Tilt blue at the door of the Security Bureau, hungry for a long time, finally waiting for the car of Yekang.

He strode to catch up and watched Yekang come down from the car: "little uncle! I'm here to take matchless back! "

Yekang is an army uniform, full of grace and preciseness. Some people are born to wear uniforms, such as all the descendants of general Ling lie.

Leaning blue is about the same size as Yekang, but it seems much thinner than Yekang. There are some differences between the body of the year-round martial arts practitioners and the body of the weak scholars.

He looked at Yekang and said, "little uncle!"

looked at him calmly and calmly. "Two Royal Highness, accepting the mission is the princess's own meaning. Your highness is letting me take her out now, which is not in line with his Royal Highness's wishes."

"I gave her to you, so..."

"She is not an accessory of Her Highness. She is an independent individual. She has the right to choose her own."

night Kang broke his words, smiled, and said, "well, let me ask your highness to talk to your highness alone and see what she means."

"Good," he said with a deep blue face

So -

Qinglan and Yekang sit quietly at the conference table, and there are outside monitoring pictures on the projection screen in front of them. Every day after breakfast, junluoshang will be taken by the soldiers to the infirmary for routine heart examination and medication.

Today, when Jun luoshang just came back from the infirmary, he saw two soldiers dragging a young woman who had been tortured.

His eyes were fixed on the woman's face.

The arm drips blood, the complexion is pale and haggard, a head of wine red hair is dazzling under the sun, also successfully attracted the attention of Jun luoshang.

When they passed by, the peerless little face was in front of her. She gave him a weak look, then closed it and was dragged to the infirmary by the soldiers.

After passing by, Jun luoshang suddenly thought of it, turned to her back and shouted: "Jun matchless!"

He just finished shouting, peerless blood directly spit out!

He looked frightened and shouted: "peerless! You don't want to die! Hold one's own! We can go out! We can go out! Unparalleled! "


"What are you doing! Stand up! Go! "

The soldier waved the electric wand in front of Jun luoshang and forced him to put it back into his room. The anxious color in his eyes was very deep, especially in the moment of peeping blood, when his face quickly turned pale, everyone saw it.

We can pretend, from eyes to actions, from breath to expression.

But the color of face and lips can't be changed in any way. After all, human beings are not chameleons. If they don't really touch their hearts, they can't have such changes.

The corner of Yekang's mouth was raised a little bit, and the tilt blue had already tightly pressed the lip, which was completely petrified.

Waiting for Jun luoshang to be sent back to his room, matchless was soon sent out of the infirmary.

She was pushed in a wheelchair, covered with a quilt, and closed her eyes as if weakly. She went all the way to the room where they were.

Tilt blue self reproach of drooping eyes, feel oneself have no face to see her: "I must take her to go today."

His mind is full of her clean smile, she completely trust him, volunteered to help him do everything, but he sold her, sell here suffer from such flesh and blood!

Night health is silent.

When the door of the conference room is opened, tilt blue even dare not look peerless at first.

He clenched his fist and took a deep breath. Hearing the sound of the door closing, he suddenly stood up and looked at the direction of the door.


Tilt blue dumb voice to call her, just want to carry step to walk past, see matchless opened eyes, open quilt to stand up to look at him: "blue little!"

She rushed to take the hand of Qinglan and jumped happily: "Lan Shao, you come to see me today?"

Tilt blue to pull her to one side, up and down looked once, asked: "where are injured?"

Matchless found that there is night Kang in the room, grinning: "Hello, general Qiao!"

Yekang nodded slightly, his face was as warm as ever, and his tall figure crossed gracefully in front of the two men's eyes and opened the door.

There is only one left in the room.

Peering at the blue, peerless smile said: "blue little, general Joe's people can take care of me, my injuries are fake! I just saw Jun luoshang. I broke the syrup and vomited blood! He saw it, and he took it seriously! "

She saw that tilt blue was really in a hurry for her. At first she thought tilt blue was coming to see her, but as soon as tilt blue opened her mouth, peerless guessed that he didn't know before, but later she knew that he was in a hurry to catch up!

She was very moved in her heart, and quickly lifted her sleeves to show him: "well, these scars are very real, right? It's like a whip, but it's painted by a makeup artist. The paint used is very special. It can't be washed or rubbed off, so it's easy to hide people's eyes. And the blood on the corners of my mouth, the whiplash on my body, the blood mark on my back and so on, are all fake! "

Tilt blue stunned.

He grabbed her arm and looked carefully in the light.

That road is so vivid!

He pressed it and looked up. The little girl smiled at him.

He sighed, "just fake it."

However, he still felt some danger and apologized sincerely to Wushuang: "Wushuang, I didn't know you came to do such a dangerous thing yesterday, so now I want to take you back. What do you think?"

Matchless put down his sleeve, stepped back and shook his head: "no! If I don't finish my task, I will never go back! "

"Unparalleled?" Tilt blue to take her hand, go out: "go back!"

Even if he didn't know before, now he knows, he can't let her take risks.

She was saved by him at the beginning, which is good. He may not be able to protect her for life, which is also good. But now, why does he want her to suffer for nothing when he has the ability? That Jun luoshang, it's not so easy to cheat!

Matchless force shook off his hand: "less blue!"

The room is very quiet.

It's probably that Qinglan has never seen peerless temper.

Her eyes were red, her eyelashes were stained with obvious tears and she looked at him: "if you can help destroy Junpeng's plan and make him crazy, I will be very happy! I will feel that I finally have the chance and ability to do something for my mother and princess! My strength has always been small. Among the many royal princesses and princesses, I have always been the least impressive one. However, I also want to glow once and do something for my mother and princess! I don't have the strength to kill Junpeng, but all I can do is to do it! "

She said it loudly and righteously, and her whole body ached like words.

Only tilt blue so silly, will believe that these scars are all false.

And her body, the real fake, only in the face of the fall of war in front of the spit that blood just!

Unparalleled sufferings of flesh and skin have already been suffered. If we go back now, will we not suffer in vain? And tilt blue seems to have a good relationship with Yekang, and even more a brother to adore. If she says the injury is real, what if they don't get along with each other?

No one can think twice about it!

It's enough for him to have this heart!

"Lan Shao, you are the most kind and righteous person you have ever met. But, matchless has decided. LAN Shao, you will be able to finish the task in a few days and add luster to your face. You will pick me up again. By the way, ask aunt Shi to make more delicious tonics for me, hehe. "

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