Inclined to allow with Mrs. Ji hurriedly to think about hemostasis, think about their own sad tears.

A lot of blood because the nasal cavity volume is not enough all along the throat to the mouth, think can only be forced to swallow.

The doctor pinched the silver needle and pricked it down little by little. At the beginning, it was OK. When the third and fourth needles were injected, he thought about the pain and cried out.

"Hold back. This is to help you lower your blood pressure. That's the key to stopping nosebleed." The medicine doctor's voice was much gentler and soothing.

Think about listening, tears still keep flowing, she resents how she is so frustrated, isn't it nosebleed, but also tears, is really not promising!

However, imagination is one thing. I can't stop my nose blood stained with red paper towels. I can't change them, and they flow down to my mouth again. This kind of uncomfortable feeling, as well as the feeling that my parents and relatives are all around, looking at myself and worrying about myself, is particularly uncomfortable.

"Mom, don't cry!" Think of looking at Mrs. Ji and whispering, "don't cry, cough!"

Can't say too much, because just now there was blood pouring to the throat, too late to swallow to speak, choking.

She coughed twice, and the corners of her mouth spewed out a little blood, which made the hearts of all the people in the room pull!

"I was already anemic," she said. "Now, with so much blood flowing, I have to eat how much purple Liancao to make it up!"

The medicine doctor's face was also very ugly. The sixth needle went down, and the thought of nosebleed finally stopped.

We worked for a long time, and finally we saw that it really stopped flowing. The medicine doctor pulled off the needles one by one, and the Western Medicine said: "the acupuncture is really effective. If we use the hemostatic tablet of Western medicine, I'm afraid it doesn't work so fast."

"Tilt face immediately lightly roared a sentence:" all shed so much blood just stop! What are you talking about? "

The medicine doctor can understand the emotion of qianrong, but the medicine he ordered, the quantity and the explanation are clear. He was afraid that Xiaoyu would not use the simple scale to measure the weight of the medicine, so he specially asked Yunxuan to bring an electronic scale to measure the precise weight, so as long as he came according to his prescription, it would be OK.

He got up slowly, packed the medicine box, and Mrs. Ji, with her eyes red, hurriedly said: "my dear daughter, come and wash your face. Are you dizzy? Can you get up? "

Think about in order to reassure mother, some dizzy, but still insist on standing up: "I can, I want to wash my face, to gargle."

Ji Qingchen hurriedly helped her up, and the couple helped her into the bathroom from left to right.

Qing Rong wanted to help, but when he thought of Ji's parents' feelings, he held back. He had a fire in his heart. He had been with the medicine doctor for many years. How could he not know that the medicine doctor is a miracle doctor?

Thinking of the words of the former medicine doctor, he immediately squeezed his fist and rushed out!

Adore Qinglan and hurry to follow. Ji Xuehao and Qingyu stay to think about it.

"Big brother! You calm down! "

"Big brother!"

"Your Highness!"

She rushed down the stairs with a sigh of relief, and then she ran after her. Bella also ran after her.

When the children came to the kitchen door, they just saw Yunxuan standing there with his back straight to them, while Xiaoyu pursed his mouth wrongly: "I just added a little more pig liver powder and blood generating agent. She is not dying because of anemia. At this time, she should be given more blood! So slowly, I look worried. If I had been in the hospital, I would have let the doctor directly transfuse plasma for me! As long as the source of plasma is well prevented, the channel is normal and there is no disease "Ah!"

Xiaoyu's words are silent, and Qingrong has rushed over!

Yunxuan didn't prevent it at all. She felt that a strong wind was coming, and Xiaoyu's face had been slapped. The girl's body, only 15 years old, turned over and fell on the ground!

It's the first time for him to be honest and calm, friendly and humble!

Xiaoyu covers his face and sits on the floor. He is scared. He forgets to cry. Yunxuan and adoration rush to stop him!

"Your Highness! Calm down! "

"Big brother! She's a girl, don't do it! "

Leaning blue on one side, she jumped up to see Xiaoyu cry wrongly. Pointing at her, she scolded: "you're too successful to fail! You know that people with kidney disease are anaemic, but they have high blood pressure, so they can't mend too much blood at once! High blood pressure will happen! It's going to kill! Do you know! "

Just then, tilt blue was scared. He was even afraid to think that he could not stop his nose bleeding like this. Would he die like this.

He was scared, not to mention the Ji family!

Drizzle tears down, looking at Yunxuan: "brother!"

Yunxuan also helplessly looked at her: "Miss Ji's nosebleeds are not stopped upstairs. According to the medicine doctor, there is no problem with his prescription. It's a lifesaver. How can you add anything in it?"

"Wuwu ~ I don't know, I don't know that she is anemic. Wuwu ~ still has high blood pressure. How can normal people be anemic and still have high blood pressure?"

The rain began to sob.

Qing Lan then scolded: "you don't know that you will follow the rules and regulations of the medicine doctor! You are a murderer! "

"I didn't! I just want her to get some blood! " Xiaoyu looks innocent. He looks at Yunxuan and wants to ask for help.

"Come!" After a big drink, a soldier rushed in and said: "Yuxuan deliberately murdered my fiancee and sent her to..."

"Your Highness!" Yunxuan finally opened his mouth and said earnestly, "for the sake of my uncle and aunt, your highness..."

That's for Zhuoshi and lime.

Adore reached out his hand and clapped on his shoulder: "calm down, aunt lime is the cousin of the father and the emperor after all."

I can't do it. I'm worried about my body. I snorted coldly, turned around and went upstairs to have a look.

And adoration waves to persuade the soldiers to retreat, and says to Yunxuan: "let aunt Shi come to cooperate with the medicine doctor in person. As for what she should do, today's such a big thing must be told to the father and the queen. Just in case Uncle Ji doesn't want to see her again, she will go back to the bedroom and think about it first, how to deal with it, and see the meaning of the father and the queen."

Cloud Xuan immediately nods: "yes."

Adore couple and tilt blue also quickly go upstairs to see the situation that thinks, and light rain stumbles to climb up, pulling the sleeve of cloud Xuan: "elder brother! You must help me, don't tell the emperor's uncle! "

Linglie loves Zhuo ran zhuoxi's children very much. Up to now, she calls Yunxuan to be Doudou, and Yuxuan to be Xiaoyu. She even intends to train Xiaoyu to be the Chamberlain of the palace and become the successor of qushiwen.

After all, Zhuo ran Zhuo Xi and his companions experienced the most difficult childhood, which was their left hand and right hand.

But this time, cloud Xuan looks at small rain, helpless way: "all arrive this point, return how to conceal?"

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