Upon hearing that the Eastern Palace Empress Dowager had come to see him, Lin Mufan knew that she must have come for the Lin Clan. Ever since the Lin Clan's old and young elder had been sent to the dungeons, she no longer had any peace to live in.

"Esteemed Empress Dowager, please leave quickly. The empress dowager is waiting outside." Green urged quietly.

It wasn't that she didn't want to see the empress dowager, but she was truly afraid that she would mention the matter of the Lin Clan again and make things difficult for her.

When she walked out of the room, the empress dowager was drinking tea from her seat of honor. When she saw Mu Ru Yue coming out, she asked with a faint smile, "Mu Chen, what are you doing in the room? I always stay here and don't get sick.

"Empress Dowager, how come you're free to come here?" Lin Mu Fan sat down beside her and asked with a smile.

The empress dowager didn't like to walk in circles, so she went straight to the point and sighed. "Aunt didn't want to be polite, so just say it directly. Mu Chen, if you have the chance, say good words to the emperor and let the Lin Family off this time. Only you have the chance to plead with the emperor."

It was indeed because of this matter. Lin Mufan helplessly took a breath and said, "Aunt, it's not like you don't know the Emperor's personality. He wouldn't listen to Mu Chen in such a country's affairs. He always has his own decisions."

"But you can't just leave it at that." The empress dowager's voice was anxious. "Those are your relatives. Right now, they're all in prison, living their bitter and bitter lives. If you don't help them, they'll really die."

"But Aunt, if I help them, Father will attack the Emperor, and then there will be chaos. Aren't you worried about the fate of the Revolving Moon Kingdom? " Lin Mu Fan said helplessly.

It really wasn't that she was cold-blooded and emotionless, but rather this matter was simply too extraordinary. How was she supposed to save him? Even if Long Ze really promised to let the Lin Clan go, would she be at ease?

"Mu Chen, how can you say that?" The empress dowager was displeased as she said, "If the emperor heard this, he would immediately exterminate the entire Lin Clan. It would be hard for other officials to do the same."

Lin Mu Fan saw the nervousness in her heart and mockingly laughed: "Isn't that so?" Auntie, do you think the emperor doesn't know what you have in mind? He just couldn't find a good reason to keep his father in custody, that's all. This time, he did not easily find a reason, so naturally, he will not let him off. "

"He only thinks so in his heart, what qualifications does he have to say this without any proof? Just because of a single guess, the entire Lin Family was thrown into a dungeon? "

"Aunt, you should be clearer than anyone else whether or not your guess is wrong. Since you said we're from the same family, then you don't need to say such hypocritical words." Lin Mu Fan coldly smiled.

The empress dowager's face turned extremely unsightly at her words. She grit her teeth and said, "Forget it, those are your family members. If you're not even worried, then I'm not going to meddle in their business anymore. Let that family starve to death in jail."

After saying that, he snappily glanced at the sleeping Boss, then turned around and walked towards the entrance of Yun He Palace.

After the empress dowager left, Lin Mofan sat blankly on the bed. Although she didn't agree to help the Lin Clan out of their misery, she was still thinking about this matter in her heart.

Although Lin Xiangguo had evil intentions, the rest of the Lin Family members were innocent. She should have helped them. However, she didn't dare speak to the Emperor in such a manner. Furthermore, even if she did, she might not pay attention to her.

The sun was setting in the west, and the sky outside the window was shining with a golden light. It was a very beautiful scene. Lin Mu Fan quietly walked out of the house and headed in the direction of Qing He Palace. With or without results, she felt she should at least try.

The scorching summer's sunset was still somewhat uncomfortable. Lin Mofan shuttled back and forth between the pavilions, trying his best to avoid the patch of gold. After walking for a short period of time, they had finally reached the Palace of Clear Harmony.

When the eunuch saw Lin Mofan, he immediately stepped forward to stop her. He respectfully said, "Empress, let this servant go in and report to the Emperor. The emperor is busy right now, so it might be inconvenient for him to see the Empress."

Usually, she didn't even need to report this as Long Zhaofeng gave her the privilege to enter the Qing He Palace at will. The eunuchs and maids were aware of this privilege, and every time they saw her coming over, they would immediately give way.

"No need. I'll go in myself." After saying that, Lin Mu Fan was about to walk in. She wasn't the type of person to refuse to cooperate. It was just that this time, the eunuch blocked her way too strangely. She was very curious as to what shameful things happened that actually kept her at the entrance.

The eunuch was very helpless and bravely stepped forward again to block her. "Empress, this servant has my life on me. Could Empress please wait a moment?" This servant will come out soon. "

"There's no need. You can just directly communicate with him." Lin Mufan bluntly walked past him once again.

The eunuch broke out in a cold sweat. When he saw that Lin Mu Fan had already left, he could only inform the others within the hall, "Esteemed Empress Mu has arrived!" The voice was more urgent and shrill than ever.

