"You said that Mu Fei never went out of the main gate? How is that possible? " Long Zhaozu asked with a stern look on his face as he stared at Little Green.

Green nodded and replied, "What I said is absolutely true, because the emperor hasn't risen yet, and the gate of the courtyard hasn't even opened yet. How could the Empress possibly go out? "Your majesty, wait for this servant to visit the other rooms. Perhaps Esteemed Empress Xu will sleep in the other rooms."

"Go quickly!" Long Zhaoting urged anxiously as he bent down to pick up the clothes on the ground and quickly put them on. Only after putting on all her clothes did she realize that her gold medal had disappeared. Her heart thumped once more. It seemed that Mu Fei didn't go to sleep in another room. She simply went missing for a reason.

Was she playing missing with him again? You want to run away from him again? His hands clenched into fists as he punched the bedpost, unable to endure any longer. He shouted through gritted teeth, "Lin Mu Chen! Are you playing with me again? "

At this moment, Xiao Lu ran in from the outside and said, "Your majesty, the Empress isn't in another room. I wonder where she's gone to." Her complexion had also turned pale because of Mu Fei's disappearance. Mu Fei had disappeared, but she didn't notice it at all. She didn't even notice that the door had been opened. This was her dereliction of duty!

"Go and find him for This Emperor immediately!" Long Ze let out a low growl, and Little Green hurriedly nodded its head and ran out.

Very quickly, the palace was abuzz with the disappearance of Mu Fei, and a group of people were sent to find her. This time, it was much more serious than the time when Mu Fei disappeared together with the little prince.

As soon as Consort Rong and the empress dowager heard of Mu Fei's disappearance, or more accurately speaking, the disappearance of the little prince, they immediately ran over anxiously and anxiously to find the truth. When the empress dowager of the Western Palace arrived at Yun He Palace, she pushed Long Zhaozhu, whose face was still in shock, as she cried and cursed, "I already said that Lin Mu Chen did not have any good intentions. How can you be at ease and hand the little prince over to her!? She couldn't give birth to her own son, and had wanted to frame the little prince since a long time ago. Every time I say it, you don't listen. Do you regret it now? Hurry up and get the little prince back, I want my grandson … "

Consort Rong rushed forward to support the agitated and furious Empress Dowager Xi and consoled her with concern, "Empress Dowager, don't do this. The emperor doesn't want to do this either. The emperor himself is very upset …"

"He won't be sad! The reason the little prince went missing is all because of him, it's all because of him! " The empress dowager angrily scolded, cursing as she began to tug at Long Zhaoting, yelling at him to compensate her with a grandson.

After being beaten up by Mu Ru Yue, Long Ze helplessly took a light breath and consoled her, "Mother, don't worry. Mu Chen won't hurt the little prince." He wasn't worried about the Boss' life at all because he knew that the person that Lin Mufan cared about the most wouldn't harm his child if he were to be poisoned by the tiger.

Right now, he was sad and furious over why Lin Mofan had fled and why did he want to leave him with the child. Could it be that the words she said last night that she would occasionally love him was just a lie? She did not want to stay in the palace, did not want to stay by his side! The sadness was greater than the anger. Lin Mofan's actions had truly hurt his heart!

If it was before, he would have forgiven her for running away twice over. After all, he did hurt her too much at that time and was too ruthless. But these days he had been trying to make up for it, had given all his love to her, had thought he could move her heart. Who knew that in the end, he would realize that everything was just an illusion? She hadn't changed.

She was still the same Lin Xiuchen from before, a man living in his heart. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he tried, he could not break that frozen heart. She was very cruel, very heartless!

"Mu Chen, I will make you regret this!" The corner of his lips moved slightly as he spat out these ice-cold words.

The empress dowager could not feel his pain and only scolded him, "Zerg! Lin Xianchen is a member of the Lin Clan, ah. It must have been Lin Xiangguo who had done this. How could you allow her to approach the little prince? Hurry up and send someone to bring them back! That malicious woman, she will kill the little prince, she will definitely do it! "

"That won't happen. Mu Chen loves the little prince more than you!" Long Ze Xuan suddenly raised his voice.

"You silly child, you still say that at a time like this? Are you really crazy about that woman? " When the empress dowager saw that he was constantly defending the child, she became so angry that she wanted to smash him to death.

Long Ze was annoyed by her scolding. He frowned and said: "Mother, calm down first."

"You still want me to calm down? The child has already been carried away by that woman, how can I calm down? Don't you think she'd hurt the baby? How can you trust her so much? Are you crazy? "

"She won't hurt the child, because the child is hers!" Long Ze anxiously spat out these words.

