He stared at her for a while before gritting his teeth and saying, "Don't be too excessive, don't think that I can be lawless just because I love you! I am the sovereign, and you are the subject.

"Then Your Majesty only needs to send me to the dungeon? You can just throw me into the prison with the Lin Clan. Aren't you going to exterminate the nine clans? Kill! Aren't you king? "Why must you selfishly side with me, Lin Mu Chen …?"

With a "pa" sound, Lin Mofan's face suddenly turned hot as he felt pain on his face. Then, astonished, she looked up at him with one hand over her face. It was as if he were a stranger she had never seen before, suddenly appearing in front of her.

In reality, it wasn't that he hadn't beaten her, or that he hadn't abused her, but … Why did she have such a sudden pain in her heart? This heartache spread deep within his heart, ashamed as it transformed into uncontrollable rage.

If that was the case, he naturally wouldn't dare to stop her. However, she didn't leave, but suddenly pounced like a ferocious beast, kicking and hitting him as she yelled: "You dare to hit me?! What right do you have to hit me? It was clearly you who lied to me and teased me, and now you are going to hit me instead?! "

Long Ze didn't struggle, but let her hit him from head to toe. That palm strike not only stunned her, but also himself. His hand froze in the air for a long time without being able to take it back.

As for her, she continued to shout: "Dragon Swamp! Why didn't you let me go, or kill me, or just ignore me like before! Why did he need to bring hope to others before pushing them into hell? Could it be that this is your revenge method?! "

Long Ze hurriedly grabbed her shoulders and lowered his head to look at her seriously as he said, "I'm not lying to you. I was in the wrong with that palm just now. Mu Chen, calm down. Can you please calm down?"

"I can't calm down!" Lin Mu Fan pushed his hands away with his palm and retreated a step back while glaring at him. His gaze was as though he wanted to kill and take revenge, causing Long Ze's heart to violently tremble. He was at a stalemate and did not know what he should do next. After all, this was the first time he had faced Lin Mufan in such a state.

He saw the anger and disappointment on her face... A myriad of emotions intertwined and materialized on her face as a peculiar feeling assaulted his heart. A person could only show such a crazy expression when they loved someone else. She loved him, so he should be happy, but … Seeing her like this, his heart ached.

With a 'dang' sound, a tea set was knocked off the table and onto the ground. Being fond of smashing things wasn't in her nature, but at this moment, she was truly too angry and too desperate.

"Mu Chen, don't be like this." Long Zhaosu grabbed her hands and was about to sweep the censer again, but he was worried that if he broke the object, it would burn her hand. At this moment, she seemed to have lost all her rationality.

Lin Mu Fan's hands were held down by him, so he could only uncontrollably fall to the ground. However, that murderous gaze still didn't let him go. Staring at him, she choked with sobs, "Why can't you just let me go? I can't accept that my man has three or four concubines, and I'm not fit to stay in the palace at all. In another time and space, even if Long Zhenghao didn't want me or loved me, he would still divorce me first and then marry another woman. Because we all know we can only belong to each other, we're the only ones, that's what marriage is all about, you understand? I am truly unsuited to this era, to this palace, and even more unsuited to be a woman who reigns supreme … "

Her tears spilled down onto the ground, and she suddenly wanted to think about her life after a thousand years. She really missed those days of self-esteem and happiness.

"Isn't it just to be the only one?" Long Ze smiled gently. "I am your only one."

"No, you will never be one!" Lin Mu Fan shook his head painfully, "You have three palaces and six courtyards and countless concubines. There are too many of them, so I have no way to trust you."

Long Zhaojie felt helpless, he bent over and wiped away the tears on her face with his fingers, "Why not?"

"I just saw it with my own eyes. Didn't you leave it to me because you like her?"

"No, it's only because she is the external daughter of Prince Shuang that we have to leave her some face. Mu Chen, you know that war can break out at any time during this period of chaos between the upper echelons of the imperial court. Prince Shuang only sent Bai Meng to the palace because of this opportunity, so we had no choice but to keep her." He really did not want her to misunderstand him!

When Lin Mu Fan heard his blatant reasoning, he was already at a loss for words. If she were to continue making trouble, she would be ignorant of the situation and disregard the safety of her country. However, the disappointment in her heart couldn't be wiped away.

"Just like how you hated me but didn't dare to kill me back then?" She smiled coldly, the coldness of the floor seeping into her skin, causing her to shiver. "You've already sent dozens of members of the Lin Family into the prison, there's no need to worry about what my father will do to you anymore. Can you let me out of the palace now?"

