Looking at the serious appearance of Qinglan, Bella has no doubt. She was originally exiled in China and grew up. She really knows nothing about the customs of Ningguo.

There is nothing unusual about adoration, as if what Qinglan said is true.

It's just that the corners of Yunxuan's mouth are drawn.

Ji Qingchen smiled and said, "I see. Your Highness has a heart."

"Uncle Ji is very polite. He is from his own family. He should be!" Qinglan raised his chin and looked very responsible. He said to Ji Qingchen and his wife, "Uncle Ji lives here. If you want to buy something, just say so. Anyway, we are all in the summer vacation. We have a lot of leisure. We can help us run. "

"Ha ha, your highness is very polite." Ji Qingchen smiled a little. He had heard linglie talk about Qinglan, so he knew that this was a headache for the whole family.

Ji Qingchen knew it, but he didn't tear it down. He knew it in his mind: "I told the grand highness and the third highness that they both wanted to admire. If the second highness didn't mind..."

"Just call me blue! The elder is called the younger, it should be! " Tilt blue very sensible place head.

Bella looked at it quietly and thought that today's tilt blue was a little different.

He seemed eager to show, to be recognized, and to change everyone's opinion of him.

I think he also understood that in the past, he had been with mu Yize and his wife for a long time, and some words and deeds disappointed everyone.

Just then, the corridor on the second floor suddenly showed a light blue dress, like a cuff of a simple robe.

Admiring eyes, is staring at that direction, squinted: "cough."

Yun Xuan immediately said to the upstairs, "is it Mr. Yao Yi?"

When they looked up the stairs, they saw that a man came out embarrassed. He went down slowly, and his eyes fell on the delicious tea table. He moved away difficultly and swallowed: "is this ready for dinner?"

If you say, Ji's family didn't know about medicine doctors last night, but today, they worship them.

Because in the morning, the doctor looked at Mrs. Ji's face and said: "Mrs. Ji's gall is not good recently, just afraid of stones."

Mrs. Ji does have gallstones, so the spontaneous respect of Ji Qingchen and his wife is revealed in their eyes. They all hurry up to find a doctor to diagnose the pulse and ask for the disease, and they all get targeted health care prescriptions prescribed by the doctor.

At present, the medicine doctor asked if it was lunchtime. Ji Qingchen naturally thought he was hungry and nodded: "of course, we can have dinner. Aren't we all here?"

"I remember many years ago, uncle Yaoyi didn't eat with us. I thought uncle Yaoyi had become an immortal."

All the people just laughed and laughed.

I don't care who I admire. At the moment, Qinglan is eager to express himself. He only thinks these dishes are brought by Qinglan.

Qu Shiwen has received a little apprentice in the past two years. Now she is cooking in the kitchen of the small villa. All the snake dishes she made and the tea table are on the table. Everyone washes their hands and sits down.

Even tilt volume pushed the wheelchair, and brought his thoughts down from upstairs.

Think about the diet has been strictly in accordance with the diet prescription prescribed by the medicine doctor. Ziliancao was added in the breakfast, so that her pale face has been improved. Ji Qingchen and his wife, seeing their daughter's color getting better, think ziliancao is a good thing, and they are lucky to get the rare three.

A meal, medicine doctors eat, while secretly glancing at admiration.

And adoration didn't see him at all. He would talk to them and behave normally.

After lunch, the doctor wiped his mouth and stood up: "I'm off for lunch. Don't call me before three in the afternoon. "

At this time, the adoration just flashed the light of eyes, stepped up to the side of the medicine doctor, and said to the voice that only two people could hear: "eat people with short mouth and soft hands."

The doctor was stunned.

He knew that this meal was a set and deserved to be greedy!

Make yourself greedy!

He raised his eyes like an ancient pond and looked at his admiration. He said: "it seems that there are some small problems with the body of the third highness. Why don't you come to my room? I'll prescribe some medicine for you and take one or two of them."

"Good." I adore and laugh.

The expression of his little fox is so successful that the medicine doctor really wants to find a crack to get in!

In the room upstairs -

as soon as the door is closed, the admirer leans towards the desk, his hands are in his pocket, and the black and bright pupils stare at him without blinking.

Just about to open up, the medicine doctor is preemptive, saying: "there are only two problems! I'll only answer your two questions, from now on! "

Adore: "..."

After sipping the lips, the time passed quietly. Finally, I fell in love with my thoughts and asked, "how did you become a human?"

When the medicine doctor closed his eyes, he felt helpless and powerless, and said to his adoration: "I was originally a human being, because of a chance coincidence, the ghost hit the young eagle's body. At that time, in Tibet, I listened to the Buddhist Sanskrit day and night, and the king of Dharma saw that I was pitiful, and allowed me to practice for three or ten years, as a spiritual beast guarding the king of the world. Thirty years later, when I finished the eagle's life and died, your grandfather cried and asked people to make me into a specimen. Just when he left, I became a man of great merit and virtue. But at that time, your grandfather Tianling emperor was present and witnessed it with his own eyes, so he left me in the magic Pavilion all the time. "

When the doctor was talking, his eyes were fixed by adoration.

He is unwilling to regard the world he does not know and the world he does not know as the world that does not exist.

However, it is not easy for him to accept the fact that he grew up in a natural environment.

"I mean, if the disease that I think can't be cured, can her soul, like you, live in the body of an animal, and then turn into a human form?"

The medicine doctor looked at him with admiration.

At this glance, it is meaningful: "I have been practicing for 30 years. If she had gone through thirty years of hardships like me, she would have grown old. You should know that everything in the world is equal. If you want to live like a man, you have to pay a price. When I was a streamer, I almost died several times. I could not be a human being. Moreover, I'm lucky that the ghost is bumped into the spirit of the young eagle body. In this world, there are many spiritual animals, but if you really look for them, you may not be able to find them. If you find them, they may not be suitable! If it is right, it may not be able to cultivate adults! So, I am a special case, not everyone can. As for Miss Ji, I suggest: do your best and listen to heaven's orders! "

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