Amongst everyone present, only Lin Xiangguo was slightly calm. Since Mu Fei carrying the Little Prince was a death sentence, then it would be impossible for them to escape this calamity. Especially when the Emperor had the intention to put their Lin Family to death, he was now considering whether he should use this opportunity to resist and mobilize the several hundred thousand elite soldiers outside the city to attack the entire imperial city. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to escape from prison, unless King Rong emerged victorious!

"Lin Xiangguo, I'll give you one last chance. Hand over the little Crown Prince!" Ke Meng Gao sat on the horse's back and pulled the reins with one hand while pointing at Lin Xiang Guo with the other. He had asked this question several times already.

Lin Xiangguo shook his head as usual, trying his best to appear calm as he said: "Master Ke, there is no need to ask. I said that I don't know the whereabouts of the little crown prince, but I don't know how to hand it over to you."

Ke Meng coldly snorted and encouraged him. "How could you not know?" "You refused to investigate and confirmed that you had been in contact with Mu Fei frequently recently, but now that the little crown prince has disappeared, do you dare say that you weren't the one who instigated Mu Fei to do it?"

"I only sought out Mu Fei to show my feelings for father and daughter. What evidence do you have to say that I was instigating Mu Fei to carry away the little crown prince?" Lin Xiangguo raised his eyebrows. In fact, he was still a little afraid of being convicted and being thrown into a dungeon to wait for death. If Prince Rong was not strong enough, then the entire Lin Family would perish just like that.

However, he was secretly gratified in his heart. He did not expect Lin Mofan to suddenly be willing to help him. Lin Mofan, who had initially rejected him without hesitation, had actually helped him deal with that small problem!

The Grand Matriarch beside Lin Xiangguo could not help but raise her head and plead in a low voice: "Old Master, you should hand over the little Crown Prince. Don't mess with the Emperor anymore. Look at the dozens of members of the Lin Clan, they are all about to die from the sun."

"Shut up!" Lin Xiang was so angry that he turned around and ruthlessly smacked the First Wife's face. The First Wife cried out in alarm and fell to the ground in pain, blood slowly flowing out of the corner of her mouth.

But Lin Xiangguo did not let her off, and shouted at her: "You bitch! It's fine if the Emperor doesn't believe me, but even you are misunderstanding me. Are you still a member of my Lin Family? "

The First Wife was so angry that she did not dare to say a word, shrinking back on the ground in fear. When the rest of the Lin Family saw that the First Wife had fallen to the ground from injuries, they fearfully shrank back, but no one dared to say a word.

At this moment, a sharp voice came from the intersection, "The Emperor has arrived —!"

As the drum sounded, the emperor's emperor's emperor carriage slowly approached. The surrounding spectators immediately opened a path, all of them kneeling down to pay their respects, "Long live the emperor … Long live and long live …"

"Everyone, rise!" Eunuch Liu waved his hand at them, and they all stood up quickly. They had never seen the emperor's face before, so they stretched their necks to look at the emperor in his carriage. They were all extremely curious about his appearance. It was a pity that his gaze could not see the emperor's appearance through the faintly discernible yellow satin curtains. He could only vaguely make out the stern and stern face beneath the golden pearl tassels, his aura sufficient!

As soon as Lin Xiangguo saw the emperor approaching, he immediately scrambled over to the emperor and kowtowed: "Your Majesty …." Please enlighten me, Your Majesty. No matter how brave this subject is, I wouldn't dare to make a move against the little prince. "

"Your Majesty, please enlighten me …!" The members of the Lin Clan immediately crawled over to kowtow and beg for mercy.

The emperor looked through the curtains at the kneeling Lin Family clansmen and said, "Lin Mu Chen is your Lin Family's daughter. Taking away the crown prince without permission is already a crime of nine familial extermination. However, if Lin Xiangguo can safely hand over the Crown Prince, then I can let your family escape death sentence, but it will be hard to escape death penalty. Lin Xiangguo, do you want to think about where Lin Mu Chen took the Crown Prince to? "

The Emperor's voice was cold and heartless, his every word was like a block of ice that fell into their hearts. Even if he were to hand over the crown prince, he would still be unable to escape a life and death sentence? These words were undoubtedly a heavy blow to everyone.

"Your Majesty …" Your Majesty, please spare my life …! " The Lin Family's members were all crying, and the crowd was pointing and discussing. Most of them felt that the Lin Family was very innocent, but since this matter was already settled, they could only say that they were happy.

The Emperor was not moved by this crying, but still said: "This Moon Revolving Law was drafted by Lord Lin and his courtiers, does Lin Xiangguo have any objections?"

"This subject doesn't dare to object …" Lin Xiangguo kowtowed and no longer begged. He had personally helped to create this law. As long as the Emperor did not release him, begging him would be meaningless!

"If that's the case …" The emperor hesitated for a moment before saying: "Eunuch Liu, let's follow the laws of the Revolving Moon Kingdom and punish the Lin Family! "First, we will bring all members of the Lin Family that are 15 years old and above into the prison to await trial by the Ministry of Justice."

"No …" No! "Your Majesty …!" The Lin Family's elders and children all cried as one. The emperor did not express his opinion, so Eunuch Liu waved his hand towards the guards beside him. Bringing Lin Xiangguo's family into jail! "

The guards immediately rushed forward to control all the members of the Lin Clan. Just as they were about to drag everyone into the prison. A flustered voice came from outside the crowd, "Wait!"

