At dinner, adoration came back.

Yunxuan follows him in a dusty way. After seeing Tiantian, he finally looses his serious expression.

And the face of adoration is even more dignified. There is a wind under the feet and a kind of momentum of killing around the body. In a blink of an eye, it has come to everyone's eyes.

Linglie's heart is clear.

Yesterday afternoon, Qing Rong accompanied Qing Mu to the Royal study, Zhuo ran followed him to convey the order of the crown prince. Until now, the mayor's mailbox across the country was opened by the National Guard in an instant, and all the letters reached the capital and handed over to Qing mu. In the post of free speech on the folk forum, if it involves the report of official corruption, bribery, mistress, etc., find out that the ID has been implemented to the individual of the informant, verify that it is true and reward, and do not investigate if it is not true!

For a while, the civil forums were all on fire, and various cases of reported crimes by officials gradually surfaced.

The network police and the executors of all relevant departments are busy.

So far, in less than 48 hours, 24 officials have been dismissed from their posts, which is equivalent to one official falling into the hands of admirers every two hours.

These officials range from village cadres to mayors.

Cabinet members have been talking about it, and Ling lie naturally heard the news.

Some emailed him and wished him good health. Some praised him for his vigorous and vigorous work and made a clean stream in Ningguo. Some euphemistically express their admiration is just fooling around.

Many of these sounds have condensed into a phenomenon.

Ling lie pretends not to see at all.

He was 100% devolved to his admiration. Even when he saw an official warning him with fear, "Your Majesty, your majesty is ambitious, and your Majesty must be on guard!"

Linglie almost didn't laugh.

If admiring is really capable of extorting confessions, he thinks he will wake up with a smile in his dream.

At present, adore goes directly to Qinglan and says in a serious and small voice, "second brother, I want to borrow someone from you."

Tilt blue unknown so: "who?"

"You have no equal." "I'm going to take her to the Security Bureau," adored Wang. "You can help me a lot in the case of Jun luoshang."

If you know that there is this girl in Qinglan's heart, adoration will never open this mouth.

It's like coming back tonight, but I've never talked to Qiao Yekang about meeting him, or taking him to the Security Bureau for cooperation and assistance.

Qinglan's brain is more simple than Qiao Yekang's.

The first thing he thought about was that he could help adore, but he didn't know how to help.

So he said, "what do you want to ask her? Do you want to ask at home, or do you want to take her to the Security Bureau for a look?"

I admire him as if he really don't understand. The deep black pupils fall quietly on the blue body.

Only suspects go to the Security Bureau.

Good people don't need to go to such places.

The reason why I look for you matchless is that Jun luoshang is the child of XiMao princess, and Jun matchless is Jun Peng's daughter.

Those who Lingyun loves most are junluoshang's mother. Such rumours must be told by Junpeng, that is to say, junluoshang has full trust in Junpeng.

I admire that I want to make use of junwushuang to be the person who is suspected to be lurking and to connect with junluoshang's secret. Then I ask junwushuang to cover junluoshang's secret and the plan of arrangement that may be involved.

Of course, it's impossible for you to get trust from someone who has a deep mind like Jun luoshang without suffering.

So, nowadays, I have a cold admiration for the outsiders. I want you to suffer a little penalty from the Security Bureau, and approach Jun luoshang by means of bitter meat, which is more likely to succeed.

Junwushuang was saved by Qinglan. No matter whether you insist on this idea or not, you should ask Qinglan first.

After a moment's meditation, she admires: "lend her a few days in the Security Bureau to help us paraphrase the suspect's words. If it goes well, we can get her back in two days. "

"Tilt blue smiled:" good! I'll tell matchless. "

Admiring: "thank you two brothers!"

During the dinner, we had a lot of talks. Most of the topics revolved around one by one, such as what kind of 100 day banquet dress to order for one by one, what kind of baby room to be arranged, what kind of nursery teacher to invite, and so on.

They have talked about this topic many times, but they are not tired of it.

When Yunxuan was chatting and laughing with his masters, he came to Xiaofeng's ear and said, "Your Royal Highness wants to borrow unparalleled princess to go to the Security Bureau today."

Xiaofeng doesn't understand this either. He only knows how to do business, so his eyes are still clear.

Yunxuan looks at him and asks, "do you have any interest in her?"

Xiaofeng smiled: "I think she is my sister, really. To be honest, at first I thought she was beautiful and perfect. She was really a good daughter-in-law from the sky. But you all disagreed with her. Later I thought about it. I don't have that aura to hold her all my life. Therefore, it's better to be a brother, a brother, a sister. This kind of friendship between friends is long-term! "

Yunxuan sighed: "prince, your highness wants to use bitter meat. You should make it clear to the second highness. I don't think the second highness really understood. "

"Ah?" Xiaofeng suddenly realized it!

Don't say the second highness doesn't know. Even he doesn't know the Tao in it!

On the other side of the restaurant, Qinglan is chatting with Wushuang in a low voice. He said that he wanted her to go with Qingmu for a few days. He also said that he really wanted to be able to help Qingmu and hoped that Wushuang would agree.

The matchless smile promised.

At this time, matchless, I don't know: because of the original admiration for saving Yaya, Qinglan feels guilty, and has been looking for the opportunity to repay her admiration. At this moment, with such an opportunity, she needs matchless to fill this guilt.

She just giggled, excited and happy.

It's great that blue Shao, such a good man, helps her again and again. She has the chance to do something for blue Shao in this life.

After dinner, Yekang came. Instead of entering the room, he stood at the door of Taiyu.

Qingmu, Qinglan and Wushuang stand in front of the car, and Qinglan hands Wushuang to Qingmu. Qingmu smiles at Wushuang and says, "this is general Qiao. When you arrive at the Security Bureau, you can cooperate with him. It's over in a few days. I'll ask brother Xiaofeng to pick you up. "

Matchless smiled and nodded his head. In the night, he solemnly told Qinglan, "Lan Shao, you should remember to drink soup before you go to bed, and don't lose sleep again. And oh, I remember to ask brother Xiaofeng to pick me up in a few days. It would be better if LAN Shao could also pick me up! "

She rubbed her hair in blue and said with a smile, "go!"

Peerless eyes are bright and crystal. She doesn't even ask what she did, what she checked, and how to do it.

Turn around and get on Yekang's car and leave.

Adore turns to look for Yunxuan and wants Yunxuan to accompany him to work overtime in the Royal study, but no one can be found around.

Zhuo ran said with a smile: "Your Highness, Doudou and Xiaofeng are talking in the room. Or I'll be with you tonight. In addition, it's better to keep beans and get in touch with sweetness. "

"Admiration and understanding smile:" well, can have outstanding uncle to accompany, I naturally do not want

Zhuo ran immediately went down to prepare the car, admired and waved with Qinglan, and got on the car and left.

Blue heart has never been quiet.

When he turned around, he found linglie standing behind him. He had no deep meaning: "so you let Wushuang go?"

"Tilt blue smiled:" Well

Linglie knew that he was doing this for his country.

For the king, the means are not ruthless and the status is not stable.

He turned around and went to play chess with rojeb.

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