"I'm not too busy returning to the Emperor, but it's just that the outside of the city is getting more and more chaotic, and it's getting harder and harder to manage." Prince Shuang stealthily lifted the corner of his eye and glanced at Long Zhaozhu as he spoke, intentionally or otherwise.

"It seems that there are quite a few soldiers under King Rong's command." Long Ze sneered, and muttered: "I don't know what he is waiting for, for Lin Xiang Guo to get out of jail? He won't be able to think about it for the rest of his life. "

Logically speaking, sending troops at once should have been safer than not. The fact that King Rong had yet to send troops, this point was very puzzling. He was prepared to kill him in one stroke.

"Your majesty, speaking of this matter, it's a little strange. For some reason, the soldiers and horses of the Duke Rong have been moving northward since early morning. It seems like they're returning to Northern Lu. It's really hard to understand her thoughts."

"What?" He's going back north? " Long Zhaoting also had a face full of surprise. King Rong had returned without a sound, and then left without a sound. What was the purpose of his actions? He didn't understand either.

Long Zhaozu let out a soft sigh, turned around to face the direction of the entrance and said, "Prince Shuang, you have to be extra careful around the city gates these days. No matter what his intentions are, you can't let his troops enter the Imperial City. Once he's serious, you don't have to be polite with him and kill him first. "

"This subject respects Your Majesty's decree!" Prince Shuang said with his hands cupped in front of his chest, his voice loud and firm.

"Alright, you can leave first. If you have any news, then remember to notify me immediately." Long Zhaozu said to him.

"This official has ordered that this official will take his leave first." Prince Shuang nodded his head and left. As he walked out, his gaze couldn't help but glance in the direction of the imperial harem. He really wanted to go see Bai Meng, but it wasn't polite at all.

After Prince Shuang left, Long Zhe immediately walked towards the direction of the Cloud Palace. The scene just now happened so suddenly that even now, he still found it hard to understand. This wasn't the personality of Mu Fei. She was a single-minded person, so how could she voluntarily bring Senior An out of the cold palace?

Prince Shuang was indeed someone he needed to rope in right now, and he was the only one who had enough troops at his disposal to fight with Prince Rong to the end. If even he was betrayed, the Royal Clan would be in danger.

Fortunately, when Prince Shuang had left earlier, he did not lose all decorum with him. He still complied with the orders respectfully, as usual. Furthermore, all of this was due to Mu Fei's help. It was she who had helped him solve this difficult problem.

As Long Zhaoting quickened his steps into Yunhe Palace, he discovered that Venerable An was being examined by a few imperial physicians at Yunhe Palace. Lin Mofan was watching by the side and occasionally spoke a few words to Venerable An.

When the two of them discovered that Long Ze had entered, Lin Mufan greeted him first. Noble An struggled to speak softly to Long Ze, "Your majesty, please forgive me. Your concubine is unable to greet you."

"No need to bow, just lie down." Long Zhaosu glanced at her and turned to the imperial physicians. "How are your wounds?" Are there any injuries? "

One of the imperial physicians replied, "Reporting to the emperor, Venerable An's injuries are only superficial. He'll be better in a few days."

Long Ze nodded his head. His eyes suddenly turned towards Lin Mofan, just in time to meet her gaze. Their eyes intersected in the air as if they had made an agreement. However, they were quickly cut off when Lin Mu Fan lowered his head.

She lowered her head and quietly stood by the bed. Was she trying to escape? Long Zhaofeng secretly thought in his heart. Then he reached out and took her by the hand and led her out of the cabinet and into another side room.

It was unknown what kind of feeling Lin Mofan's heart had as he held onto Lin Mofan's hand. It was painful, but injured … As long as she was pulled into the room by him, the feelings she would feel when he let her go would always be complicated and alternating.

He let go of her wrist and used both hands to hold her shoulders, placing her firmly in front of him. He lowered his head and stared fixedly at her. "Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for? The emperor knows very well in his heart why he was forced into a cold palace by the empress dowager. Your majesty, Mu Chen is just like the other women in the imperial harem. He likes to scheme and hurt others. After Lin Mu Fan said this in a low voice, he turned his head and avoided Lin Dong's burning gaze.

Long Ze only smiled and used his palm to support her chin, forcing her to look at him and said, "Mu Chen, no matter what sort of person you are, I have already fallen in love with you. There's no time for regrets. I can't let you go, understand?"

No matter what she did, he knew very well that she was naturally kind-hearted. When she risked her life to save Ming Xin, risking her life to be sent to prison to save Zhu'er, she had concealed the fact that he was poisoned from everyone. Just as the matter between him and Prince Shuang was about to come to a standstill over Venerable An, she timely came out to rescue him. She could give up her life for the Boss. How could such a kind person be willing to compare her with the other girls in the harem?

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Long Ze helplessly said, "Mu Chen, are you still hating me for bestowing Bai Meng as your benefactor?"

