For Bella's psychological activities, admiration can be guessed.

But the way of thinking of men and women is different after all, so he just asked me to think about it. Though it's cruel, it's really true.

Standing by the bed, he watched her holding her cell phone and closing her eyes as if she were asleep.

But he knew in his heart that she didn't.

"Bella," he said in a soft, charming voice, "it was you who first provoked me when I was a child. You said you wanted to take me home to raise me. So many years, you have become a person in my life. Anyway, I don't care. If you are sure you don't want to be with me, I have no other way. I can only cry, make trouble and hang. Really, don't believe it. I'm not afraid to lose my wife. "

He sat at the head of her bed, coquettish, but on the floor.

I can see her beautiful little face on half of her eyes: "Bella, I know what I say, you can hear me. I just want to tell you that I'm up to you! Don't take it for granted that for my sake, you should break up, or what, I don't want to eat this. "

The door rang and he got up to open it.

I thought it was just a glass of milk, but I saw a big tray with lunch for two people, four dishes and one soup, two bowls of rice.

Think of looking up at him. "My parents said you had to eat something."

Adore reaches out to take over, looking at tilt to allow to stand not far away, hand is carrying a cup of milk to come up.

He turned and put the tray on the float window, then came back to pick up the milk: "I'll take care of her here, uncle Shen. They will arrive at 12 p.m."



Adore collected eyebrow, still can't swallow this tone, put down voice way: "inquire about Xia Miaoke's condition, I don't want to cheap her!"

Think about it: "..."

"Good!" she said

When the door was closed, Bella was attracted to the bed and coaxed to drink milk, but Bella said nothing and closed her eyes as if she was sleeping.

I admire myself only when I eat and drink on the window.

He was not heartless, watching Bella like this, he was very distressed, and also very afraid that she would break up with himself.

But already, he had to eat and drink well before he had the strength to resist her "break up".

The room was filled with the smell of food. Bella's stomach suddenly growled twice. She admired and listened to the corner of her mouth. Then she took the milk and went to her: "if you can't eat it, please drink some milk. Otherwise, when your mom and dad come, you are all hungry and dizzy. Don't you make them worry more? "

It must be said that admiration is very psychological.

Bella can ignore herself, but she can't ignore her parents, especially Shen's couple who have been worried about her for so many years, and finally she returns.

Just now, Shen Di Chen's cherished voice drifted in her ear, calling her baby again and again.

Bella couldn't help crying again. Her eyes rubbed against the pillow, she propped up slightly, took the milk from her admiring hands, and Gulu Gulu drank it.

I admire the messy hair on her bright and clean face. I raised my hand to help her manage it. Just as the big hand stretched out, she quickly avoided it. She was alert and nervous.

Adore dare not move: "rest assured, I accompany you."

Bella grabs the quilt to cover her head, turns over and turns her back to him!

Outside the door -

leaning downstairs, he quickly used his lunch and went upstairs.

Standing at the door of Ji Xuehao's suite, he hesitated to call his sister up for dinner.

Little girl is only thirteen or fourteen years old. When she is really growing up, where can she be hungry?

Think of the hurry of seeing him go, also ate the meal quickly and then went upstairs, looked at the tilting face, said to him: "Bella is awake over there, sent the meal, but this side is not awake, how to do?"

I don't want to talk or look at her.

Think about it and gather up: "you say, do you want to go in and wake them up? We Xuehao are also growing up. "

Leaning over her shoulder, she reached for her hand and pushed it away: "don't block it."

Because of what happened just now, Qian Rong is still angry.

He thought it was too hurtful for him to think about it. Whoever made his brother sad just wanted his life. He felt sad in his heart.

Thinking about her years in the society, she naturally understood where the disease was. She smiled and said, "just now, didn't you admire me? I don't think he wanted to comfort me, because we would all say if he asked you. He should be looking for me to analyze. I'm a woman. It's really helpful for him to tell him exactly what I think. "

"Go away!"

No matter what she said, he just ignored.

Think about it urgently: "how can you do this? I have nothing wrong..."

Just say, suddenly a burst of shallow footsteps hit, the suite door is opened from inside.

Tilt feather barefoot, standing at the door, eyes some red, looking out.

She saw and thought about it. She hid a little bit. She saw that she was leaning behind her. She reached out her hand and said, "big brother!"

Voice slightly choked, not pitiful.

Inclined to allow hurriedly to think again to one side, two words don't say will tilt feather to pick up: "good, not afraid, big brother in!"

He learns linglie's appearance and lets his younger sister sit on his arm. But linglie's height is one meter and ninety-two. His brothers are still under age. At present, they are only about one meter and eight, so holding Qingyu is not like linglie's. it seems that adults hold their children. He holds them a little like lovers.

I think it's strange to think about it. When I saw that tilt Rong strode to take my sister to his own room, I thought it was more like catching up with him: "or go to my room?"

"Go away!"

Obliquely, she dropped a sentence and closed the door by the way.

Think of a light sigh, think or down to the end of the tilt feather to eat up, a turn around, see Ji Xuehao red eyes standing at the door of the suite, he did not wear shoes, but looked this way.

Think of a tight complexion, chase to ask: "snow Hao, what's the matter?"

Ji Xuehao took a deep breath: "I just fell asleep, and she ran away. What do I feel? She's gone after me."

Think of a sigh of relief: "so it is."

She also thought that the girl of Qing Yu broke up with Ji Xuehao!

She took Ji Xuehao's arm and said, "go, go to your room."

As soon as the door was closed, she told the story of the two girls being trafficked. She said seriously: "so, I doubt that last night's nightmare was as simple as watching Japanese ghost movies. Xuehao, I think it's obvious that she is either mentally ill or mentally ill. Although my childhood is pitiful, but... "

Ji Xuehao interrupts her sister's words and says: "she has invisible psychosis, which will happen like a time bomb. I have invisible physical disease, which is also like a time bomb. Isn't this the fabled match? "

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