Was it true that he was going to give her everything she wanted? Would he be sincere to her? As a royal family, they were able to amass 3000 favors for one woman. That woman was truly the happiest in the world! She was the happy woman, but she didn't know if the end of happiness was right in front of her.

"Your majesty, do you believe in the past and the present?" Lin Mu Fan suddenly raised his head and looked at him as he asked.

Long Zhaofeng looked at her gentle gaze for a while, then gently placed her on the bed and shook his head. "I don't believe you."

"But it is real." He did not believe it. Then, how could he believe that the Boss was her son in this lifetime? Even if she were to tell him the truth, he would only treat her as someone with ill intentions and deliberately want to seize the empress's son. It was no wonder that every time she mentioned that the little prince was a BOSS, he would only smile before hugging her and saying, "Mu Chen, don't be like this …"

Long Ze's lips moved between her movements, moving all the way to her ears as he whispered in her ear, "Mu Chen, why did we need to care about our past lives? "I just want to have a good life with you and have a happy and happy life, don't you think so?"

"Yes." The wetness from his neck caused her to involuntarily raise her chin, allowing his kiss to sink in even deeper. It wasn't that she was missing a life, but that in this life, she was going to die soon. She was about to reach the end. If life was so short, she would rather cross time and forget about him.

"Mu Chen, have you ever loved me?" The mumbling in his ears was like a dream, yet close at hand. Lin Mu Fan suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, opened his mouth and said: "I've loved you, sometimes I really love you …" "Sometimes, I really hate you …"

"So is it more love or hate?" He jerked his head up and ran his index finger lightly over her lips. Her eyes sparkled in the night as she waited for her reply.

Lin Mofan slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze immediately met with his black eyes. Those eyes that seemed to be able to suck in one's soul were untouchable. However, she did not avoid them. She truthfully replied, "There are a lot of times where I hate you."

Disappointment filled Long Ze's face and he smiled dejectedly. "I have already guessed that the harm I have done to you ought to have ended in this way. However, I am glad to hear the word love from your mouth. What I have never received before is very precious! "Mu Chen, thank you for not hating me to the bone marrow."

His lips felt as if they were being nibbled everywhere they passed, numb and comfortable. The numbing feeling continued from her skin all the way to the deepest part of her heart, causing her to start to throb. This man had always had the ability to control her.

Long Zhaosu took off her clothes, and the gentle breeze blowing in through the window caused the hibiscus curtain to flutter, cooling each other's skin.

Lin Mu Fan cried out in pain, feeling both embarrassed and uncomfortable. He could only stretch out his arms to embrace his waist with all his might.

After a rain dew, Long Zhe lay on top of her body breathing heavily, and his breathing became lighter and lighter. He fell asleep on top of her body, sleeping soundly.

Lin Mofan stiffened his body and waited for a while. Indeed, he had already fallen asleep before he pushed away his robust body and jumped down. She glanced at him who was sleeping, then quickly squatted beside his clothes to look for him. When she found the gold medal that could help her leave the palace safely, she happily smiled.

After putting it into his bag, he picked up the sleeping Boss and quickly headed towards the entrance. The moment her foot stepped out of his chest, she unconsciously stopped and couldn't help but turn around to take a look at the sleeping Dragon Pool. A trace of reluctance welled up in his heart. He turned around and went back to the bed. He bent over and pulled the silk cloth over his body.

Then he hurried away. Pearl was already waiting outside the door, nodding to her as a sign of safety.

"Zhu'er, the emperor will only wake up tomorrow. You don't have to be afraid, just act as if you don't know anything. In the future, be careful within the palace and don't provoke others." Lin Mu Fan warned him.

Zhu Er shook her head and insisted on leaving the palace with her. Lin Mufan didn't want to delay any longer, but seeing her resolute expression, he could only leave it to her. The two of them quickly left the Cloud Palace and headed towards the palace gate.

As they were passing by the gate, Lin Mufan hid the Boss well. He calmly raised the gold plate in his hand and said, "Lin Xiangguo suddenly became ill. The Emperor has allowed me to return to my house to visit. Get out of the way, now."

The guards looked at each other and carefully looked at the gold plate in Lin Mufan's hand before obediently stepping aside.

Lin Mu Fan was elated. He beckoned to Zhu'er, who was carrying the Boss, who was standing behind him. Then, he quickened his pace and passed through the Righteous Bestowal. Along the way, they met with many obstacles, all of which were narrowly avoided by her. As they walked out of the palace gates, the heart hanging in their throats was finally relieved, and they smiled at each other before continuing on their way.