Everyone was stunned as they uniformly stopped their movements and looked towards the source of the sound. No one noticed that the man on the emperor's carriage had a smile on his face, revealing a victorious smile. In the end, he still got her to come. He thought that she was really cold-blooded and merciless, that she could even disregard her family.

"Esteemed wangfei …" Eunuch Liu turned to look at the emperor with glee. "Your majesty, Esteemed Empress Mu is back with the little prince in her arms. The little prince is back …" After he finished speaking in excitement, he turned around and knelt down with everyone else. "Esteemed wangfei is lucky! His Highness the crown prince has lived for thousands of years …!"

He then looked at his battered and exhausted family before turning to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, carrying away the little crown prince is your concubine's fault. Please don't blame your concubine's family, I beg you, please let my concubine's family go. Your concubine is willing to accept all of your punishment!"

"Really?" Mu Fei is finally willing to return to the palace with me? " Long Zhaofeng smiled faintly.

"Chenqie is willing. As long as Your Majesty is willing to let the Lin Family go, chenqie will immediately follow Your Majesty into the palace." Lin Mu Chen hastily said. She did not like the people of the Lin Clan, but not all of them were cold-blooded and heartless. At the very least, her big brother had helped her hide her identity as a Boss before, so she was indebted to him.

When Lin Xiangguo saw Lin Mufan carrying the little crown prince back, he gnashed his teeth in anger. In his heart, he was furious that this silly girl would actually bring the little crown prince back. In any case, the Emperor already had the intention to deal with the Lin Family. It would be useless to bring the little prince back, so he might as well just kill him.

Just a moment ago, he was still rejoicing over the fact that Lin Mofan had helped him solve a huge problem. But now, he had actually managed to pull this problem back to him. How could he not be angry? Now, he even had the thought of rushing over and strangling her.

Long Zhaofan straightened his body and waved at Lin Mufan with a smile, "Come, Mufei, bring the little prince to me. I haven't seen him for a few days, I'm really missing him."

Lin Mu Fan was slightly stunned. He could faintly see that his smile was not that simple. Based on her understanding of this man, he would not let her off so easily. She could almost guess what kind of emotions were hidden within that smile. She suddenly had the thought of fleeing and escaping from this demon!

"After you, Empress." Eunuch Liu pulled up a corner of the silk curtain. Lin Mufan hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and getting into the carriage with the support of Eunuch Liu. Finally, she saw his face clearly. Under the golden pearl and tassels, it seemed incomparably noble. However, that gentle smile didn't seem to suit the current him at all. Perhaps it was due to the fact that it didn't reach his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Mofan bent down and placed the little prince in his embrace. The little crown prince looked ninety percent like him. His tiny body was lying on the bright yellow robe of the thorny dragon, giving him the aura of a king.

She felt uneasy as she knelt on the ground and watched his jade-like fingers caress the Boss' hair. She watched the Boss climb into his embrace in excitement, reaching out her small hands to grab the golden pearl on his crown. And he was smiling at him, the two faces, one big and one small, beaming with the same brilliance, making people feel happy just by looking at them.

Long Ze teased the Boss for a while, then handed him to the servant girl beside him. He stared at Lin Mu Fan for a while, but didn't say anything. He then wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his embrace. Lowering his head, he lightly caressed her face and mockingly said, "Mu Fei, I knew you would come. You really did come."

Lin Mu Fan's heart chilled. He turned his body and tried to evade her gaze, but his arm was like a steel ring that tightly locked her. He could only suppress his heart beat as he tried his best not to mess around. He said lightly, "Since you've achieved your goal, then let my family go."

Her knees were still on the floor of the carriage, her upper body in his arms. It was a painful gesture, but she didn't dare say it out loud. He was afraid that if he were to make a small move, he would provoke the other party and implicate his family.

Long Ze's lips brushed past her cheeks and her red lips. Finally, he smiled and whispered into her ear, "Mu Fei, my goal is the Lin Clan, not you. Don't you understand?"

"You …" Lin Mofan sucked in a breath and stared at him in astonishment. So he was using one stone to kill two birds with one bird in order to brazenly punish the Lin Family. He was still waiting for her to jump into his net and obediently carry the little BOSS back, but she actually fell for it. Damn it! Damn man!

She opened her mouth and stared at him. "What do you want?"

"I have my own way of handling it, you don't have to ask." After saying that, he pulled her by the waist and pulled her to a nearby seat. He raised his voice and said to Eunuch Liu: "Set off for the palace!"

"Yes, your majesty!" Eunuch Liu pulled back the silk curtain and spoke in a high-pitched voice, "Take him back to the palace —!"

For a time, the sound of 'Long live' rang out, and the crowd fell to their knees, mixing with the cries and pleas of all the members of the Lin Family, the carriage turned and began moving towards the direction of the Imperial Palace.

Lin Mu Fan anxiously turned his head and saw the dozens of Lin Family members crying together. He could not help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart. She was the one who harmed them. If she hadn't run away on her own, the Emperor wouldn't have had the chance to punish the Lin Family, even though the Emperor had always wanted the Lin Family to perish!

After a long ride, the car turned a corner and she could no longer see her nominal family. She shamelessly blocked out the shouts behind her until she could no longer hear them!

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