Admiring the reply on the mobile phone, the precise brain works like an instrument.

When we left Beira and qiangyu from Ruili City, China and Nanjing reached a confidentiality agreement. Moreover, the royal family members of Ningguo were trafficked in China, which could be raised to a political issue. However, both countries chose to avoid their sharp points and turn their swords into silk.

But at present, some Chinese citizens publicize the fact that China and Nanjing have reached a confidentiality agreement. As long as linglie finds China, without linglie's help, China will do it by itself.

That is to say, the first one to suffer is Vice Mayor Xia who was taken away.

Adore turned off the SMS and began to search the Internet. Sure enough, those photos and posts were either deleted or the forum was closed, claiming to be in the "website maintenance and upgrading".

But what's the use of turning it off?

The injury has been caused. So many people have seen, discussed, known and all made bad comments about Bella and tilt Yu, not even a person who helped them talk.

If there is a royal banquet in the future, Bella and Qing Yu will be recognized. If such a thing happens again, it will be another storm.

What's more, many people know that, if you want to delete these comments again, you can't put an end to the long mouth. Isn't that to hide your ears and steal the bell?

Today's event won't be the last time. Bella and Qing Yu have been drifting in China for too long. In the past 13 years, how many sellers and buyers have they met, and how many people have been photographed by chance, they can't kill all of them. If they meet another Xia Miaoke, this kind of thing will happen again.

In the face of reality, there is no other way but to open Bella's heart and completely let go of the past.

He slowly turned around and looked at the ball on the bed. He would not let go.

"Bella, are you tired of crying? Would you like something to drink? "

He went to the refrigerator and took a box of milk. It was too cold again.

When turning sideways, I heard Bella's ethereal voice again: "three highness, you go out, I want to be alone for a while."

Adore a stiff body!

He closed the refrigerator and headed for the door, feeling that someone was there. A good-looking hand pull, the moment the door opened, sure enough, tilt and think are standing on the porch of the door.

Bella was crying just now. They must have heard it. They didn't worry about it, so they didn't leave.

Adore hands over the milk: "heat me up, I want her to drink some."

Think quickly took over, worried: "only drink milk?"? It's past lunch time! We went out in the morning and spent a lot of energy. Can she do without eating? "

The lips of his admiring concubine were tight, and he turned his eyes. The Obsidian eyes were shining on Bella's figure. The tenderness reflected in the pupils was like a huge net, covering Bella.

He knew she wanted to escape.

He knew that she had decided to break up.

Taking back his sight, he asked again, "how is Qianyu?"

"I just went in quietly and looked at my eyes," Chui Rong said in a low voice. "Chui Yu and Xue Hao are both taking naps. They are still sleeping soundly."

The adoration relieved a little: "that's good. It seems that the most serious is Bella. "

"Of course." Think about it and blurt out. I'm afraid that Bella will hear it, so I use a very light voice: "Bella is a girl who is almost grown-up, and has been fighting for her. What she has encountered, many of which have never happened to her. She must be more difficult to get out than Chui Yu. "

Adore the eyes, flash sharp.

How do you know about the girls' exile?

He subconsciously looked at the eyes and one side of the eyes and lips: "it's uncle Ji and they, they know, and then tell them to think about it."

Adoration closed the door, looked at it, eyes light with a trace of dignified: "Bella now see me more resistant, if you are Bella, what would you do?"

This question, on the other hand, makes me wonder.

She thought for a moment, and said with a little guilty heart, "break up."

He had already guessed that his admiration was deep, so he didn't react much.

But he did not like it. He knew how to survive such years of admiration. Naturally, he loved his brother: "why? It's not my third brother who made a mistake. Why should I punish him? "

Adore lift your head and take a deep breath.

In any case, I can't forget Bella's trembling and crying.

And think about it is a frown, some of the open: "he asked me, ah, if it is me, I must break up!"! Because this kind of thing is like a time bomb. I met Xia Miaoke today, and it broke out. But I can't guarantee that I won't meet Xia Miaoke tomorrow? It's not easy to go back home after a rough experience, but also to live a life of fear and uneasiness. Those memories of being trafficked all come to my heart. Is this kind of life for people? It's clearly the torture of life not like death! "

"Keep your voice down!" "What's the matter? Let's discuss and face it together! Break up and do what! "

Think of the closed eyes, some speechless: "I can't accept it, but also implicate the man I like to stain with? This man is still a prince! Crown prince! Have you ever heard of an emperor whose wife is a child prostitute? Although I believe this is a rumor, I believe Bella's innocence, but what I said is not! The world is so big, so many people don't believe it! "

I can't stand it. Can't this woman say something nice?

He added, "you're done! It's better to live your own life. Why bother others? "

Think of Leng hum: "that's right, but you ask yourself, can you really exist independently from society? Can we really put aside all the gossip? Can it? Chu Jun, is to stand at the top of the society, he can not exist in an independent society! Bella can't live in the mountains and forests all her life! Therefore, when breaking up, Bella's injury is less. She just needs to be afraid that she may be exposed in the future, but she doesn't need to face the finger pointing of others or be pointed together with her favorite person every day! Break up, Hello, Hello, everyone! "

When she finished, there was silence on the corridor!

Think of raising his hand to cover his face. When he put it down, his face flashed over the color of frustration: "I'm sorry. I don't want you to break up, I just It's a matter of fact. "

"Hum!" Turn your head and ignore her!

Before, I thought this girl was good. Although she was four years older than myself, she was also a person with distinct love and hate.

But now, he doesn't want to talk to her at all!

Adore heart knows to think to say all is the fact, before opening the door to enter, whisper: "help to heat down the milk, thank you."

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