Five or six days passed since that day the first emperor came.

During this period, His Majesty also came, but he was busy dealing with some tricky political affairs.

Seeing Concubine Shu was very distressed.

Every time she finished her political affairs, Concubine Shu pinched her shoulders and forehead for His Majesty to relieve his fatigue.

This made Ying Zheng praise Concubine Shufei's intimate from time to time.

On this day, Yingchen was cultivating again.

At this time, he suddenly found that the imperial qi in his body showed signs of skyrocketing again.

Huan Chen was already accustomed to this situation, and he immediately made a decision, immediately absorbed the imperial qi, and prepared to make a breakthrough.

It has been a lot of time since the last breakthrough, and he has already improved a lot.

This time it will definitely break through!

Sure enough, under the cultivation of Huan Chen, he successfully broke through the Imperial Qi Foundation Building Realm!

As soon as the Foundation Building Realm broke through, Huan Chen suddenly felt that his body was different.

His body is more at ease, and his soul is more ethereal.

Even the soul has signs of detachment from the body!

This situation did not make Ying Chen feel afraid, but made him start experimenting with interest.

He tries to control his soul and detach himself from his body.

Under his bold attempt, he actually let his soul leave his body and run freely in the outside world!

Finally, Ying Chen understood that this was a new ability he had acquired after breaking through—the Divine Soul Leaving Body.

Divine soul detachment, as the name suggests, is to let one's divine soul leave the body for a period of time.

The divine soul can be unrestricted by the body and can run outside the world according to its own will.

It's just that the divine soul is far less condensed than the Yuan Baby, and it cannot be exposed to the outside world for a long time.

Even so, Windust was very satisfied.

In this way, you can also make a difference at critical moments.

What's more, he also gained the ability to reforge his body with imperial qi!

At that time, he can quickly get out of the form of a baby and grow into an adult.

I hope that by then, I won't scare Brother Zheng because I grow too fast.

In the afternoon, Ying Zheng arrived, and he was in a good mood.

Just now, the public revenge showed him his new type of fishing boats and large fishing nets.

The combination of these two makes the ability to catch fish very amazing, it can be said that once the net goes down, there are no fish that slip through the net, and it is full.

It's a delight to watch.

Coupled with saltpeter ice, the people sent have already made a lot of ice.

The ice cubes are preserved and can be used later when transported.

There is also a large supply of saltpeter over there, enough to make a lot of ice.

Some fishing boats have now set out to fish in coastal areas.

The fish and shrimp caught will be processed and sent directly to the inland food-scarce areas.

It can be said that the problem of food shortage for the people will be solved in the near future.

And according to what the smelly boy said, as long as you find high-yield food, you don't have to worry too much about food in the future.

His Daqin will become a Daqin where everyone can eat enough and has plenty of food!

This made Ying Zheng feel very good.

His steps are brisk, his walk is windy, and the corners of his mouth are almost uncontrollably upturned.

Concubine Shu was the best at observing words, and immediately saw the emperor's good mood.

She smiled and asked, "What happened?" Make Your Majesty so happy? "

Huan Zheng's footsteps paused slightly, and he glanced at Concubine Shu's abdomen, and the smile on his face narrowed slightly.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of the imperial government, you don't have to worry about it."

The emperor did not want to say, and Concubine Shu naturally would not be persecuted.

Moreover, she did not understand the affairs of the imperial government, but she was afraid that even if His Majesty told her, she did not understand what it meant.

Thinking that all this is indispensable to his son's credit now, Ying Zheng couldn't help but have the mind to compensate.

So, he changed his tone and said, "Xu has been running to you every day recently, you have worked hard. "

Concubine Shu hurriedly said: "Concubines are not hard, it is Your Majesty who works hard, and concubines just do what they should do." "

Concubine Shu was so well-behaved and knew how to advance and retreat, which suddenly softened Ying Zheng's heart.

He immediately announced: "Come, upgrade Concubine Shufei's grade to beauty!" "

Concubine Shu was suddenly rewarded, and she couldn't help but be flattered.

"Your Majesty is too good for concubines, and concubines really don't know how to repay Your Majesty's generous treatment."

Seeing that Concubine Shu was so sincere, Ying Zheng felt that his reward was deserved.

Huan Zheng instructed: "You don't have to repay me, you must protect the child." "

This child is the hope of Daqin in the future!

Concubine Shu didn't know what Ying Zheng was thinking, thinking that His Majesty loved Wu and Wu and had expectations for his children.

I was even more touched in my heart.

Ying Zheng still has political affairs to deal with, and after the reward is sealed, he is ready to leave.

Windust was speechless.

[What is the situation?] Mother's grade is elevated to beauty? When did Brother Zheng become so talkative? 】

When Ying Zheng heard his heart's voice, he secretly complained.

This stinky boy doesn't know how to be evil!

Not for you yet!

Concubine Shu has a good life, there is a place in the harem, you smelly boy can live well in the future!

You won't be bullied because of the low status of the concubine.

However, he could only think about this in his heart, and he couldn't say it with his mouth.

In the end, I could only walk away.

Although Huan Chen had doubts in his heart, after all, it was a good thing, and he didn't think much about it, it was better to improve the realm more when he had that time.

Huan Chen continued to cultivate, stabilized the imperial qi, built the foundation realm, and strengthened the divine soul.

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