As soon as Lin Mu Fan returned to the palace, he saw the empress dowager's long face. She unconsciously took a step back and hugged the Boss tighter.

The empress dowager looked at her with a cold sneer and mocked, "You're finally willing to come back?"

Lin Mufan bent his knees and knelt down, obediently bowing. "The empress dowager is fortunate!"

The empress dowager didn't allow him to rise. She turned her head and commanded Aunt Su, "Go and bring the young prince over."

Lin Mu Fan's heart tightened as he watched Aunt Su carry the BOSS away from him. Feeling anxious, she quickly turned her head and looked at Long Ze, who was beside her, asking for help. The latter only had a cold expression on her face and didn't stop the empress dowager from carrying the Boss away. Seeing him like this, she was disappointed!

The empress dowager naturally could see that she was looking for Long Zhaofeng to help. She only sneered and said, "Your Majesty, why did you bring Mu Fei back to the palace? Can't we just hand it over to the Board of Justice? "

Long Ze looked at Lin Mu Fan who was on the ground and said with a slight smile, "Imperial Mother, Mu Fei is anxious to leave the palace because she saw that the young prince's condition has worsened. She brought him out to find a doctor who understands this illness. Her actions are indeed against the palace's rules, but seeing that she is wholeheartedly considering the little prince's safety, we should forgive her this time around. "

After he said this, he glanced at Lin Mofan again. On the surface, he did not reveal much expression, but Lin Mofan was stunned. Raising her head with a face full of gratitude, she looked at him. How could she have thought that Long Zhaoting would say such words? He clearly had a stomach full of anger, and was unwilling to even give her a glance, yet he was actually willing to speak on her behalf?

This Reason... Indeed, it was very good. The thing that could help her get out of her predicament the most was something even she couldn't imagine.

"She took the little prince out to treat his illness? Isn't there a doctor in the palace? Do you need to run out to see those martial arts students? " The Empress Dowager of the Western Palace hated her, so no matter what she did, she would not hear of it.

"Muhou, none of the imperial physicians in the palace have any experience with this disease." Long Zhaofeng smiled faintly and continued, "Imperial Mother, seeing that the little prince's illness is almost completely healed, let's not haggle over things with him."

"Since you want to protect me, I have nothing else to say!" The empress dowager rose from her chair and said indignantly, "Aunt Su, let's go. We can't stay here any longer."

Aunt Su was about to leave with the empress dowager while hugging the BOSS when Long Zhaofeng suddenly said, "Imperial Mother, the little prince's body hasn't completely recovered yet. Mu Fei understands how to take care of him, so let her take care of him for a few days first."

"What did you say?" You still want to give the little prince to this woman to take care of? Swoosh! Am I hearing things? " The empress dowager raised her eyebrows and glared at the two people in the room. They were truly infuriated. Mu Fei had just gone missing with the little prince in her arms, yet she still wanted to hand the little prince over to her when she returned? If he wasn't crazy, what else could he be?

Long Zhaofeng was in no hurry as he said calmly, "Imperial Mother, if Mu Fei really wanted to harm the little prince, she wouldn't stay until now. She has plenty of opportunities outside the palace to harm the little prince."

"Alright, since you've already said so, you must have a plan in your heart. Aunt Su, give the little prince to him!" When the empress dowager said this, she reluctantly looked at the Boss, unwilling to part with it.

When Lin Mu Fan heard that she agreed, he excitedly rushed up and happily took the Boss from Aunt Su's embrace. He then dropped to his knees and said excitedly, "Thank you, empress dowager! Thank you …!"

She didn't expect that it would be so easy for Longzou to take back the Boss for her. Tears welled up in her eyes, but the empress dowager was so angry that she blew her nose and glared at her.

Yun He's palace descended into silence for a while. Lin Mu Fan watched them leave before turning around. He kowtowed once again to Long Zhaofeng and expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, your majesty. Thank you for allowing the young prince to stay."

He bent over, lifted her chin, and quietly looked at her. After a long while, he faintly said, "Mu Chen, I will do everything I can to help you, protect you, and I won't even hesitate to offend mother. Yet you kept on running away, wanting to leave me again and again. Could it be that your heart really was made of iron and stone and you don't have anything to change? "

"No …" Lin Mofan shook his head. With tears on his small face, he stared at Lin Dong and said, "I'm not trying to escape from you, I'm not trying to leave you. It's just that …" Her words caught in her throat. How could she tell him? How could he not be so disappointed and pained?

"But what?" Long Ze asked without giving up, his deep gaze never leaving her small face. Such sharpness, such profoundness, it was as if she could see through all of her thoughts.

"But... "I'm worried about the Boss' safety." After Lin Mu Fan finished speaking, he immediately lowered his head.

Long Ze snorted disdainfully, his fingers stroking her lips: "Isn't the little prince safer in the palace than outside?"

