and studied carefully.

Suddenly, I felt that it was such a happy life to watch her white hands busy.

When he finally boiled the powder into a paste, he took a small fan and gently fanned it there, saying, "if only it could be used by the elder martial brother today."

"I'll try." Ji Xuehao determined the intention of Qianyu, so he was no longer jealous.

Lean forward and use your internal power gently against the small bowl. In a moment, the mist on the ointment has disappeared.

Tilt feather tried to touch with fingertip, wipe on the back of his hand, suddenly feel a cool: "OK!"

Outside the door, there was the voice of the drug Slave: "miss two, wake up a little, and call your name all the time. The venerable one asked you to come with sanshao. "

"Qing Yu:" "

Carefully looked at Ji Xuehao and made sure that Ji Xuehao was not jealous, which relieved him.

But Ji Xuehao is a hook on the corner of his mouth.

Junior high school, junior high school, junior high school

The title must have come from the venerable.

"I'll send the medicine to the elder martial brother," he said

Turn around and look for empty bottles on the medicine rack, but these slender and porcelain white bottles are too common. They are basically filled with granular pills, which are sold to the drugstore at the foot of the mountain after being bottled.

Qing Yu thinks about the care of his elder martial brother these days. If he didn't give up his warm quilt to himself, his internal injury would not be so serious, would it?

Day lying on the table frozen, but also bad rest, is not suitable for him such a good recuperation.

Moreover, in the daily meal, the best food, he always left it to her, and said: "I am a big man to eat so well, what are you doing, you are still growing up, you need to eat more."

Her eyes were wet, and she thought of red Qi's sudden vomiting of blood and fainting, which made her miserable, just like seeing the adoring elder brother in another world who had forgotten her appearance but was poisoned and to be saved.

Why can't the people around her be good?

"How about this one?"

Ji Xuehao took out a very delicate small box with square shape from a small cabinet. The whole body is fine white jade texture, and there are exquisite and simple patterns on the small cover.

This is a gift from the king of a country far away by the sea. It's for medicine.

Since Qingyu came to the medicine shop, all the good things are hers. The venerable also said that if she is interested in making medicine, she can use whatever she wants here.

However, she has never been willing to use this white jade box, and feels it is too precious.

She reached out and took it. She opened the small box and looked inside. She smiled and said, "well, use this."

Put the paste medicine made in the bowl into a small box. The box is placed on the table for a while, and the upper layer of the paste is like a smooth and peaceful lake.

Cover the lid, tilt feather to sweep the lonely before, smile way: "go quickly!"

When she flied past her eyes, Ji Xuehao quickly grasped her wrist and gently pulled her little body.

Tilt feather only feel a soft wind blowing, gentle but overbearing to bring himself to Ji Xuehao's arms.

He felt a fresh taste like snow on his cheek. Before he could raise his head, Ji Xuehao had caught his red lips. After a deep and pathetic kiss, he let her go.

Young deep pupil looked at her young vulnerable broken lips, the corners of her mouth outlined a satisfactory arc, in her forehead cherished a kiss: "go."

In red Qi's room -

the venerable looked at the eldest apprentice who looked like a parent and a son with some headache: "Qi'er, yu'er and Xue Hao are a couple. Don't think about it any more. If you think about it like this, there will be no result and you will hurt yourself. "

I have been waiting for my apprentice to wake up.

But don't want him to wake up, the mouth has been calling the name of tilt feather.

How can this make him not worry?

"Qi'er, I've seen the relationship between yu'er and Xue Hao. Although yu'er is still young, she is very firm in her love and has her own stand. Xue Hao is also an infatuated person. A gentleman has the beauty of becoming a man. They love each other. In this case, why can't you complete them? "

Red Qi lies quietly, looking at the phoenix pattern on the carved bed, and says: "when I didn't understand love before, it's not easy to hear you tell Kangkang about my parents' love. Now I really feel that if I want to take a person I like seriously, she has someone I like. Master, I can't be the master of emotional affairs, because I have been thinking about her, thinking about her, wanting to see her and protecting her. "

Ji Xuehao and Qing Yu are on their way. Qing Yu can't hear these conversations.

However, Ji Xuehao is not the original one. His internal power is far-reaching. He can clearly hear the movements around him, including the conversation between the two masters and apprentices in the room.

Holding Qianyu's hand, he can't help but tighten it. Looking at her innocent face, he wonders if he will marry her in ancient times in advance. Otherwise, when she grows up, she will be full of light, fearing more pursuers!

With a little childish little hand, he broke away from his palm and tilted his feathers to open the door of red Qi's house.

"Senior brother!"

She called sweetly and rushed in from the door with a little tension.

Looking at the red Qi lying quietly on the bed, she stretched out her hand, handed over the valuable white jade box, and said: "the medicine I specially made for you can remove scars! You try, hope to have effect, so go back to modern times, your parents see you, won't be distressed

The venerable stood up with a smile and said, "yu'er is ready."

After getting up, he still reminded red Qi: "yu'er is frank and naive, and he treats people around him so kind. Even the drug slaves who worked beside her were treated kindly by her

Red Qi's eyes fell on her red and swollen lips, reached out and took over: "thank you."

Ji Xuehao pretends that he can't see the emotion in red Qi's eyes at all. He takes a gentle step forward: "Xuehao has seen the elder martial brother! In the past few days, Xuehao had to marry Princess Jinzhu in the name of elder martial brother. He also hoped that elder martial brother Hai Han would help. In any case, the elder martial brother is also a family member now. I hope that the elder martial brother will recover soon, so that Princess Jinzhu can rest assured. "

Venerable: "..."

"Qing Yu:" "

Red Qi looks at Ji Xuehao's harmless and prosperous face, and suddenly remembers that year.

His father was obsessed with Kangkang's mother, guarding and cherishing her for many years, and finally waiting for her to grow up, but Kangkang's mother fell in love with the amazing Qiao Xin.

He frowned, asking nothing else, but that his father's love for the cold night would not be repeated in him.

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