Wushuang follows Yekang to the Security Bureau.

In accordance with the Convention, there are female officers who check the security of Wushuang and then take her to the office.

In a quiet office, there are only two people, Yekang and Wushuang. For Yekang, it's very important for the national interests and Qiao's family to thoroughly understand the secrets of junluoshang and Bulei and find out the things about Bulei.

A carefully prepared script, written, placed in front of the matchless opposite.

Yekang looked at her and said, "look first."

Wushuang nodded his head and took it seriously. Just to read it, Yekang said: "last time, second highness asked me to go to the XiMao palace overnight to find out about your mother and princess. Later, I brought the news back. I think you also know it. At the same time, you will not help Junpeng any more

Peerless Leng for a while, looking at the opposite man, nodded seriously: "thank you! I won't help him any more! "

In fact, since the day when matchless knew she was going to marry, she decided to live her own life. She never thought of listening to Junpeng again.

Now that her mother and concubine are dead, she hates Junpeng so much that she can no longer use Junpeng.

Yekang can also see that she has sincere feelings in her pupils. Then she nodded her head and said: "junluoshang is the child of XiMao princess. She has countless relationships with Junpeng and the Helian family of Bulei. They must have something to plan. So, we hope to be able to use your identity as Princess ximiao... "

"Go to get in touch with Jun luoshang?" Matchless directly interrupted Yekang's words, looking at his slightly shocked expression, she added: "I have seen Jun luoshang twice, both in the palace. His father loved him very much and asked him to study with us in the Royal Academy, but his heart was not very good. He only came twice, which was many years ago. "

"Yes." Yekang didn't expect that the girl was very smart. He leaned back a little bit. He didn't think it would be hard to talk with her, but his admiration was explained: when he got here, he had to clarify the risk coefficient and ask her if she would like to.

So, Yekang pondered, in the process of reading the script, she said: "junluoshang can hypnotize, and should have many other skills. We didn't use the methods he used for so many days, because we wanted to save his life, so we didn't use the punishment on him at all. And you may have to sacrifice to gain his trust. "

"For example?" Matchless small face a white, looking at him, voice has a little timid: "what kind of sacrifice?"

Yekang felt that he was trying to coax the little white rabbit. He felt guilty because his eyes were too simple.

She just wanted to help Qinglan.

"He said:" may eat a little flesh and blood, in order to win his trust. So, you can choose now. If you refuse, I can send you back to the womb and to the second highness. "

Peerless eyes are silent.

Time passed by, until Yekang thought that the little girl would give up, she raised her eyes and looked at Yekang: "OK!"

Night Kang Leng: "what?"

Matchless bit lip, again way: "can, do not disfigure? I'm afraid of that. "

Yekang's heart seems to be touched by something.

His eyes fell on matchless face, as if he was looking at another person through her.

What girls fear most is disfigurement, right?

"No. Fearless of death for a just cause, the princess is so grateful that she will not do such a thing as a disfigurement. Night Kang said, and repeatedly assured her: "if you can't stand halfway, you can say it at any time."

Wushuang nodded, buried his head, some shaking hands and then read the script in his hands.

She is a very clever girl, but she is bound by the feudalism of XiMao in her mind and vision.

Therefore, the script is something that the general agent has to read and remember several times, but she has understood it very thoroughly.

Night Kang and her two plays, Jun luoshang may have asked, she answered very well.

Then, Yekang opens the door of the office, lets the hypnotist come in, and tells the anti hypnotism method to Wushuang. The purpose is to be afraid that Wushuang will be hypnotized by junluoshang unconsciously in the process of contacting with junluoshang.

It didn't end until 1:30 at night.

Night Kang found a good room to give her: "early rest, tomorrow I come to see you. Don't worry about safety. It's a place as guarded as the imperial palace. "

Matchless nod: "OK."

Too much uterus.

In the evening, Qinglan drank medicinal soup and went to sleep comfortably.

When Xiaofeng came out of Yunxuan's room, he wanted to talk to Qinglan about the incomparable things. He found that Qinglan slept very early today, so he didn't disturb him.

Linglie and rajeb are not downstairs. He asked Bella and found out that he adored working overtime in the Royal study.

He asked Qu Shiwen to know that Wushuang had gone to the Security Bureau with Yekang.

Xiao Feng's heart was thumping. This silly girl, he thought that no matter how he wanted people, he would wait until tomorrow morning. He talked to Yun Xuan for a while, and she was taken away!

Xiao Feng goes to call tilt blue, but tilt blue can't wake up at all under the effect of medicine.

This time, he is in a dilemma. What should I do?

He hurriedly went back to find Yunxuan and asked Yunxuan to call Yekang to ask about the situation. The answer he got was: matchless, after clarifying the task, volunteered to take the task, and now slept in the Security Bureau unharmed. The specific work can only be carried out tomorrow.

Yun Xuan advised him: "don't think about it. I'll tell the second highness in the morning."

Xiao Feng was very worried: "I also said that I would be the elder brother of this girl and protect her. What's the result? Tomorrow, if I tell the second highness, how worried can I be when he is so kind-hearted? "

Originally, Yunxuan wanted to go for a walk under the crape myrtle tree with Tiantian to see the stars and the moon.

As a result, in order to persuade Xiaofeng to go to bed first, he persuaded Xiaofeng to go to sleep.

The next morning.

Tilt blue spirit to come out of the room, open the door, see small wind against two big black eyes standing at the door.

He chuckled, "brother Xiaofeng, why?"

Xiao Feng stepped forward and stood in front of him. He could only talk about going to the Security Bureau.

This time, the blue is burning!

He really didn't know there were so many curves in it!

He ran to Bella's room and knocked on the door, but Tiantian got up to open the door. He understood it and rubbed his eyes: "Your Highness, your Highness Prince hasn't been home all night. I made a shop by the side of the crown princess's bed last night."

Simple explanation, let tilt blue turn around and go.

He asked Xiaofeng to prepare the car, took the snapshot and went to the Security Bureau.

Because he had gone early and Yekang had not arrived, he was not allowed to enter the gate of the Security Bureau. He called Yekang urgently. Yekang said, "it's too late. At six o'clock in the morning, she has been taken down. Now that everything is ready, there is no turning back. Second, your highness, you'd better go back and wait for the news. It's smarter than I thought. I think she can go back in two days. "

Blue heart thump.

What is a bow without a bow?

He called adore.

Adoration only said: "I was worried that you didn't know the situation last night, so I specially asked my uncle to ask his opinion again. She accepted it voluntarily when she knew the danger. I didn't force her from the beginning to the end. "

Strong self blame spread in my heart. Last night, I adored that. I opened my mouth with deep meaning. I repeatedly confirmed that it was because of this!

"Damn it!" "Tilt blue hurriedly held fist to jump in place:" no matter how I also want to go in to have a look

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