"Empress Dowager, everything is fine now. Thank you for deciding for the little prince." Lin Mu Fan smiled as he said gratefully.

The empress dowager continued to hold the BOSS 'hand and play with it. "What's there to thank? As long as the little prince is alright, everyone else's lives are secondary." If anyone dares to lay a hand on the little prince again, I will immediately take her head! "

The empress dowager's words caused her to grit her teeth. When she spoke, her eyes either intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the group of beauties by her side. It was obvious that they were being warned. The beauties naturally knew what she was thinking and lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Seeing how worried everyone was, Lin Mufan smiled in relief. It seemed that entrusting the Boss to the empress dowager was the most appropriate decision. After this experience, everyone would definitely not have any ill intentions towards the Boss anymore. As for her, she could finally relax.

"Alright, everyone disperse now. I'm going to rest." The empress dowager said to the group of seated women.

"Yes, Majesty!" Everyone sat up and left. No one dared to stay here any longer.

Lin Mufan saw that the empress dowager wanted to keep him here, so he made the first move, "Esteemed Empress Dowager, Mu Chen will bring the little prince back to rest first. We'll send him to the Western Palace in two days to accompany you."

"Mm, alright, be careful on the way." Having a child was different. The empress dowager was even worried about her safety. It was best not to let something as dangerous as that happen.

Lin Mufan brought Little Green and Zhu'er towards the direction of the Cloud Palace. Tears still hung on Little Green's face. Lin Mu Fan smiled and stopped. He wiped away the tears on her face with a handkerchief and asked: "What's wrong?" Still crying? "

"No, Empress." Green took a step back in a fluster. It was flattering to ask Imperial Concubine Mu to wipe away her tears. She carelessly used her sleeve to wipe away the tears on her face. She said with embarrassment, "Your servant was too diligent in crying just now. However, I still can't stop crying. I'll be fine after a while."

Lin Mu Fan nodded his head as he looked at her and smiled bitterly: "Do you think that I am very shameless? It's no different from those shameless women, is it? "

"No, no." Green shook his head hurriedly. "It was Venerable An who framed Empress. It's only natural for Empress to counterattack. The Empress is protecting herself, not being shameless."

When Lin Mu Fan heard her comforting words, he chuckled softly. That's right, she was protecting herself. She had always been a person without offending me, but if someone offends me, I will pay back double.

She walked on, not in the direction of the Cloud Palace, but in the direction of the Cold Palace. From afar, one could hear Bai Meng's incomparably miserable wails, as if he was suffering the torment of purgatory.

By the time Lin Mofan arrived at the Cold Palace, the 20 boards had already been struck. Bai Meng was lying on the ground, trembling as he breathed his last. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Under the rays of the morning sun, it was suffused with a captivating red luster.

Bai Meng, who was originally lying on the ground and unable to move, heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He raised his eyebrows slightly and saw a pair of exquisite phoenix shoes fixed in front of him. Who else in the harem other than Imperial Concubine Mu was qualified to wear phoenix shoes embroidered with gold thread? Thinking of this name, her heart went cold. This was a person she could not afford to offend!

"Men, come and help Venerable An up." Lin Mu Fan looked down from above at Bai Meng who was in a sorry state. He spoke to the servants behind him in a calm and fearless manner. Two eunuchs immediately went forward to help Bai Meng up from the ground.

"Honored Master An, did you feel wronged?" Lin Mofan coldly smiled with his red lips slightly parted.

Bai Meng raised his head with much difficulty and stared at Lin Mufan with eyes filled with fear. She was in extreme pain as she pushed away the two eunuchs beside her. "Esteemed Empress Mu, please spare me. I won't dare to do it again. I'll be obedient in the future …"

Tears rolled down her face and onto the floor. Lin Mufan cast a sidelong glance at her and sneered, "I have already warned you this morning that you shouldn't even think about fighting me because His Majesty only loves me. Noble An, you still don't know, right? Love is a terrible thing. It can ruin a person's heart beyond recognition... "

"Do you think that with such a small scheme of yours, you can make me come down? Do you know that this isn't the first time? The crimes that Mu Fei committed could have been committed ten thousand times over, but she is still fine right now. It's because the Emperor loves her and dotes on her. It's such a simple matter. "

Bai Meng lightly sucked in a breath. She really hadn't expected that when they had entered the palace, the mama had warned them that the emperor's greatest taboo was having his woman get involved with another man, confusing their royal bloodline. She remembered those words, but didn't expect that they weren't suitable for Mu Fei.

Last night, the Emperor was clearly furious and thought that her plan had been successful. He didn't expect to see Mu Fei appear safe and sound early in the morning, as though nothing had happened.

Doesn't the Emperor care if she has sexual relations with other men? Why did he forgive her so generously when he knew she was in the same room as another man? Was this the terrible love she spoke of?

"Esteemed Mufei, what must we do before you let me go?" Bai Meng asked in a trembling voice, his tears still streaming down his face.