"No, Mu Chen doesn't hate him." Lin Mufan shook his head. After this matter, she finally understood the difficulty of being the ruler of a country. He was the Emperor. He would never be able to wholeheartedly focus on anyone. There were many things that he had no choice but to do. No matter if it was Noble An or Hua Fei and Mei Fei, they were both women that he had no choice but to accept.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of Long Zhenghao in the modern era. He was just like Long Zhaozhu, who accepted an important person like her, and was forced to marry her? There were no emotions. Everything was just for benefits.

"Since you don't hate me, then why are you always treating me with such a cold attitude?" Long Ze was on the verge of going crazy from her ice-cold look. He hated her for her looks. But all these years, she had always been like this. Whether he coaxed her or abused her, he had never changed.

"Your majesty, Mu Chen is really sorry for getting used to this." Lin Mu Fan said with an innocent expression.

He gently caressed her face before pulling her into his embrace. A few tiny words came from above her head, "Mu Chen, I miss the time when you lost your consciousness. The first person you looked for every day when you woke up was me and every day, you are worried that I don't want you anymore. The feeling of being needed is also a kind of happiness."

Hearing his words, Lin Mufan's heart skipped a beat as he smiled bitterly. How could she not like the time when she was doted on by him? He was carefree and happy.

Her face was still pressed against his chest, listening to his uneven heartbeat. Suddenly, she felt reluctant to leave his embrace. Then she put her arms around him, gently, as if afraid to disturb him.

"Your Majesty, Venerable An said he wanted to see you." The voice of a servant girl suddenly sounded from outside the door. Lin Mu Fan instinctively wanted to step away from the dragon's lair, but he was hugged even tighter. He then said to the servant girl outside, "Tell Senior An to rest first. I'll go see her later."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The servant girl nodded in agreement. She didn't dare to say anything else as she turned around and left.

Lin Mofan did not want to make things difficult for him. He raised his head to look at him and urged him, "Your majesty, you should go see Venerable An."

Since she was expressionless when she spoke, Long Zhaosu couldn't tell if she was sincere or mocking him. Regardless of which one it was, he decided to put that side down first. Lowering his head to kiss Lin Mofan's lips, he said, "Ignore her first."

"Your majesty, don't waste all your efforts." Lin Mu Fan very rationally pushed him away, struggling to get away from his embrace. She stared at him and said expressionlessly, "Venerable An wants to see you right now."

Being pushed so hard by her, Long Zhaoting unsteadily took two steps back, looking at her face full of determination. With a bitter smile, he turned around and walked to another room.

Suddenly, he felt a little sarcastic. He was the stately ruler of a country, but instead wanted to invite the favor of a noble. Although he was unwilling to go, when he thought about the unstable situation outside, and how he would not be able to leave Prince Shuang's support for a moment, he had no choice but to let Lin Mu Fan go to see Venerable An.

When Lin Mofan saw his reluctant and unwilling expression, he felt very sad in his heart. She knew that he didn't want to go because he was afraid that she would be hurt, but …

After arranging his emotions, Long Zhaojing walked into the cabinet, where he saw that she was weakly lying on the cushions. Her face was filled with anticipation as she stared at him, hoping, but no one knew what she was hoping for.

The imperial physicians had already been ordered out of the palace by her, leaving only the two maids by her side. When they saw the emperor enter, they tactfully bowed and left, leaving the two of them with space.

It was the first time that Long Zhaoting had faced such an ill concubine, and he was momentarily at a loss as to what to do. In the end, he only smiled as he sized up Venerable An and asked, "Venerable An, are you alright?"

Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Your concubine is fine now." Noble An lowered his head and covered his mouth as soon as he finished speaking. Was the skin wound transferred to the lungs? Long Zhaosu secretly smiled in his heart. "Hahahaha Still, he stepped forward considerately, one hand holding her slender body while the other patted her on the back and said with concern, "Lord An, be careful. If you are not feeling well, just lie down and don't speak.

"But it's so rare for chenqie to be able to see the emperor's face. chenqie wants to speak …" As he spoke, he covered his mouth and coughed lightly. His small hand lightly pulled the corner of Long Zhaofeng's robe, and his body leaned into Long Zhaofeng's embrace.

Long Zhaofeng's arm stiffened in midair, before hesitantly placing it on her shoulder. He forced a smile and said, "Senior An, just say what you want to say, right? I am listening here. "

"Chenqie also doesn't know what she wants to say. She's afraid that the emperor will be unhappy if she says too much." High Lord An's face was filled with grievance.

He almost said to her, Then don't say it, just lie down and rest. But he could not be so indifferent to her. He clearly knew that she was using Prince Shuang's power to act like a spoiled child, but he had no choice but to accept everything from her and accompany her in such a good mood.

"Senior An, please speak. I will not be unhappy." He smiled.

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