Mu Yunni draws back her hand in a trance and tries to see the person beside the bed.

It's Luoze Gong.

This What's going on?

She was sleepy and tired. Her thoughts returned a little, and she remembered that she had fainted in the gallery office because of her stomach discomfort.

"Xiao Mu," Ze Gong looked at her with concern, and her face was full of joy: "are you awake? Is there any discomfort? "

Mu Yunni sat up and said, "Mr. Luo, why are you here?"

Zegong cleared his throat. He would never miss such a rare opportunity to ask for credit: "I went to the gallery to look for you. I just heard your colleagues calling for help, so I hugged you. Then I ran all the way, put you in the car, and drove you all the way to the hospital."

He said, carefully helping her up.

But mu Yunni politely avoided and said, "thank you. It's too much trouble for you."

Ze gong or brazen to pull her, gently stroking her, pillow cushion behind her.

When she was seated, his buttocks moved from his chair to the bedside.

And he actually leaned forward to help her tuck in the corner, as if they had been married for a long time.

Such a close distance, such a strange move, is really ambiguous.

Mu Yunni can't help but think of his previous sentence: "my elder brother helped to find out, the woman with me that day is you."

Thinking that they had passed the night without any reason, mu Yunni's cheek began to have a fever, and her ear lobes were also hot: "Mr. Luo, I'm very grateful to you for sending me to the hospital, I'm..."

"Hungry or not?" Ze Gong gave her a warm smile, the tone of indulgence has no edge, and also raised his hand gently scraped the tip of her nose, gentle way: "I let people stew you delicious, a moment will be sent. In these two days, you can settle down and settle down first, and then wait for the fetus to stabilize

Mu Yunni: "ah, ANN, tocolysis?"


Zegong: "yes, tocolysis. You're pregnant, and the doctor says it's been two months. Don't you know that? "

Mu Yunni: "no way! When I come back one day, I and I take medicine. I can't get pregnant with contraceptives after the event. "

Ze Gong's face was tight.

He likes children very much. He has been very fond of Xiaoning since he was a child. When he saw little orange brothers and sisters, he first wanted to buy them small gifts. Now it's his turn to have them. But mu Yunni took the contraceptive pill?

He looked at her for three full seconds with a tight face and deep eyes.

Mu Yunni is also becoming more and more nervous.

He suddenly rang the bed bell, and when someone there connected, it was the doctor's voice. Zegong quickly said, "director Li, please come here now."

"OK, OK, I'll be right here."


Mu Yunni did not speak again, Ze Gong also stood up and retreated to one side.

The door of the ward was soon opened. Director Li of the Department of eugenics and eugenics came by himself, with a careful smile on his face. As soon as he came in, he said with a smile: "young grandma is awake. Ha ha ha, second young master, what can I do for you?"

Mu Yunni put her hands on the quilt and grabbed the quilt. She was more and more nervous.

No, she can't really be pregnant, can she?

Ze Gong Wen Sheng said: "Xiao Mu took the contraceptive afterwards."

After hearing the speech, director Li said with a smile: "it's no problem. After the event contraceptive is not 100% contraceptive success, it is only used for special emergency to do after work to remedy it. We also have many cases of taking after the event contraceptive to continue pregnancy, none of which is due to this cause neonatal problems."

Ze Gong's complexion improved a lot. He nodded his head and looked at mu Yunni: "director Li, please explain her present situation to her."

Mu Yunni's face was pale with a trace of waxy yellow. Even if she was not good, she still showed the immortal spirit of a sick beauty.

Now she put her hand back into the quilt and pinched herself under it.

The pain is not a dream.

She looked at director Li. Director Li went forward and directly picked up the medical record sheet hanging on the head of her bed and looked at it. Then she explained in a warm voice: "grandma, you are two months pregnant. To be exact, it is 63 days' gestation.

According to our Ningguo's relevant regulations, drug abortion must be completed before the fetus 49 days, the abortion can not exceed 55 days.

Obviously, you can't do medical abortion or abortion. You must be born.

If you really don't want to, you can do induced labor, but this is too hurtful... "

Listening to each other's words, mu Yunni gradually accepted the fact that she was really pregnant.

She thinks that her stomach is getting more and more uncomfortable and sleepy, which is exactly the same as the symptoms of a female employee who was pregnant earlier in the store.

She frowned slightly, but she soon calmed down, looked up at director Li again, and interrupted her words: "Hello, I thought I would not be pregnant because I took the contraceptive after the event, so I didn't care about the stomach discomfort during this period. Today is really uncomfortable, I took a stomach medicineZegong takes a deep breath.

He came to her quickly, without saying what he wanted to say.

How does he feel that this woman is not honest at all, and can't do without her for a minute?

Director Li: "what kind of stomach medicine?"

Mu Yunni: "I ate a big joy."

Director Li also relaxed: "no problem, when pregnant women are really uncomfortable, we will recommend them to use Daxi, once in a while, it doesn't matter."

Ze Gong's face improved again. He went up to sit by the bed and wanted to hold her hand.

But found that she did not know when to put her hands into the bed.

He looked at her: "don't worry. Your task now is to have a good abortion. Your inspection report has come out, and everything is OK. But you fell a lot today, so you need to observe for two days, which is more reassuring."

Mu Yunni slowly took her hand out of the quilt and touched her head on the lower side.

It hurts. I think I hit my head when I fell today.

Director Li chuckled: "then I go back to work first?"

Ze Gong looked back at her, smiling: "thank you, hard work."

Director Li "should be, should be."

Once again, only Ze Gong and mu Yunni are left in the room. Zegong looks elated and happy, and the smile in the corner of his mouth can't be stopped.

Mu Yunni took a look at him and slightly separated from him: "Mr. Luo, since I have a child, I will be a qualified mother and raise him well. But I have no plans to be with you. "

Ze Gong's smile froze: "what do you mean?"

Mu Yunni: "I just want to be a single mother. I don't want to marry you or live with you."

Zegong: "you like this, the child will be very pitiful, he has no father, he..."

Mu Yunni seriously interrupted him: "Mr. Luo, I hope you can make clear that I am a woman with independent economy and independent mind, and I will not compromise on some things just because I am pregnant. So without you, it will not affect me to be the best mother in the world, nor will it affect my child Jackie Chan

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