Qianyu has a father to rely on as a towering tree.

She can cry at will.

But Bella didn't!

He rushed in admiringly and bitterly. He saw the crystal liquid on Bella's face in the soft room. He stretched out his hands to bring Bella into his arms, but Bella resisted and retreated, cried and choked: "don't, whine - please don't come!"

She wanted to draw a line with him!

Adore only think that there is thunder in the brain to explode, and the forward steps are born and stopped!

Because of inertia, the tall body leans forward and then leans, and his arm makes two awkward strokes in the air, keeping the balance of the body!

As a prince, coupled with the good genes left by his ancestors, I have never been so embarrassed!

The delicate hair is scattered on the forehead, which is a bit messy. A handsome face is full of love because of worrying about her, and it will be broken by her resistance in a second!

Obsidian like deep pupil, only reflected her sad and desperate tears, he felt unable for the first time, the first time he felt that he would really lose her!


"Shut up!"

These two words, once let her heartily remember, but again useless martial land!

No use!

Bella arched and choked: "three highness, you let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Wuwu ~ ah Wuwu ~ if I am with you, I will never escape! Never escape! Wuwu ~ "

from the founding lady of rugo to the queen of pearl, the lady of crescent and the Mu Tianxing, all the women around these emperors are blooming and fragrant like flowers. They have beautiful appearance, profound knowledge and benevolent heart. Even if they don't accompany the emperor, they will take charge of all kinds of official occasions on their own!

And what about her?

Once she married adore, adore or save the king, this consequence, she dare not think!

Today's photos are just showing out, which leads to such a problem. In the future, after her big marriage with adoration, she can appear on TV almost every day. Then, what can I do to stop her?

At that time, forced to break up again, in exchange for more unforgettable pain, and admiration for her to give up the throne, for her is an unforgivable sin!

"Three highness, I beg you to let me go, Wuwu ~"

Bella's body suddenly broke and fell to the ground.

She held her head and cried. She felt that if she went on like this, she would not be able to save her life!

If there was a man who had bought her, he stood up and pointed and said, "I kissed this girl!"! I touched it! I also picked her clothes! She has become a crown princess and a queen! "

Bella has never been so desperate!

Admiring to listen to the sentence in her mouth, even if she had guessed before that she would break up with herself, but she really said it, he listened, a heart is like baking on the torch.

"Bella, please don't do that. I can't stand it. Really, I can't stand it!"

Adore as she fell to sit on the ground, also followed by a little squatting on the ground.

She was lost in the past. For thirteen years, there was always a voice in his mind saying to himself: she will come back!

But now, a voice in his mind said to himself, "you can't let her go. If you let her go today, there will be no tomorrow."

When I was three or four years old, I experienced thirteen years, which was totally different from when I was seventeen years old!

"Bella, don't be like this. Calm down. Let's talk about it. Don't think about it first. Didn't we have a good time before?"

"Go away, Wuwu ~ I beg you, adore you. If you force me again, I won't live. I really won't live!"

"I can't live without you! Do you know! "

"Leave me alone! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! "

"If there is a problem, we can solve it by heart, but I will never regard breaking up as a solution! I've said that you're dead! Dead heart! Dead heart! "

Both of them are squatting on the ground, the voice of dialogue is getting louder and louder, and it's hard to tell whether they are quarreling or not.

Tilt feather heard elder sister cry, turn head, stupefied, want to rush past, again by Ling lie embrace!

Linglie sees everything in the house.

When he saw that his daughter's cry was getting quieter, all the unpleasant things seemed to vent, he bowed his head and said to Qianyu, "darling, let the eldest brother accompany you."

"Tilt feather worries:" elder sister

"Darling, my father will advise you." Linglie holds up Qianyu's armpit, like a piece of art, and puts her in qianrong's arms.

When the younger sister is about to be held in her arms, Qingrong coaxes: "darling, the father and the emperor will persuade her, which will surely be more effective than us."

Leaning on the elder brother's shoulder, he looked at his elder sister anxiously, and whispered: "I don't want my elder sister to break up with the third brother, so I won't see my elder sister again? Wuwu "

as soon as linglie's big hand touched the door handle, he heard his daughter's voice. He stood still, turned his head and looked at her, with a gentle smile on his lips. Although the voice was clear, it showed the power of calming people's hearts:" no, no matter how, Qianyu will not lose his sister. "

When linglie went in, he turned on all the lights on the wall and closed the door gently with his backhand.

His face was pale and his eyes were swollen like two peaches.

Because the face looks like tilt face, tilt face looks at her crying like this. It's like watching yourself crying like this. Don't worry about it.

"Darling, don't worry. If the father promised you, we will trust him!"

Qingrong also felt that if Bella really broke up with adore, she would swear that she would never enter the palace again in order to avoid suspicion, so Qingyu couldn't explain it to her; secondly, adore would rather give up the throne and stay with Bella, and it's about the foundation of the country to save the monarch; thirdly, adore and Bella will stay in the life with regret and paleness, loneliness is to go 。

So, no matter what angle to analyze, linglie will not allow Bella to break up with adore.

On the corridor, Ji Xuehao can't help it anymore.

He looked at the sad little face of Qing Yu and ran over with his fist in his hand!

"Tilt feather!"

Ji Xuehao looked at her carefully, took out the tissue from his pocket and held out his hand to wipe the tears on her face.

Tilt feather quietly looked at him, a moment of stupidity, as if the brain was just ignorant, suddenly came out like the boy, thinking is knotted.

She thought of what those people pointed and said in the amusement park. She suddenly turned her head and laid the other half of her face on her shoulder, leaving a back spoon for Ji Xuehao!

"Don't look at me!"

Just now, I thought it was a pity that my sister broke up with third brother, but now she looks at Ji Xuehao and suddenly understands why she broke up!

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