With a 'dang' sound, the teacup in Rong Fei's hand fell to the ground. The tea splashed all over her phoenix robe. She was stunned as she stared at Long Zhaofeng in astonishment. A ball of fire seemed to be burning in her heart, burning her to the point that she couldn't even breathe. His legs shook and he almost fell to the floor that was splashed with tea.

"Empress, what's wrong?" Xiao Cui immediately supported her, and asked with concern.

"I... "I'm fine." She shook her head, surprised, helpless, and terrifyingly pale, as if the dragon's words were a steel knife through her heart.

Long Ze raised his head and looked at Consort Rong with cold ridicule: "What? Why is the empress so scared? Did I say something wrong? Or did you miss the little prince and want to go crazy? "

"Your Majesty …" Concubine Rong was at a loss for words as she shook her head. "chenqie doesn't know what His Majesty is talking about …"

"It's good if you don't know. If you don't feel well, then go back and rest. There's no need to stay here." Long Ze turned his face away and no longer looked at her. His voice was calm and indifferent, causing Rong Feiyu to feel a chill from the bottom of her heart. Her body almost fell to the ground again. Luckily, Xiao Cui was supporting him, otherwise she would have fallen down.

She had always thought that this matter had been perfectly concealed. She never would have thought that the Emperor knew the truth. Just when did he know about it? Why didn't he expose her now? He even made her his successor? There were so many problems that she almost couldn't take them anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about. When did your child become Mu Fei?" Could it be that you really want to pass your child on to Mu Fei? " The Empress Dowager of the Western Palace said angrily.

From the corner of his eyes, Long Ze saw a phoenix robe flash by the door. He changed his words and smiled. "If Imperial Mother doesn't agree, then I naturally wouldn't do that. Don't worry, Imperial Mother. This subject will not be mentioned again."

Empress Dowager Xi snorted and said unhappily, "Of course I don't want to. Why would I accept the empress's own son as a concubine? It's not like the empress can't bring good kids herself. "

"What's wrong? "What is it that has caused such a ruckus?" Following the announcement, the Eastern Palace Empress Dowager came in while supporting her servant girl. She glanced around the room and asked, "Has Mu Chen stirred up trouble again? I heard you ran away again? "

"Not only did he disappear, he even carried the little prince away with him!" The empress dowager angrily glared at her and said, "Elder sister, your Mu Chen is really poisonous. Just like that, he took away the little prince. Who knows what he might do. Judging by her personality, she definitely won't let the little prince live!"

"Mu Chen really carried the little prince away?" The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager was flabbergasted. She was extremely astonished in her heart, thinking, could it be that I've finally thought things through after changing her mind last night? So they took the little prince away and killed him? If that was truly the case, then that would be great. The Lin Clan could finally be at ease.

She never thought that Lin Mu Chen would change his mind so quickly. He was still very resistant to it last night and was very unwilling to listen to Lin Xiangguo's arrangements. She walked quietly to a chair and sat down, continuing her confusion.

Long Ze calmly replied, "The guard at the entrance said that Mu Chen took my gold plate and left the palace last night. He still hasn't returned yet. It's dangerous outside the palace, I have to find them and bring them back. "

The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager suppressed the shock in her heart and softly sighed, "How would I know? "Mu Chen … She wouldn't tell me what she wants to do. It's not like you don't know."

"If anything happens to the young prince, I will definitely spare your Lin Family!" The Empress Dowager of the Western Palace angrily threw out these words. Donggong Taiqing also became angry, of course it was on the surface. He looked at her and said, "Little sister, aren't your words a little too irresponsible? The young prince was staying in the Western Palace, so how could he disappear in one night? You clearly know that Mu Chen likes the Little Prince, so why did you let her carry him away? "

"You …!" The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager stifled her words. In the end, she only said in a resentful tone, "From what I see, she doesn't even like the little prince. She's deliberately trying to harm him!"

The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager continued to speak bluntly, "The little prince's whereabouts are still unknown, but little sister is still cursing him. Isn't that a little too much? "Your majesty, do you think so?" As he spoke, he turned to Long Zhaofeng, who had a splitting headache.

The empress dowager was completely speechless. She could only angrily turn her face away. Longze paced around the room, annoyed, then turned and walked quickly to the door of the Cloud Palace.

"Where are you going, Ze?" the Empress Dowager of the Western Palace asked him from behind.

Long Zhaoting paused for a moment, and without looking back, he said, "I will personally leave the palace to find her. I will definitely be able to find her and the little prince. Imperial Mother, you two return to the palace to rest first."

The empress dowager wanted to keep him here, but before she could finish, Long Ze's figure had already disappeared outside the door.

After the afternoon, Lin Mu Fan and Zhu'er finally arrived at a small village that was tens of kilometers away from the Imperial City. Zhu'er was like an excited child as she ran through the village.

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