Although she was very cordial, the aunts and uncles only gave her a puzzled look. Then, they politely smiled and left, looking as if they didn't know Pearl at all.

The people here did not know her, all their enthusiasm was extinguished by these strange smiles, and Pearl could no longer smile or greet anyone. He led Lin Mufan into the village and headed back to where she used to be.

Because this village was in a remote place, there weren't many people in the village. It was quite quiet and was a place that Lin Mufan liked. There had been no one in Pearl's family for a few years, and a sister had married out of wedlock, and her parents had died, leaving a broken room.

After the two of them entered this broken house, Pearl immediately began to clean up. Lin Mu Fan held onto the BOSS as he stood at the entrance. He was facing the direction of the village's entrance, which was the direction of the palace. He wondered if the palace was in chaos right now. Did everyone already know she was missing?

According to the Long Family's love of the Boss, she would definitely go crazy and would definitely send out a large group of people to track her down. She hoped that she wouldn't find her way here or else all her efforts would have gone down the drain.

After Zhu Er cleaned up the room, she used her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her forehead as she walked out and pulled at the corner of Lin Mofan's clothes. Lin Mu Fan followed her into the house. He sized up the clean and tidy house, turned to Zhu'er and smiled, "This place is pretty good. It's been hard on you. Also, thank you."

Pearl hastily waved her hand to show that she did not need to thank him, and then led her into a room, indicating that she could take a rest first. Lin Mu Fan was truly tired. He hugged the Boss and slept on the bed.

When he woke up, it was already night time. Compared to the bright lights in the palace, this place was as black as a piece of black cloth. He could not see the scenery outside at all. There were a few rooms that had dim candlelight flickering on them. They were like fireflies floating in the night sky, completely unable to illuminate the outside world.

This was the first time Lin Mufan had encountered such a place. It was difficult for him to get used to it, and the Boss began to cry because it was not used to it. She toiled until she had to work herself to death before finally coaxing him to sleep.

Because of his fear, Lin Mu Fan and Zhu Er stayed in the same room. When they were sleeping in the middle of the night, they suddenly heard the crying of children outside. Lin Mofan was especially sensitive to the crying sounds of the children. He shook her awake and asked her to listen as well.

After listening for a while, Pearl rolled off the bed, lit the candle, and went to the window to look out. When she saw the few torches outside, she was shocked and hastily waved at Lin Mu Fan.

Lin Mu Fan walked over and saw the torches outside. A few men in black carrying a child were walking over. Lin Mu Fan was shocked as he cried out involuntarily, "Oh no! Could it be that someone from the palace has arrived?"

Pearl studied it for a moment, shaking her head to indicate that it was impossible. This was because the people in the palace would not be wearing black clothes. Even if they wanted to capture Lin Mofan, they did not need to wear the imperial bodysuit. They could just directly come.

While they were wondering, the five or six men in black had already arrived at their doorstep, holding a crying child in their hands. They didn't try to coax him to stop, but suddenly stopped walking. Lin Mu Fan suddenly had a feeling that this group of people were bloodthirsty demons from the night. They were the people who specifically gathered human blood!

The few men in black suddenly moved forward. Zhu Er hurriedly pulled Lin Mufan to the side and hid from him. She heard one of the men say, "Master is talking about this house. There shouldn't be any mistakes."

Just as the man finished speaking, the sound of a woman's wail suddenly came from not too far away. As she ran over, she cried, "Give me back my child …" Please give me back the baby... Don't kill my child! "

Seeing the woman coming after him, the man in black said with a dark face, "Didn't I give you money just now? Why did you come here? Do you want to go back on your word? Be careful, my people and the silver both leave! "

"No …!" "I beg you, please don't take my child away, I don't want your silver taels anymore, I'll return them to you …" As the woman spoke, she hurriedly brought the two of them to the man in black.

"There's no need to go back on your words. If you say another word, you'll immediately cripple you and your mother!" The black-clothed person threatened fiercely. Only then did the woman tremble and lie down on the ground and cry, but she did not dare to beg again.

After saying that, the black clothed man walked over to Zhu Er's house and knocked on the door. Get up and open the door! "

Zhu Er was already frightened into hiding by the door. Lin Mu Fan returned to his room and took out a defensive weapon before walking out. He then opened the door and smiled as he asked the men in black, "Masters, is there anything I can help you with?"

The man in the lead threw out a bag of silver taels and said in a light tone, "Obediently hand over your child. These two silver taels are yours. Otherwise, don't even think about taking them away, the child will belong to us."

Lin Mofan sized up the newcomer and pretended to be calm as he said with a smile, "Are you snatching away a child?"

"Our lord has said that we should try our best to communicate with them. So please be sensible and don't waste too much of our time on this. " The two bags of silver continued to play in his hands.

