Lin Mu Fan didn't reply. She really wanted to explain to Long Ze that she wasn't involved with any man, but after thinking about it for a bit, she felt that it wasn't necessary. Let him continue to misunderstand, let him continue to hate her. Besides, even if she had explained it, he wouldn't have believed it. If he had explained that nothing had happened between him and Lady An last night, she wouldn't have believed it either.

Long Ze hugged her, his hand gently stroking her waist, and lightly smiled bitterly: "Xiao Chen, are you still my concubine? Are you still willing to stay by my side? With our children. "

Lin Mufan was bewitched by his beautiful words and replied instinctively, "Of course I'm willing." She was truly willing. She longed for peace and harmony in this world. Only by doing so would she be able to have a happy and happy family. Even if he had over seventy concubines, as long as he loved her and the Boss, that would be enough.

Although she answered without the slightest hesitation, Long Zhaoting was still unable to cheer and cheer for her like before. It was not as if she had never said such words before. As he spoke, he thought about other men.

"Then please don't think about other men anymore, is that okay?" He had never been so weak in his life, so submissive to a woman. He had also never been so miserably harmed by a woman before. He had to put on a green hat for her and let her treat him, the king of an empire, as a joke.

"I will never contact him again. Your Majesty, please trust me." Lin Mu Fan's heart felt as though it had been stabbed by a knife when he said those words. The promise he made today would be in vain in a few days. At that time, he would definitely be very sad. It would be good to be sad. As long as he could stay alive, the sadness would be over.

Could he really trust her? Long Ze asked himself in his heart. Just as the two were deep in thought, Eunuch Liu's voice came from the door. "Your Majesty, this servant has something to report."

Long Zhaoting hurriedly collected his emotions and spat out two words without even raising his head: "Speak."

"Prince Shuang is seeking an audience outside the Hall of Ecclesiastic Education. He's in quite a hurry." As Eunuch Liu spoke, he sneaked a glance at Lin Mufan. Once he said this, everyone was well aware of what else could Prince Shuang had to do other than plead on behalf of Bai Meng.

"Tell him that I'll be there in a moment." Long Zhaosu said after a slight hesitation.

Eunuch Liu accepted the order and left. After Lin Mu Fan saw him leave, he turned his head to look at Long Ze. He frowned as if he was thinking about something. Ru Yue said, "Your majesty, if you have anything to do, just go and busy yourself. There's no need to stay here to accompany Mu Chen."

Long Ze raised his head to look at her and said with a wry smile, "Mu Chen, do you know how much trouble you've caused me?"

Is this a big problem? Would sending Senior An into a cold palace really bring him that much trouble? Lin Mu Fan turned his face away as he mockingly said, "In the end, the Emperor still doesn't want to part with Venerable An. Chenqie will let her go."

"No, if that makes you unhappy." Long Zhaoting lifted her lower jaw and lowered his head to kiss her lips, smiling slightly. "I'm fine as long as you're happy, understand?"

"Mu Chen only wants the Emperor to be safe." Lin Mu Fan's words were directed at his back and he said it so softly that he did not even hear it. After a while, his figure had already disappeared from the entrance of the Cloud Palace.

By the time Long Zhaosu returned to the court, Prince Shuang was already waiting impatiently. He immediately bowed and said, "This subject pays his respects to Your Majesty. Your Majesty is blessed with ten thousand gold taels."

"Wu, Prince Shuang, you should rise." Long Ze sized him up and asked with a smile, "What business does Prince Shuang have with me?" Even though he knew the purpose of his entry into the palace, he still asked a polite question.

Prince Shuang cupped his hands together, "Your Majesty, this subject has heard that Meng'er was framed by others in the palace. Now that his life is at stake, this subject would like to take a look on behalf of his parents. Is Your Majesty willing?"

Bai Meng was the blood niece of their Bai Clan. Now that he had been sent to the cold palace, he was naturally anxious. He wanted to take advantage of the fact that he still had some weight in the court to plead with the Emperor and forgive Bai Meng this time.

Long Ze was displeased and looked at him condescendingly. "Prince Shuang, why do you think that Venerable An was framed by someone else? I heard that she tried to harm the little prince, but fortunately, she was saved in time. "

Prince Shuang was frightened and continued, "Your majesty, Bai Meng was innocent since he was young and wasn't such a malicious person. He wouldn't have the guts to lay a hand on the little prince. Please be sure to make it clear and return her innocence."

Long Ze smiled as he sized him up and sighed in a low voice, "Prince Shuang, you don't know about this, right? None of the women who entered the harem were clean. It wouldn't even take a few days for them to turn into a person, a ghost or a ghost. They were all focused on how to frame others and how to spoil themselves. As for Noble An, it seems that the Apothecary General still doesn't understand her well enough. She has already broken the rule last night, but I did not announce this to the outside world out of respect for Prince Shuang. "I didn't expect that she would make another mistake today. Moreover, the empress dowager had personally witnessed it. It'll be hard for Zhen to protect her even if he wanted to."

"What did Meng'er do last night?" Prince Shuang asked in confusion. He had only heard that Bai Meng had been framed this morning, and had never heard of the things that she had done last night.

