After the two questions were answered, the medicine doctor immediately reached out to the door and said, "thank you for your lunch. No delivery."

Adoration can only leave, but it is three steps and one turn back.

Just holding the door handle in his hand, he could not help sighing: "I heard that the father and the emperor had a pair of ups and downs that were your descendants, and you slept with your mother's eagle?"

Medicine doctor: "..."

As soon as adoration left the door, she saw the corridor not far away, and Bella was looking at him worried.

With a faint smile on his lips, Bella had just stepped in his direction, pulled up his hand and said with concern, "how about that? How are you? Is there anything? "

"No. It's just a little inflamed. " Adore don't have deep meaning to look at Bella, and said: "it should be you left me last night."

Her delicate face was dyed with rouge. Bella looked at him speechless. She saw that he would make fun of himself. She didn't seem to have any real business. She finally let go of her heart for him.

Not far away, tilt blue also came, way: "I say, adore is OK."

Adore nodded and smiled at Qinglan. He thought that Qinglan's performance today was really good.

Looking around, there was no more hustle and bustle at lunch. He asked, "what about Uncle Ji and them?"

"Qinglan said:" siesta, Xuehao and Qingyu are downstairs. The eldest brother said he would come down to talk to us in a moment. He thought about it first

"Then let's go down and talk to them."



Everyone is sitting in the living room. The little apprentice Qu Shiwen brought is not an outsider, but Zhuo Ran's little daughter with lime. It's called Yuxuan. Everyone is used to calling her Xiaoyu.

She came up with the tray, smiled and said, "this is the soda I learned to make in Yueya Bay. It's made in strict accordance with the formula given to me by my eldest aunt. Try it. How much is it less than what my eldest aunt made?"

Tilt blue to take a cup, drink a bit, way: "still poem aunt's craft is good, drizzle, you still need to practice."

Yuxuan hears the words, leaving his mouth: "Your Highness is too picky!"

"Light rain." Yunxuan immediately made a sound, looked at her sister sternly, and then said to Qinglan, "Xiaoyu is young and spoiled. Sometimes it's inevitable that he doesn't know the rules. I hope his highness doesn't mind."

"If I don't mind, it doesn't matter. This is Bella's choice. I'll take care of the meals in the dorm in the future. As long as Bella and adore don't mind, what can I say?"

Hearing this, Yunxuan winked at her sister.

Yuxuan immediately stepped forward: "Your Highness, just now Xiaoyu lost his words for a while, and I hope your highness doesn't mind."

Pour blue cold to hum a, ignore her, the soda in hand also put down not to drink.

Bella took a sip: "well, OK, there are too many effervescent tablets. Is there sugar in the juice? I remember that there is no sugar in the bedroom. I still like the taste of the bedroom. "

Said, Bella looked at the eye admiring: "you?"

Adoration buried in his head, sending messages.

The text message is for Qingrong. There is only one simple sentence: "what animal do you like?"

Waiting for the reply, Bella didn't hear what she said.

Yuxuan hung his head down and turned away. "I'll do it for you again. I don't believe I can't do it."

Bella smiled and looked at tilt blue. "She's just a little girl. She's two years younger than us, isn't she?"

Qinglan shook his head: "anyway, I think she is far from Shiyi. I don't mean craftsmanship, I mean character. She changed the formula without permission, added sugar and effervescent tablets. She is a student of medicinal diet. It needs to be rigorous. She is not suitable for this job at all. "

And adored mobile phone at this time also shook a bit, there is the latest reply: "big wolf dog!"

The world is so dark.

Bella looked at him. "What are you doing with that look?"

Admiring looked up at her and sighed: "nothing. Maybe I think too much. I just can't help thinking more than others. In fact, maybe not at all. "

Bella took the adored mobile phone, he wanted to stop it, but still held back. Bella looked at it and thought it was nothing, and returned it to him: "compared with the big wolfhound, I like the snow fox and the ferret, which are small, gentle, beautiful, intelligent and also full of spiritual animals!"

Adore Leng ground to look at Bella, suddenly smile.

In fact, he didn't have to find such an animal, just to prepare for it.

If the disease you think about can really be cured, and you can find the right person to donate her kidney among the dead prisoners in Ningguo, then it's all right.

But what if not?

I adore my big brother and despair!

He didn't dare to tell others such things. He could only help the eldest brother to prepare for his illness. If he could delay his illness for a few months, he would find intelligent animals in those months. If he could use them, he would be the best. If he couldn't use them, he would only have a good pet.

Adore feel, oneself all magic Zheng, how all thought so outrageous thing?

However, when a person is forced to this point, it really can do anything.

He believed that if he knew about medicine, he would do so. How could he, as his brother, wash his hands and watch?

Adore smiled at Bella and said, "well, snow fox and ferret are all very good."

At this moment, he has decided that he wants to have a good talk with linglie, to be frank with each other's information, and take the happiness of qianrong as the ultimate goal!

Just as everyone was waiting for Qian Rong to come down, suddenly there was a cry from him: "medicine doctor! Doctor! Hurry up! Think of nosebleed! "

Everyone heard that, all rushed up from all directions!

When adore came to the door of the room, he saw that he was sitting on the head of the bed with his back facing up. There was a little blood on the sheet, his nostrils were blocked with the paper, and a pad was put on his forehead. It should be a cool pad that was tilted to help her stop bleeding.

A Western doctor on duty at noon immediately came forward and took her blood pressure: "higher than in the morning."

The medicine doctor gently explored her pulse: "it may have something to do with the efficacy of ziliancao in nourishing blood. Don't be too nervous. Miss Ji's body should be able to stand it."

Said, the medicine doctor sharp eyes, looked at the eye cloud Xuan, meaningful way: "medicine diet prescription I gave Xiaoyu, if strictly in accordance with my ratio, should not appear such a situation."

The implication is self-evident!

Yun Xuan knew that he was a big man, and his face changed again and again. He immediately stepped back and said, "I'm going to ask!"

But the head of the bed thought, the nosebleed is in any case can not stop, the medicine doctor can only open the medicine box, to her whisper: "to apply a needle to stop bleeding, Miss Ji a little patience, there will be a little pain."

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