The sun burns the heart, the mood grows madly.

From the airport to the Jiyuan Road, a first-class security guard has been set up. No vehicles are allowed to enter or leave. Every vehicle entering or leaving the urban area in all surrounding roads must stop at the side of the road and pass through strict security checks.

Even in every corner around the park, there are people from the armed police force who are closely deployed. The eight directions derived from the villa as the center are closely controlled by experienced snipers.

People all over the city felt that there was either a secret military exercise or a big leader coming.

People talk and laugh, but they don't know that the great man who has arrived in the city secretly is the king of a neighboring country.

All the way to Jiyuan, linglie will be sent by the state-level luxury car.

Ji Qingchen and his wife were going to pick it up, but linglie didn't let them. For this kind of thing, linglie had to put some pressure on the official to welcome them.

At the same time of linglie's arrival, an important official from the Chinese capital also arrived in the city, and he met linglie cordially with the intention of appeasing the anger of neighboring kings.

So that when a car entered the park and stopped at the door of the master's villa, Ji Qingchen and his wife, who met each other personally, were in a bit of a hurry. The officials, big and small, surrounded linglie. Even though Ji Yuan was rich and famous, it never received so many state guests.

Mrs. Ji immediately ordered the housekeeper to clean up the guest room, while linglie stood in the golden sun, with a strong and strong body approaching. Her poetic and picturesque face was always taut. When she saw Ji Qingchen and his wife again, she rarely gave them a good face.

He shook hands with Ji Qingchen and his wife one by one, and then said, "I'm going to visit relatives this time! These officials have their own places to live, and they will make their own arrangements! "

I've heard that linglie's Chinese is very good before. Now, when officials hear it, they all say -

"Mr. Ji is welcome. We have an official hotel."

"Mr. Ji will treat linglie emperor well."

Ji Qingchen is a little relieved. After all, he entertained so many important officials all at once. Ji Yuan has never been prepared or experienced. In case of anything not thoughtful, I'm afraid it's not appropriate.

Just want to welcome Ling lie and others into the hall, Ling lie is a step, look at the people behind, said: "things have not been solved? I've come to visit some of my children. They come from my relatives' families. How can I ask you to follow them one by one? "

The faces of all the people were slightly stiff, and they dared not offend.

Linglie said again, "it's all gone! I'm visiting secretly. Are you so mighty that you're afraid others don't know anything? "

They immediately exchanged greetings and smiled with each other, but they did not dare to go for long. They turned around and left.

The car left, but the police around the park did not dare to withdraw. When did all of these Majesty's highness leave the Ji family? That's why they dare to withdraw.

Linglie at the sight of the clear, immediately slow down the complexion, said softly: "ran!"

Linglie said this, strode into the hall, a heart burning, eager to see her daughter: "brother Ji, where is the room between Qianyu and Bella?"

A "elder brother Ji", Ji Qingchen was flattered, and immediately followed: "I'll lead the way!"

Zhuo ran went up to the steward of the garden and explained: "you don't need to arrange a room for your majesty. Your majesty can sleep in the room of your highness, who can live with your three Highnesses. In the evening, Shen and his wife arrived, and then they would like to clean up a special room for them. All the soldiers we brought are brave and strong national guards. We need to leave a room with a double bed. The bedding should be enough for them to make the floor. The food of the soldiers doesn't need to be specially prepared. Whatever the people in the garden use, they can follow. You don 't have to be nervous about your diet. Your majesty likes Cantonese and Sichuan food in Chinese food. In addition, this is our royal crape myrtle tea cream. You can use this for your tea in Ji Yuan. "

With a brilliant account, Mrs. Ji and the housekeeper are much more at ease.

At least the kitchen has a way to prepare dinner, and even the tea knows how to make it.

And upstairs --

when linglie steps onto the corridor on the second floor with Ji Qingchen, from a distance, he sees two sons sitting at the door of a room, and they don't know what they are talking about with the bottle of fruit wine in their hands.



When I saw linglie, I immediately stood up with my pillow in my hand, looked back, and then I got up.

The black and bright pupils swept the door behind the two sons, and a flash of different light broke in their deep eyes. Linglie strode forward, holding the two sons in his arms: "your sister and Bella are in it?"

Not far away, think of meeting Ji Xuehao one after another.

And linglie has no time to take care of the two younger generations of Ji family at the moment. He simply said one or two words to his sons. Linglie then turned his side over the body of Jin Gui, raised his hand and gently buckled the door plank.

The clear and melodious voice, like a breeze from the other side, with a little hope: "tilt feather, Bella? I am the father. The father comes to see my little princesses! "

The doting tone was intended to drive away the haze in the children's world. He heard the voice of understanding rate in it, so he waited patiently.

The sound of someone jumping on the floor from the bed and then jumping over.

That little foot's light and quick voice, hear linglie's heart move, it must be his family's tilt feather!

As soon as the door opened, tilt feather first showed his head. Not far away was Bella standing respectfully. Both girls were wearing the skirts they wore when they went to the playground in the daytime.


Qianyu shouts, tears come to his eyes, and plunges into linglie's arms. Like grasping the life-saving straw, his young arms hold linglie's arms tightly: "wuwuah ~"

children who have been wronged can still rely on towering trees when they see their relatives. Those wrongs can no longer be restrained, and can only be thinned out.

Linglie hangs his head down and hugs his child lovingly.

Since she was born, she has been wronged. It's not easy to recover. It's also wronged her once. The shadow in her heart hasn't been driven clean yet!

"Darling! If you want to cry, you can cry. No one dares to laugh at you. If you want to cry, you can cry. "

Linglie's warm voice is low, mellow and charming, just like the century old red wine from Fisher's manor, a simple sentence, directly intoxicating people.

Tilt feather nest in his arms, had some scruples.

After listening to her father's words, she seemed to relax and cry to death!

Ji Xuehao's slender figure is like a blooming snow lotus standing still. With one eye, he can hardly move away to gaze at the two embracing father and daughter.

And adoration is to think of Bella, in the time that tilt feather loses a voice to cry bitterly, he went through the door plank to rush in!

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