Qinglan calls Qing Mu at 9:00 p.m.

In the banquet hall just now, he talked about the specific matters of offering sacrifices to heaven, and he told him all about them.

He said: "you let you near they think of a way to get me some snow and ice cannon fall is."

Because snow and hail are bad signs for both countries.

Admiral has been paying close attention to this matter, including the details of the visit of the free federal state of stad, which was discussed by Qinglan.

But hearing this request, admiration frowned: "immortals are not good at intervening in human affairs. They will damage the immortals, which is not conducive to their cultivation, but also violate the law of heaven."

Qinglan: "Shengning is the queen of heaven, the master of all things in the universe, no..."

"Don't think about it all the time in the future," says the focus of the admiration language: "we are ordinary human beings. Living in an ordinary world, we can use common methods to solve ordinary problems."

Qing Lan retorted: "do you think this is a common question?"

Admiring, crying and laughing: "but the cowhide is your own blowing ah, you have to say what snow and hail, this is your own said, this link you did not discuss with me in advance."

Qinglan retorts again: "then you have not found Zhaohe to make a human body plane and send me back to Beiyue from Ningguo? Why don't you do ordinary things in the ordinary way? "

Admiring, he rubbed his eyebrows.

A moment later, he said, "what time do you sacrifice to Heaven tomorrow?"

"About ten o'clock."

Admiration: "I will make artificial snow and hail for you. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Qinglan jumped up and said, "aren't you trapping me in injustice? Do you want the whole world to laugh at me when your plane flies through the sky and makes snow artificially

Chang Sheng comes out from the bathroom, dressed in pajamas, with a towel in one hand, and one of his hands feels for his mobile phone. He wants to give Xuanxin a call to ask.

As a result, he also bluffed at Qinglan's words!

Artificial snowfall?

When Qinglan finished shouting, he saw his son come out.

They are now in the master bedroom of the grand palace. Because Chang Sheng seldom comes back, Qinglan asks him to sleep with him. At night, the father and son look at the starry sky on the roof and talk.

Admiration was called by his ears ache: "it's not the plane snowfall, you don't mind, anyway, it's ten o'clock, you should finish the Lord's prayer before ten o'clock, card point, I'll snow and hail after ten o'clock."

Qing Mu didn't seem to want to talk nonsense with Qing Lan, so she hung up the phone directly.

Chang Sheng came over curiously: "what's the matter? What artificial snowfall? "

Qing Lan: "I'll take a bath and I'll tell you when I come out."


Admiration sat in front of the desk, the computer LCD screen is on, his hands on the keyboard operation, and then took one side of the headset to wear.

Soon, there is a video connection between him and Chuncan.

Chun can, wearing a spacesuit, is sitting in danger: "Your Majesty."

Qingmu chuckled and asked, "how are things recently?"

Chuncan: "good. Everything goes as usual."

"Do you still have a habit of eating? You and other members of the team have been in space for more than two months. Have you been out of the cabin door recently

Seeing his admiration, Chuncan doesn't mention the military affairs. He just chats and feels relieved.

She is not afraid of anything else. She is afraid that Qingmu instructs her to do some military operations, but they have not completed them, which will disappoint her.

After reassuring, she also had a smile on her face: "brother Huang, we are all strictly trained, no matter how hard the environment can adapt, you have to believe us. We basically go out of the cabin every day, shift system, check some external parts of the spacecraft and so on

Admiration nodded: "all right."

Seeing his desire to speak, Chuncan can't help but ask, "brother Huang, it's already night. What can I do for you?"

Admiration some embarrassed smile: "is I want you to use your brains to see how to snow the northern moon. "

Chuncan: "snow?"

Admiration: "and hail, mission time is Shengjing time tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock."

Chuncan writes it down immediately.

In her brain, she has been calculating the quick-frozen equipment of the spaceship and the space station base, how to put it accurately, the distance and location, and so on.

She looked up at the screen and said, "make sure you get the job done."

The next day.

A grand ceremony was held in the Nudi square in the northern moon.

There are sculptures that Beiyue people spontaneously built for Yun Qingya. No matter what outsiders think of her, in the hearts of Beiyue people, she is a generation of great men wearing armor to rescue the poor and backward Beiyue from the mud.

After a series of sacrifices and prayers, there are still three minutes to go before ten o'clock.

In the northern month, people knelt one after another, and Louis and Siebel of the free Federal Republic of stad also knelt on the platform of sacrificing heaven.These two countries are very respectful of the will of heaven, and have a profound national culture.

"I want to marry Princess hibell of the free federal state of stad. If this is beneficial to the two countries, there is no need to change the world! If this is harmful to the North moon, snow will cover the North moon! If this is harmful to the two countries, then add hail to the snow to alert the two countries! I sincerely implore God to make it clear! "

On the other hand, she almost laughed.

Chang Sheng thinks that Qinglan is very funny at the moment, just like a wizard who dances a great God.

Pour blue three times, insert Gao Xiang.

Say goodbye again and kneel down.

People are waiting. They all think that Qinglan wants to marry a beautiful young princess. Many people are dissatisfied with this, but they won't make a scene when they sacrifice to heaven.

Just now, people were holding banners of protest, and they just put down the banners after the ceremony began.

When the ceremony is over, they will continue to protest.

He looks at the watch on his hand.

It's 10:05, but the sky is still clear.

Three columns of high fragrance have burned a quarter.

Tilt blue heart beat suddenly, how can this do? Admiration won't stand him up?

At this time, the sky suddenly became a piece of ice blue. The white clouds, which were originally light and dreamlike, became more and more thick and gloomy. There were cold wind blowing on all sides, as if the sky would change at any time in the next second.

Some did not dare to look up, others did not dare to look up.

Flakes of snow fell down.

When Louis and Hippel saw it, they felt even more frightened and strange!

They have seen that there are no planes flying in the air, and they have installed a stealth radar detection system in the hotel, which can also detect whether there are any planes flying in this airspace.

"Oh, hail!"

Someone yelled.

After that, they all cried out: "it's snow and hail again. It's really the God who shows up. The God shows up. This marriage can't be married!"

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