"Duke Shuang, please sit and speak." After Long Zhaofeng gave him peace, he also went around to the Dragon Throne and sat down, saying mockingly, "Lord An has a lot of thoughts at such a young age. As soon as he entered the palace, he planted some spies in Yun He Palace, and when he heard something, he brought me to Yun He Palace to catch the traitor, disturbing the peace of the imperial harem."

"This …" Prince Shuang was startled and said, "Your Majesty, Meng'er is doing this for the emperor's own good. Imperial Concubine Mu of the Cloud Palace is unrestrained. Isn't it good for her to keep an eye on Imperial Concubine?"

"How dare you!" Suddenly, Long Zhaoting slammed the table in anger. Startled, Prince Shuang immediately kneeled down from his chair. "This subject deserves to die, this subject is speaking nonsense, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"Mu Fei is a first rank Concubine, so how can you be so profane? Do you want to suffer a setback with Venerable An? " He hated to hear such festivities, hated to hear others speak ill of Lin Mu Fan!

"This subject is wrong, Your Majesty, please forgive this subject." Prince Shuang kowtowed on the ground.

Long Zhaozu took a deep breath and his tone softened. He stared at Long Zhaofeng and said, "Prince Shuang, you should go back first. I will investigate the case of Noble An. If the situation is true, I will be at ease with you."

"But Your Majesty … Your subject fears that Meng'er will suffer grievances in the cold palace, so I request the Emperor to be magnanimous and accept her out before investigating this case. " Prince Shuang cupped his hands and fearlessly demanded.

This was indeed an excessive request. If he did not agree, then it was likely that they would be at odds with the Fifth Master from now on. Long Zhaofeng secretly gritted his teeth. The situation was now unstable and even a prince dared to threaten and tempt him like this. It was truly laughable! If he didn't let them go, wouldn't he have to join forces with King Rong to deal with him?

"I said that I would investigate the matter as soon as possible. I even said that noble An is innocent. Prince Shuang still doesn't trust me?" Long Zhaoting gritted his teeth. Even if he wanted to win him over, he wouldn't need to be threatened by a prince, right?

"No, Your Majesty, this subject does not mean that." Prince Shuang clasped his hands and said, "This subject shall abide by Your Majesty's orders."

Just then, a shrill voice suddenly sounded from outside the door. "Esteemed Empress Mu has arrived! Lord An has arrived! "

The two people inside were stunned at the same time. Their gazes turned towards the door in unison. Very quickly, Lin Mofan and Venerable An walked in. Imperial Physician An had just been beaten up, so even though he had been seen by the imperial physician, he was still too weak to walk. When he saw the Duke Shuang, his tears also began to flow. He choked with sobs, "Third Uncle, Meng'er wants to go home …"

"Meng'er, are you alright?" Prince Shuang asked with concern as he held her body and lowered his head to size her up.

Venerable An glanced at Long Zhaofan and shook his head without saying anything. Long Ze looked at Lin Mu Fan, not understanding what she was playing at. Why did she bring him here?

Lin Mu Fan felt his puzzled gaze and said with a smile, "Your majesty, please have Chenqie take good care of Venerable An. Chenqie has already brought her out from the Cold Palace and just applied the medicine. Venerable An wanted to see Prince Shuang, so chenqie brought him here. I hope she didn't disturb you. "

"Mm …" This... "I won't disturb you." Long Ze's brain moved quickly, and immediately understood what she meant. He just didn't think that she would suddenly bring him out.

Lin Mofan smiled faintly and continued, "Your Majesty's words make sense. The little prince is fine now, and chenqie doesn't have to be stubborn about letting Venerable An off the hook. This is the so-called 'family and happiness'. This chenqie knows her wrongs."

With that, he turned to Senior An and said with an apologetic expression, "Senior An, Mu Chen apologized to you. It was Mu Chen who was too anxious and hurt you. Mu Chen won't be this petty in the future."

Noble An hadn't expected that she would suddenly apologize to him, so he naturally felt flattered. Moreover, when he heard that the emperor had the intention of taking her out of the cold palace, all the anger and grievance in his heart vanished in an instant. He hurriedly shook his head and said, "Esteemed Empress doesn't need to apologize to Meng'er. It was Meng'er's fault first."

"So you are forgiving me? And you don't want to argue any longer and want to leave? " Lin Mu Fan heaved a sigh of relief.

Senior An nodded. Lin Mofan immediately said, "Then, I'll bring my sister back to rest. Let's not disturb the emperor's official business. Is it okay with my sister like this?"

"En!" Noble An nodded and said to Prince Shuang, "Third Uncle, Meng'er will take his leave first. Thank you for coming to the palace to see Meng'er." After saying this, Prince Shuang left with a baffled expression as he followed Lin Mofan.

For a moment, only Long Zhaosu and the Wooden King were left in the room. However, the atmosphere wasn't as tense as it was earlier. Long Zhaosu gestured for him to sit down, smiled and said, "Prince Shuang, please take a seat.

"No, thank you for your kind intentions, Your Majesty. I am about to return to my duties." Prince Shuang said, his attitude also taking a 180 degree turn.

"Oh, have you been busy with official business lately?" Longtou asked, sitting back in his chair.

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