Mr. and Mrs. rojeb stood on the porch, buttoning their adored door.

There was no movement.

Ni Xiyue couldn't help whispering: "adore, I'm grandma Huang!"

There was still a pool of stagnant water in it, and there was not even a sound of walking.

Rajeb was in a hurry. Looking at Ni sunset, he whispered, "I'll go to talk to my good grandson first. Don't eavesdrop! Sometimes a boy can't talk with a woman about his mind! "

Ni Xiyue: "..."

Boy's mind, ha ha, why doesn't he say that he is boy's grandfather?

Even though she was despised, she took a few steps back and said, "then you can talk about it later. Come back and talk to me."

Lojeb nodded and slowly touched the door handle with his big hand. He opened it for a moment because he was afraid that his little grandson would not be happy. He also said, "little adoration, Grandpa Huang is coming in!"

Sure enough, the door was unlocked, as if waiting for someone to enter.

At the first glance, lojeb was already distressed: the room was not lighted, the curtains were closed, and the whole bedroom was dark and desolate. He opened the door, so the light outside cast in slightly, just covered the lonely and poor figure on the bed.

"Little adoration?"

Rojeb raised his hand and turned on the light, but when the light was on, Bella's picture when she was a child came on, just like the Pearl in the dark.

"Turn it off!"

Adoration suddenly shouted a sentence!

The voice, with a few inaudible tremors and requests, listened to lojeb's shaking hands. He quickly closed the door and walked in, turned on a small lamp at the head of the bed, and then turned off the headlight made of Bella's photo.

"Little adoration!" Lojeb sat beside the bed, clapping the shadow painfully. Because it was too dark, he could only guess that it was the admiring shoulder: "Dear grandson, sweetheart, honey, what's the matter, tell Grandpa Huang! Grandpa Huang will decide for you! "

With this sentence, admiration hit chicken blood, a quilt, a head into the arms of Lojeb, open his mouth on the howl: "Wuwu ~ emperor grandfather ~! Bella is leaving! Bella is going to New York for two years! Wuwu ~ grandpa Huang! She is so beautiful and New York is so open. I have been waiting for her for so many years. What should I do if she is gone! Sobbing "

after hearing this, lojeb felt deeply, hugged adoration, patted his back and comforted:" good, don't cry, don't cry! If you cry like this, Grandpa Huang's world will rain! "

"Sobbing, I want to get a license from Bella. Anyway, uncle Shen also said that he would not let me break up with Bella. Since it's not destined to break up, what's the matter with setting up a place earlier? Wuwu ~ but my father won't! My father refused. He said that I was under the age of marriage. I have no way to live, no way to live! "

The more he cried, the more fierce he became. In fact, lojeb vaguely guessed that little darling sun was calculating and using him.

But what can be done? He's grandpa, and he's like this!

"I'm not afraid. Isn't there still grandpa Huang? Grandpa Huang will explain to the Civil Affairs Bureau! Don't worry! "

Lojeb's words just came out, and the cry of admiration came to an abrupt end!

He stuck his head out of lojeb's arms and looked at lojeb with tearful eyes: "really? Then I want to get my license today, OK? I want Bella to go abroad, but information, files, account books and so on, all of which are marked: married

The voice of the young man is loud and loud. He has just cried. His thinking should be confused, but his words are clear and orderly. Obviously, he has thought about it many times in his heart.

Lojeb pulled the tissue from one side and wiped his nose and tears: "OK!"

Adoration immediately burst into tears and smiled, hugging lojeb's head and kissing him on the cheek!

It doesn't matter if rojeb is used by the little grandson. Anyway, the little grandson is happy, which is what he wants to see most: "it's easy for little red ben to do, and it's easy to do when he's online, but if he's taking a wedding photo, it needs Bella's cooperation."

Admiring the corner of the mouth: "I have! Before, after I had a formal relationship with Bella, we played together and took a lot of photos together. I'd better give the background a little P. "

The young man's deep and boundless eyes are dark, glittering and twinkling. Where else are they a little sad?

The cleverness and cleverness between the eyebrows, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, were so radiant that he was very pleased to see it.

Rojeb smiled and nodded: "OK! I'm going to call to arrange it. You can prepare the photos quickly. "

In the evening, linglie and his wife are still sitting downstairs chatting with Qingyu and Ji Xuehao. Because of the pressure of her husband and daughter and the doctor's opinion that Ji Xuehao will not have any problems in the next ten years, Mu Tianxing's attitude towards Ji Xuehao is better.

Even so, a mother is always worried about her daughter for fear of something bad in the future.

Qu Shiwen came forward with a smile: "Your Majesty, you can have a meal in 15 minutes."

Linglie nodded and waved: "let's go ahead."

"OK." As soon as Qu Shiwen turned around and left, he ran into Zhuo ran coming in from the door with a file bag in his hand. When he saw linglie and his wife, he said politely, "Your Majesty, this is what Fu Xingnan sent to the emperor."

Linglie's pupils are very deep. After a faint glance, he said, "send them up."

Fu Xingnan is the mayor of the capital city. Lojeb has been delegating power for many years. Suddenly, he used people directly. Then, linglie didn't need to think about the contents of that file bag!

Mu Tianxing is also a little clear, but it has not been torn down.

Standing in her position, she really likes Bella and regards Bella as her own daughter. A four-year-old girl can take care of and grow up a baby just a few months old. This motherhood and persistence are enough to be the queen of motherhood.

She took a look at linglie, and after exchanging eyes with each other, she became more determined.

While upstairs -

when Zhuo ran came to knock on the door, the first one who rushed to open the door was admiring.

Lojeb sat beside the bed, laughing and crying. He sighed: "just now, Grandpa and grandma came to knock on the door, you didn't care. Alas, it's true that Bella is more pleasant than the old women! "

"No, Grandpa Huang is the most concerned and respected person in Sun Tzu's mind! Grandpa Huang's children are like treasure! "

"Hahaha! As long as you can speak, Grandpa Huang likes to listen to you! "

Lojeb laughs with adoration, and adoration takes the portfolio, closes the door, and opens the portfolio in a hurry.

Two shiny little red books!

His excited heart was trembling. He carefully opened the little red book and took a look at it. Their names were not wrong. Even the pictures of admiring P's passing on also had a steel stamp!

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