"Alright, I'll allow you to leave the palace, but the little prince must stay in the palace." Long Ze suddenly said this.

Lin Mu Fan was stunned as he sized him up in astonishment. He gave her permission to leave the palace? Moreover, she was the only one who came out. Did that mean he was disappointed in her as well? So he let her change to a new person?

If he didn't let her go, she felt that he himself, let him go, and she also felt that he didn't love her. These two contradictory feelings made her momentarily not know which side to lean towards.

However, it was impossible for her to take the Boss away. The Boss was her life, so she couldn't lose it. After a moment of hesitation, he shook his head and said, "No, the Boss is my only kin. I cannot give up on him."

Long Ze didn't argue with her. He stared at her and said lovingly, "Mu Chen, you can't lose your only family member. Of course I can't lose my only love member. We are clearly one family, why should we be separated? For the sake of us and the little prince, can you endure for a little longer? "When the time is right, I can throw them all aside."

When Lin Mu Fan heard his last sentence, a layer of awkwardness once again appeared in his heart. She really didn't know how to be polite, didn't care about the big picture. In his heart, she must be a completely unreasonable person, right?

She took a deep breath as a bitter smile appeared on her face. "The Emperor is the monarch of the Country of Revolving Moon and it is normal for the three palaces and six courtyards to exist. Mu Chen will not cause any more trouble. Mu Chen will take his leave first."

Long Zhaofeng did not expect that she would suddenly leave and was about to call out to her when Lin Mu Fan stopped in his tracks. He turned around and said, "Your Majesty, Mu Chen came today with a request, I hope that you can release the Lin Family's female scrolls and some unrelated people. My eldest brother and second brother are doing business outside and have nothing to do with the matters of the imperial court.

In the end, she still came to plead with him. What he was most afraid of was this, because he couldn't agree to it at all. However, those were her family members, she was the one who said it, and she was Lin Mu Chen …

"Mu Chen." He helplessly walked over and said: "You should understand, if I manage to deal with Lin Xiangguo, your big brother, second brother and the younger brothers that are still growing will definitely not be convinced. Whether they have the power to threaten the imperial court or not, it will be a hidden danger, so there will be a history of nine familial extermination."

"Mu Chen understands. Since the Emperor is feeling troubled, then forget it." Lin Mofan didn't make things difficult for him because she knew that this matter was indeed rather difficult and dangerous. If it was her turn, she would seriously consider whether or not to agree to someone else's request. Thus, she would not force him to help her.

When Lin Mu Fan returned to the Cloud Palace, he saw Bai Meng playing with the Boss in the courtyard. She didn't expect Bai Meng to come here, but she didn't show her surprise and gracefully walked in.

When Bai Meng saw her enter, he immediately rose to his feet and greeted her respectfully. "Meng'er pays his respects to Esteemed Empress Mu and esteemed lady Jin An [2]."

"Mm, get up." The bitterness and pain of tears still lingered in Lin Mu Fan's throat. Naturally, he could not pretend to welcome her. Bai Meng stood up and looked at the Boss with a smile, "The little crown prince is really cute. He has the same appearance as the emperor."

"Yeah, children are cute." Lin Mu Fan casually replied before asking, "Oh right, what business do you have with me? Had he been waiting for too long? "Sorry."

Bai Meng hurriedly shook his head. "No, not long after, Meng'er also just arrived. Meng'er doesn't have anything important to do, just wanting to come visit the Empress and pay his respects." After all, when he first entered the Imperial Palace, he was the first to speak nervously. Lin Mu Fan could only smile bitterly in his heart.

Bai Meng turned around and offered a bottle of medicine cake to a servant girl, smiling as he said, "Empress, Meng'er heard that the Empress's face was injured, so before entering the palace, he took this bottle of medicine to help the Empress remove her scars. There are many effects, would the Empress like to try it?"

Lin Mu Fan glanced at the incense in his eyes, then looked at her harmless expression as he assessed whether she had good intentions or evil intentions in her heart. After staying in the harem for so long, she had become very careful towards everyone, especially the food and medicine. She would be poisoned to death if she wasn't careful.

She even wondered if the woman in front of her was deliberately mocking her for disfiguring her. In fact, she didn't care about what her face looked like at all. If she was concerned about it, she would have swallowed that silky, rouge pill in her hand a long time ago. It was a miraculous medicine that could cure a hundred illnesses and restore her appearance.

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