Luo admires, Shen Xinyi.

Since then, these two people's names have been linked together and become the legal couple of Ningguo!

After the excitement, his eyes turned red. He went to lojeb and showed his marriage certificate to lojeb with his hands trembling: "Grandpa Huang, I'm really married! When his grandson married Bella, he felt as if his heart would be full all of a sudden, and he didn't lack anything! "

Lojeb looked at the two little red books and took a deep breath.

He held his admiration in his arms and said with red eyes: "Grandpa Huang understands your mind. When Grandpa Huang had a marriage certificate with grandma Huang, Grandpa Huang also thought that he would marry grandma Huang as his wife in this life. There is no other wish. There is no regret to die!"

The high palace wall, seemingly the supreme son of heaven, has always been the most lonely.

The state affairs, military affairs and the affairs of the world are always busy and tedious. When encountering difficulties, people can only face up to them, with a single burden on their shoulders and pressure on their heads. People who are not mentally strong can not bear such suffering at all.

While admiring the future in the face of these things, there are Bella around, and his beloved woman can support him, warm him, and light his boring and have to continue life.

Lojeb patted his admiring shoulder and said, "Grandpa Huang is very happy now! We adore company! "

The grandson and grandson are happy upstairs, but the linglie downstairs has a headache.

He thought that lojeb would help adore to do it, but he didn't expect to do it so soon!

He thought that at least we could discuss it over dinner, or that lojeb would call him away and throw a tantrum at him, saying that he would not help his son.

But he was caught off guard by the sudden.

Although Shen and his wife also like admiration and love each other, Shen's attitude at that time was obvious. They had to follow the normal steps of marriage and could not wronged Bella.

And now?

Now the bride price has not been discussed, the bride price has not been determined, the conditions for marriage, and so on. Without any negotiation, Bella has become the Luo's daughter-in-law!

Linglie rubbed his painful temples with both hands, rose slowly, smiled at Mu Tianxing: "I can't wait, if Shen Dichen finds out, it's too late. Let's go to Shen's house in person after dinner. Brother Shen is a man of lofty character. Bella has great kindness to us. He can't be so casual. "

Mu Tianxing stood up and said, "OK! However, it's better to choose a few decent gifts to bring first, and then visit the door to discuss the marriage. "

"Well." Linglie answered, smiled again, and looked at her fondly: "it's still cute and thoughtful."

Ten minutes later, everyone came down to the restaurant except for the blue.

At the dinner table, everyone sat down and gathered.

Zhuo Ran's father and son helped us pour the good wine and drink. Linglie raised his glass and said, "today is Xuehao's first meal in Yueya Bay. On behalf of our Luo family, I welcome him!"

Ji Xuehao is flattered. He smiles and gets up to touch linglie's wine. Everyone holds up their glasses to touch each other.

"Welcome to Yueya Bay, Xuehao!" chuckled

Adore also laughs to raise a glass, he is in a particularly good mood now: "snow Hao, welcome you to come!"

When we touched each other's glasses, mu Yize, with a cold face, didn't lift the cup, and said quite abruptly: "I feel that your brothers are very intimate in ordinary times, at least sincerely united, but today, it's not the case at all. Qinglan has been locked upstairs for so many days. You want to travel to China and drink a cup. No one wants to bring Qinglan down for dinner. In my opinion, tilting blue here is the one that nobody loves. "

Mu Yize finishes saying, the face of linglie suddenly cools down.

Lojeb thought of tilt blue, the heart is also distressed, turning to Zhuo ran said: "tilt blue down, give him a seat."

Hearing this, mu Yize's face finally eased.

Zhuo ran just turned to go out of the restaurant, but was stopped by Ling lie: "however, don't call him. He was punished for his mistake. It's not someone who deliberately targets him. If Qinglan can't figure out such a simple truth, he can only say that there are too few customs in recent days, and he needs to think about it for a few more days. "

When we saw that the atmosphere was not right, we all put down our glasses and dared not say more.

"Grandpa, we didn't forget to see Qinglan. As soon as I came back, I didn't enter my room. Didn't I go to see Qinglan for the first time? After having dinner for a while, I went to accompany him with adoration

"With you? What's the use of your company? You two fall in love, travel abroad, and laugh. Who thinks of him? I see, since there is no one here to remember him, it's better for me and Xinxin to take him back... "


Mu Yize's words were interrupted by Mu Tianxing's sudden deep voice. He said solemnly: "I can understand the next generation's kiss, but if I can't distinguish right from wrong, it's too dangerous. You love to lean blue, and when you lean in front of him, this thought will indirectly affect him. Dad, no one of us forgot to pour blue. Today's elders and younger generation are all here. It's a happy thing to have a good reunion and have a meal. Why do you have to make everyone unable to eat? "

Said, Mu Tianxing looked at Jiang Xin: "Mom, right or wrong, you can't see clearly? Don't try to persuade me. "

Jiang Xin is also in love with Qinglan. Watching her husband speak for Qinglan, her daughter and son-in-law are angry. She simply raises her chin and looks at linglie and says, "your majesty! In fact, no one is willing to be unhappy. Everyone can see that we love blue tilt. So, if you just let blue tilt out, there will be no peace in the world. Emperor Taishang has spoken, and it's all blue. You're still standing in the way. Isn't it intended that there would be a gap between us and Tianxing for you? "

Linglie picks up the glass in front of him and drinks it all at once.

At the moment of dropping the cup, he got up: "however, it's called tilting the blue to eat!"

Zhuo ran went at once.

Linglie didn't eat it. He went to Mu Tianxing and took her hand: "go to Shen's house."

Mu Tianxing's face is not good-looking either.

In the past, has Ling lie ever put the emperor's shelf in front of Mu Yize and his wife? Xiaolie, Xiaolie. After so many years of calling, he suddenly changed his tongue to call his majesty. Didn't he deliberately block linglie? On the other hand, the mother-in-law also uses honorific words to her son-in-law, saying "you" one at a time. If linglie doesn't agree with her again, will it be ok? Don't you mean to quarrel with mu Yize and his wife? Who's the saddest thing about it? Isn't that the one he loves the most?

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