Lin Mu Fan's heart faintly felt that something wasn't right. He quickened his steps and just as he stepped into the main hall, he saw a beauty straighten her body from Long Ze's embrace and frantically took a few steps back. As for that woman … Lin Mofan gawked for a moment. It turned out to be the woman who had been killed by her. She looked quite similar to him.

"Meng'er pays his respects to esteemed wangfei, esteemed imperial concubine's Thousand Blessings." Bai Meng kneeled down and kowtowed. His eyes were as clear as water and as light as a wisp of smoke. Lin Mofan didn't think that she was a Heavenly Immortal, but he could feel the virgin fragrance that a woman should have. She was as pure and fresh as a green lotus that had just come out of the mud.

There was no longer such a fresh and beautiful woman in this harem. The woman in the harem could change her nature within a few months after entering the harem. She was no longer her original self.

"Meng'er? "She's so beautiful, your majesty is really blessed." Lin Mufan smiled in an elegant and indifferent manner, "It seems like I didn't come at the right time. I think I'll come again next time."

Finishing his words, he turned to Long Zhaofeng, who had a slightly embarrassed expression, and said, "Your majesty, you guys continue. Mu Chen will take his leave first." It was clearly a very sour sentence, but she could say it so calmly.

Long Ze smiled faintly and went forward to hug her waist. He pulled her into his embrace and said, "Mu Chen, why are you in such a hurry to leave? "Since you're here, come and chat with me. I was just thinking of going to Yun He Palace to see you."

Lin Mu Fan turned his head and coldly stared at him. He wanted to go to Yun He Palace to see her? He was obviously busy at Qing He Palace, yet he still had the face to say such hypocritical words. Since when did he become as hypocritical as those men!

The day before, she had whispered in her ear that if she could only say she loved him, she could send everyone out of the palace. It had only been a day, and she had already brought back the woman she killed.

Seeing that the situation wasn't right, Bai Meng immediately bowed. "Your Majesty and esteemed wangfei can start chatting. This humble woman will take her leave first." With that, he turned around and walked to the door of Qinhe Palace.

After Bai Meng left, Long Zhe stared at Lin Mu Fan and smiled: "Mu Chen, what's wrong? Are you angry? "

"Let me go! "What a hypocrite!" Lin Mu Fan flung him aside with all his might before turning around to leave. She couldn't stand this kind of man. She was angry. Right now, she really wanted to ruthlessly charge forward and kick him!

Long Ze's expression changed. He, the ruler of a country, was called a hypocritical, stinking man. Where was he supposed to put his pride? Beside him were many female servants and eunuchs. He angrily shouted at her back, "Halt!"

However, Lin Mufan never stopped walking, as he continued to walk with his head held high. Long Zhaofeng's pride was severely damaged as he faced the guard at the door and ordered, "Men! Block Mu Fei for This Emperor! "

The two guards immediately moved to block her path in front of Lin Mufan. The infuriated Lin Mufan raised a leg and kicked one of the guards' legs. He viciously threatened, "Get out of my way!"

After all, she was a guard of the Clear Peace Palace. Although it was hard for her to give him such a vicious kick, it was not enough to make him fall down or scare him away so he stood in front of her like an iron pillar.

Lin Mu Fan was both angry and anxious. He turned around and glared at Long Zhaofeng as he unhappily said, "I'll have to trouble you to make them scram!"

Long Zhaosu looked at her expression, which was filled with anger, and helplessly took a deep breath. He flicked his hand at the eunuch, the maid, and the guard in front of the door and said, "All of you can leave. No need to wait."

He knew that this attitude of his did not pose any threat to Lin Moyan. He decided to retract his cold attitude, but he did not want to lose face in front of his servants. As such, after everyone had retreated, she slowly walked up to Zhang Tie and stretched out her hand to tug at her clothes. "Alright, don't just run away when you run into something. Talk to me."

"What would I do if I didn't run? You want to stay here and watch the two of you loving each other? " Lin Mufan cast a sidelong glance at him and mocked in a cold voice. He did not hide his anger at all.

When Long Zhaozhang heard her words, he couldn't help but laugh and pinch her nose as he said, "Mu Chen, you really misunderstood. Just now, it was just Bai Meng stepping on the hem of her skirt and almost fell down. Zhen helped her up on the way."

Lin Mufan was even more infuriated when he heard this. Isn't he watching too many dramas? "Ugh …" There didn't seem to be any stage shows here. In any case, she had indeed seen this old drama scene many times on the stage. The female lead had just walked into a room, and the female partner had stumbled and coincidentally fallen into the arms of the male lead.

It was laughable that he was able to say such an outdated reason. It was too infuriating!

"Hm, what a coincidence, it just so happened to step on the hem of her skirt." Lin Mu Fan sniggered. He sized him up before continuing to speak, "How strange, the five beauties I picked for you the other day were not even her. Why did she come to Qing He Palace instead of leaving? Is it specifically for the emperor …? "

"Have you said enough!?" Long Ze's anger was provoked once again. No matter what, he was still the ruler of a country, yet he was being mocked and ridiculed by her with this finger pointing at him. How could he endure this?

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