"Your Majesty's heart is as clear as a mirror. You should be able to understand what Mu Chen is referring to, right?" Mu Chen only wanted to protect the Boss, so he left the palace. " She sighed helplessly. She had left the palace, but had been caught and brought back.

"Are you referring to the matter of Lin Xiangguo and the Duke of Rong rebelling?" Long Ze smiled. Finally, he broke the rule that no one wanted to break out of. When Lin Mu Fan saw him smile, he found it unbelievable. He curiously asked: "Are you not worried at all? "Are you that confident?"

"I am not confident." Long Zhaosu let her go, straightened his back and sat down on a chair by the table. He picked up a grape and lightly chewed it. After a long while, he said, "If the King of Rui or the Cloud Country colluds with him, I will definitely lose."

Lin Mofan chuckled sadly and said, "Don't worry. The Rui King will not collude with them."

Long Zhaosu's hand that was holding the teacup froze, his gaze once again fell on her face, and he immediately asked: "How do you know? When we left the palace this time, did you see him? "

Lin Mu Fan shook his head, but didn't say anything as he faintly smiled. Long Zhaofan waved his hand at her and pulled her into his embrace. Lowering her head to kiss her lips, she tasted the grapes and heard him whisper softly in her ear, "Don't worry. This Emperor will do his best to protect you and the Little Prince."

As he spoke, he reached out his hand to stroke the Boss' small head. His face was filled with affection and doting. He naturally couldn't bear to see him die, but he also couldn't bear to see Mu Fei die. If that moment ever came, he would protect them with his life.

"And you?" Lin Mu Fan suddenly stared at him and asked.

"Me? "What about me?" Long Zhaoting raised his head to look at her, then lowered his head and continued to tease the Boss in her arms.

"Who will protect you?" Lin Mofan's heart ached a little. Victory and defeat were common matters in the army, and no one was an undefeated empire. If he died, would she and the Boss survive? She doubted it!

When Long Zhaosu heard her words, he suddenly felt a little surprised. He looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Are you concerned about me?" It was the first time she had ever heard this from her mouth.

Lin Mufan was also puzzled. He smiled and asked, "Does Your Majesty feel that Mu Chen is the type of person who doesn't know how to care about others?"

"It's not that you don't know how to care about others, it's that you've never cared about me. You only care about the Rui King, only about the little prince." Long Ze bitterly smiled. "In your heart, I will always be a person who can be casually offended and cheated, who will turn away at a glance, right?"

"Deceit? I don't think I lied to you? " Seeing that the Boss had fallen asleep, Lin Mufan called for Zhu'er to help him carry her to bed. Zhu'er immediately carried the Boss away.

"No?" Long Zhaosu sneered, he pointed at the Boss that was carried away by Zhu'er and said: "For example, little prince, why didn't you tell me your child's true identity in the first place? Furthermore, by dressing him up as a pet dog, I have almost thrown him out of the palace several times. "

Lin Mu Fan looked at him in astonishment and asked in surprise, "You know about it?" How did he know? She was surprised. After a while, she calmed down a little and thought about what he had done. Suddenly, he understood that the little prince's life wasn't as important as his life. He wouldn't be so stupid as to take the little prince's life as a toy just to coax a woman into having a good time. In particular, she would give the little prince to her, the enemy of the Long family, the enemy of Consort Rong.

After all, the struggles between women in the imperial harem were always fierce, and Mu Fei had a history of poisoning her fetus. It would be weird if he could give her the little prince that she gave birth to. Before, she had been wondering why he was so stupid, but now, she finally understood that he had known about the Boss' true identity a long time ago.

"Got it." He knew, but there was still a bunch of confusion that he couldn't figure out. It didn't make sense, and no one could figure it out!

Lin Mofan smiled sadly and said, "I didn't expect that the Emperor would believe it. I thought that the Emperor would never believe it. After all, this matter happened in an unbelievable and mysterious manner!"

"Then shouldn't you tell me what is going on?" Longtou asked, raising her jaw again, his other hand resting silently on her belly, stroking it gently. Here... He should have been grateful to her for giving him a little life, but he had hurt her time and time again!

"Will the Emperor believe it? The Emperor didn't believe Mu Chen's words about his past and present lives, so he wouldn't believe Mu Chen's words. " Lin Mu Fan suspected that he would believe him. This was something that no one would believe.

"As long as you say it, I believe you." No matter how much damage they had done to each other or how much they had cheated, at this moment, he was willing to believe in her. Perhaps it was because he had always wanted to know the truth.

Lin Mu Fan thought back to everything that happened in the past and didn't know what to say. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Your majesty, I want to ask you a question. Is the former Mu Chen any different from the latter?" She was very curious about this point. The former Lin Mu Chen, who was also the current her in this life, how she was able to obtain the love of so many men, including this high and mighty Emperor!

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