Although Lin Mufan had already been here for more than a year, he was not familiar with the Imperial City at all. After exiting the palace, he had no direction to escape to. She turned her head and asked Zhu'er, "Zhu'er, are you familiar with this place? Where should we go next? Pay attention to a place slightly further away from the Imperial City. "

Pearl scratched her head and thought for a moment. If she had something to say, she couldn't say it, so she could only point to the distant horizon and nod. Lin Mu Fan smiled bitterly, "You want me to leave the Imperial City? Going to the outskirts of the city? However, the powers of the Emperor will easily find us. "The truth is that I want to leave the Revolving Moon Kingdom, but that seems a bit impossible."

With the Revolving Moon Kingdom being so large, it was impossible for them to leave with just their two legs. At this point, he could only take things one step at a time and go to the countryside to hide.

Lin Mu Fan hugged the Boss and Zhu'er as they walked through the night. Because it was already past midnight, the streets were so empty that only one or two people would occasionally pass by. Seeing Lin Mu Fan and Zhu'er walking down the street, the middle-aged man kindly went up to them and reminded them, "Miss, it is very dangerous outside at night. Especially recently, there are bandits on the street all the time. Girls, don't come out and hang out. Why don't you stay at home?

Zhu Er was already frightened to the point that goosebumps had formed all over her body. Her palms rubbed against her arms, but Lin Mufan was not scared by his words. Instead, he asked with suspicion, "Specialized digging into the heart?"

The robber nodded, exaggerating a bit, "Yeah, I don't know what to do. I often come in the morning and see someone who has been dug out lying on the street. Anyway, it's very dangerous, so the girls have to be careful."

"Is it like this recently?" Lin Mufan asked in a daze. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. What kind of person would he be? What for?

"That's right. In the past half month, let's do it again. Alright, the girls have to be careful. I will continue to play even more." After saying this, the uncle knocked on his drum and walked away shamelessly. Soon, he disappeared into the night.

Lin Mu Fan stood blankly on the spot, his mind still thinking about the words of the uncle just now. Only when Zhu'er tugged at the corner of her clothes did he regain his senses and continue on his journey.

It was impossible to reach the outskirts of the city with only two legs. The two of them had no choice but to find a inn to stay. Under the dim light of the candle, Lin Mufan saw the red spots on the Boss' body disappear.

The next morning, Lin Mu Fan woke up early and instructed Zhu'er to hire a horse carriage. He stayed in his room to feed the Boss. Finally, he was able to take care of the Boss himself, and his heart was filled with excitement.

When he saw the cute way the Boss cuddled in his arms, he felt a sense of trust. It gave her the idea of risking her life to protect him.

"Boss, Mommy will protect you." She kissed the Boss' forehead and gently said. The Boss in her arms seemed to be able to feel her love as it twisted its little body and squeezed into her embrace.

Lin Mu Fan smiled as he embraced her. At this moment, Zhu Er walked in from the outside and instructed her to hurry up and get on the road. Lin Mu Fan glanced outside the window. It was already dawn and the emperor should be awake by now. If she didn't hurry up and leave the city, she might be arrested and sent back home.

The emperor had so many people. If they were to work together, it would be too easy to find her.

The carriage had already stopped at the entrance of the inn. Pearl helped her into the carriage, and the carriage immediately sped along the main road, heading out of the city.

"Pearl, is there anywhere to go outside?" Lin Mu Fan looked outside, it was a foreign place.

Zhu'er nodded her head and patted the back of her hand to comfort her. Lin Mufan had once heard Zhu'er say that she was born in the countryside and that she started selling herself to the Lin Clan as a girl at the age of 10. Until now, she might be more familiar with the countryside.

When Long Ze woke up, he found that it was already dawn. He immediately flipped over and sat up on the bed. It was already completely empty around him. Lin Mofan and the Boss were both missing. They were just geniuses, where could they have gone to so early? His mind went blank for a moment before he shouted towards the door, "Someone, come!"

Green rushed in from outside and knelt down. "Your Majesty, this servant is here."

"Why didn't you tell me to wake up early?" Long Ze angrily glared at Green who was kneeling in front of the bed. He should be at the court at this time, but he was still sleeping on the bed. How could he face the officials at such a critical juncture? Originally, everyone thought that he was just an idiot.

"Your Majesty, this servant cries out, but Your Majesty never wakes up. Your servant thinks that perhaps Your Majesty is tired and wants Your Majesty to sleep a bit more …" That's why I didn't continue calling him … "

"Where's Imperial Concubine Mu and the little prince?" Long Zhaojing rubbed his sleepy eyes, interrupting her with some annoyance.

Xiao Lu was doubtful. Raising her head, she quickly glanced at the bed and said with surprise, "Didn't the Empress always fall asleep? This servant has never seen the Empress get out of bed, much less see the Empress go out. "

Long Ze's heart thumped. 'Mu Fei has been sleeping here?' Why didn't he know? Also, even if he was sleepy, he would wake up regularly because he was already used to waking up at that time early in the morning. Why would he sleep until dawn today? This point was truly worthy of his suspicion.

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