"Sorry, but my child is not for sale!" Lin Mu Fan coldly smiled as he looked him up and down with his arms crossed.

"Then don't blame us for being impolite, let's go in and snatch it!" After the leader of the men said this, the other men immediately rushed into the house. Unfortunately, just as they took a step forward, a sharp pain came from their knees. It made them cry out in pain as they kneeled on the ground. The pain caused by this dream was so quick that they did not even know what happened.

Lin Mu Fan circled around in front of them and mocked, "Does it hurt? Can you walk? If you can still leave, I suggest you hurry up and leave. Otherwise, you won't have the chance to leave later.

The man in black looked at each other. One of them rubbed his numb and painful knees while asking angrily, "Stupid woman, what poison did you poison us with? Are you tired of living? "

"I still want to live, so leaving you with your lives isn't a very serious poison. It's just to make it so that you won't be able to walk in a month. It doesn't matter, does it?" Lin Mu Fan said with a smile.

"One month …?" The man exclaimed. Lin Mofan's face darkened, "If you don't scram now, it won't only be a month. At least two months. I'm warning you all, don't come here next time. Otherwise, you won't be courteous!" Now leave the child behind and get lost! " As Lin Mufan spoke, he quickly snatched the baby boy back.

"Humph!" We'll see! " The man furiously threw down these words. After glaring at Lin Mu Fan and Zhu Er, he turned around and walked away unwillingly. In a moment, he disappeared into the night.

With a few words from the black clothed men, the woman who had been crying her heart out immediately rushed over. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed as she said with gratitude, "Miss, thank you. Thank you for helping me get my child back …"

Zhu Er walked up and smiled as she helped her up from the ground. Lin Mufan patted the baby in his embrace and smiled at the woman, "Madam, the child is back. There's no need to thank me. It's just a small matter."

"My child's life! "Thank you, young lady …" As she spoke, the woman was about to kneel down and kowtow again. However, she was pulled back by Zhu Er and didn't kneel down.

Lin Mu Fan returned the child to her and asked in puzzlement, "Oh right, why did they steal so many children? Where are we taking the children? " She truly did not understand. Even if it was some illegal organization, they wouldn't rob such a small child! The child was still so young, and if they were to snatch it back, it would be difficult for them to take care of it, no?

The woman wiped away her tears, tightly holding the baby in her arms, and choked with sobs, "The girls must have been living here for a while, right? Recently, a group of people have come out to dig out people's hearts, but I don't know what they have to do with their hearts. The previous paragraph had been dedicated to adults. These few days have suddenly changed. They're just looking for kids. "

"Why?" Lin Mofan was stunned. It was another group of people who were digging out the heart! Why did she hear so much about heart digging this time when she left the palace? Who did it?

The woman shook her head and said worriedly, "I just didn't know. I thought the girl came here to take shelter with her child. So you didn't know about this. "I thought our little village was safe enough, but I didn't think that the bandit leader would come looking for us. If the girls want to seek refuge, it's best if we find somewhere else!"

She kindly reminded Lin Mufan as he stared at her blankly. If such a person appeared recently, wouldn't her little boss be in danger? Today, he had let her escape this trial, so what about the next time? Could she avoid it?

She lightly breathed in and said to the woman, "Madam, you should go back first. It's getting late."

"Okay, thank you young lady. Also, young lady should be careful." The woman stared at him for a while, then left with the child in her arms. She didn't forget to smile at the little girl and say a few words of thanks.

As soon as the woman had left, Pearl hurriedly began to point and point, meaning that she should hurry up and pack up her bags and leave. Lin Mu Fan laughed helplessly and took a deep breath, "Now that the Emperor is looking after the war and consolidating his own position, he doesn't have the capability to care about the people anymore. Have you forgotten that there are people digging their hearts out in the Imperial City under the Emperor's feet? I'm afraid we'll run into these people wherever we go. "

Pearl nodded, thinking it over. Lin Mu Fan pulled her hand and forcefully smiled as he consoled her, "Don't worry. It's fine. Let's go in and continue resting. It's time to rest earlier today after being tired for the entire day."

Pearl worriedly followed her in. It wasn't only Pearl who was worried, but Lin Mofan was also extremely unhappy. To be able to cause such a ruckus, it seemed that the group was definitely not a simple one. At the very least, they must be extremely wealthy and powerful, and could not be easily dealt with by ordinary people.

Outside the Audience Hall, Prince Rong habitually paused for a moment before lowering his head and entering the hall. He entered the hall and paid his respects to the Emperor. Raising his head and coming into contact with the emperor's bloodshot eyes, it seemed as if he hadn't slept for a few days. It seems like the events of the past few days really had hurt his brain!

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