Lin Mu Fan shook his head as he looked down on her and mocked, "Noble An, your ambitions are not small but you are still too young. You are not suited to being jealous of each other here. You should just obediently stay in the cold palace and grow up."

"Empress, Meng'er, please don't stay in the cold palace. Please be magnanimous!" She did not give up and continued to plead, knowing full well that begging her would be useless, knowing full well that he would not agree to her request. But there was nothing she could do. She didn't want to stay in the Cold Palace. If she didn't want to die, she had to beg for her life!

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a living Bodhisattva." After Lin Mu Fan finished speaking, he smiled and turned around to walk towards the entrance of the cold palace.

Bai Meng collapsed onto the ground. The pain of his body tormented her so much that she didn't even have the strength to stand up. The hatred in her heart burned so fiercely that it made her feel extremely pained. Staring at Lin Mufan's departing back, she secretly swore in her heart that one day, she would return all the crimes she had suffered today to her. One day, she would!

She had never expected that she would be beaten into a cold harem a few days after entering the palace. It seemed that what Lin Mofan said was true. She was still too inexperienced and was not a match for others.

She had not learned or understood the way of life in the harem, so she died miserably!

When Lin Mu Fan returned to Yun He Palace, he saw Long Ze sitting at a round table in the middle of the hall drinking tea. His face was expressionless and he held a teacup without moving. It was unknown what he was thinking about.

She didn't expect him to leave so early this morning. She didn't know when he left last night, but from his sleepy eyes, she could tell that he didn't sleep well last night. Perhaps he didn't sleep at all.

Thinking back to the words he had said at his bedside and his anger, Lin Mufan felt a pang in his heart.

Lin Mofan glanced at Little Green and Zhu'er, who were about to kneel down and greet them, then ordered them to carry the Boss down. Even after Green and Pearl had retreated, she stood by the door for a while, not knowing what to do. What kind of attitude would she have to face him at this moment?

She really wanted to walk up without a care in the world and hug him in her arms while saying she loved him, but her reason forced her to calm down and dispel this thought that suddenly popped into her head.

She was standing in a position that blocked out the light from the outside. After a long while, Long Zhaofeng finally sensed something. He stared up at her, unable to see the expression on her face in the backlight. However, he could feel that her face was still cold, filled with the aura of rain and snow.

"You're back?" Long Ze put the teacup on the table and the corner of his mouth curled up into a nearly invisible smile.

"Your Imperial Majesty is lucky." Lin Mofan gave him a symbolic salute and stood in front of him. He asked, "Since the Emperor has left the Imperial Court so early in the morning, I wonder if there's anything you need from the Cloud Palace?"

Lin Mufan still felt a little guilty. After what happened last night, even she wasn't sure if she should pursue the matter. What she had said to Bai Meng in the cold palace was just to make him suffer, would she really be okay? Would Long Zhaosu still shield her and let her go, as he had done in the past?

"I suddenly miss you and the little prince, so I came over to take a look." The expression on his face was still calm, without any signs of anger. He didn't mention what happened last night, but he actually didn't say a word?

Of course it was good that he didn't mention it, she could also pretend that she was alright. After taking a light breath, she turned around and called out to the side room, "Zhu'er, bring the little prince over for the emperor to see."

Pearl immediately carried the Boss out and handed it to Long Zhaofeng. Seeing that the Boss had fallen asleep, Lin Mofan said, "Your majesty, the little prince is already asleep. Let's hug him when he wakes up."

Seeing that the Boss had indeed fallen asleep, Long Zhaoting quietly observed him for a while and then motioned for Zhu'er to carry him into the house and sleep. The hall was silent again, leaving the two of them speechless.

"Mu Chen, come here." Long Zhaoxuan suddenly said to her.

Lin Mofan's heart was slightly startled. After hesitating for a moment, he walked over. She was unable to grasp onto the current thoughts within Long Zhaofan's mind, thus she did not know what to say. Before she could stand still in front of him, something wrapped itself around her waist and her body fell into his embrace.

Startled, she hurriedly raised her head and her gaze accurately met the two beams of darkness before her, as she tried to see the emotions flooding his eyes. His face was suddenly close, his lips and tongue pressed down unerringly.

He kissed her, and every time he was happy or sad, he would kiss her. He transferred his aura to her lips, then fell into this battle of words with her.

He had to admit that his kiss was very attractive and very unforgettable. Every time he kissed her, she would not want to refuse, and would not want to let go. It was the same this time, her reason could not overcome the desire in her heart for him. Closing his eyes, he sucked in a breath that belonged to him.

After the two of them kissed for a long time, they reluctantly let go of each other. Lin Mofan laid in his arms as he gasped for breath. He gently embraced her as he stared blankly at the bright sun outside. He whispered next to her ear, "Did he kiss you like last night?"

Lin Mu Fan was stunned as he shook his head instinctively, "We didn't do anything last night."

"Really?" "It is fortunate that I appeared early enough?" Long Zhaofeng's words were full of arrogance. He didn't do anything, and in the middle of the night, the two of them stayed in the same room and didn't do anything? How could he believe this?

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