The news that Concubine Shufei was promoted to beauty again soon spread among the palace concubines and subordinates, attracting countless envy and jealousy.

By this time, everyone had already seen that Concubine Shu's promotion was not accidental.

His Majesty really put Concubine Shu in his heart.

Otherwise, there will be no three or five rewards.

The palace eunuchs all used their best to serve in Concubine Shu's palace.

The palace concubine who has no children can only be angry in the palace, and Concubine Shu is pregnant and dominates His Majesty.

The palace concubine, who had a son, immediately wrote to her son, telling them to watch out for this potential enemy.

The biggest reaction among the sons was naturally Hu Hai.

In the mansion of the eighteenth prince of Great Qin, there was a dark cloud.

Hu Hai was punching and kicking these subordinates, venting his resentment in his heart.

While beating, he also scolded angrily: "What is Concubine Shu? Also worthy of being my mother's equal? "

"In the early years, she didn't even have the qualifications to see my mother, how dare she?! How dare you ride on my concubine's head?! "

The nose and face of the people under the beating were swollen, and they snorted from time to time, but their bodies did not dare to dodge at all.

Because they know that after dodging, Gongzi will only be more angry, and when the time comes, it will be heavier.

At that time, even if people did not die, they would be left with a disability.

They all become slaves only when they come from poor families, and once they become disabled, they are not far from death.

Therefore, everyone is gritting their teeth and holding on.

I hope that Hu Hai can vent as soon as possible, and then stop beating.

After Hu Hai vented, he didn't stop until he hit his hands and feet.

At this time, he remembered Zhao Gao, who was usually on the side, and said angrily: "What about Zhao Gao? Why didn't you see him during this time? "

The housekeeper saw that Hu Hai's anger decreased slightly, so he cautiously ran over and said, "The Lord of the Chinese Carriage Mansion was punished by His Majesty, and after thinking about it behind closed doors, he couldn't go out for the time being." "

"And His Majesty has disqualified him from teaching you Gongzi."

Hu Hai was stunned and said angrily: "What?!" Why didn't you say such a big thing earlier?! "

The housekeeper cried bitterly in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: "The villain once reported you before, but Gongzi was playing a game with the singers at that time, so he may not have listened." "

Hu Hai kicked the butler down and said arrogantly: "So, I am still to blame for this matter?" "

How dare the housekeeper, he quickly begged for mercy: "The villain does not dare, it is the villain's fault, please spare the son's life!" "

Hu Hai didn't have much strength to entangle with the butler, and after he kicked a few feet, he took the person and hurriedly went to Zhao Gao's mansion.

He doesn't care what others do, but Zhao Gao must be by his side!

Zhao Gao is his big backer!

Without Zhao Gao, how could he fight for Fusu?!

Not to mention that there is now a red and purple concubine.

He also counted on Zhao Gao to get rid of Concubine Shu and his children for himself!

Without Zhao Gao's help, he couldn't do anything alone!

Soon, Hu Hai came to Zhao Gao's mansion, but was stopped by the guards.

"Gongzi, you can't go in."

Hu Hai, who was already upset, was furious, and directly slashed his head and hit the guard.

"What are you? Dare to stop Ben Gongzi too? "

The guards knew that Hu Hai's status was noble, and they did not dare to fight back, so they could only endure it secretly.

Fortunately, he has armor on his body, and even if he is beaten, he does not feel too much pain.

But Hu Hai, his fist hit the armor, and his hand hurt so much.

The more angry he became, and as soon as he pulled out the saber on the guard's body, he was about to kill these guards at the door and break directly in.

The guard saw him draw his knife and subconsciously made a defensive move.

Seeing that this man dared to hide, Hu Hai was even more angry, and even if he was about to raise his knife and cut at this guard.

Seeing that things are about to become bigger, and people are going to be killed at the door, some people can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb.

A black shadow appeared behind Hu Hai, dressed as an imperial ironclad army.

It is the cover of the sun.

"Gongzi's subordinates show mercy!"

Cover Sun stopped Hu Hai's movements.

Hu Hai saw the cover sun and said angrily: "You also want to stop Ben Gongzi?" "

Cover Sun helplessly explained: "Gongzi, no one can enter or exit, this is His Majesty's order, do you want to disobey Your Majesty?" "

The guards here are not only to prevent Zhao Gao from going out from inside.

It is more important to prevent outsiders from entering.

Zhao Gao has now provoked His Majesty's disgust, if Hu Hai provokes something at this juncture.

When it reached His Majesty's ears, the first person to blame was Zhao Gao, a slave.

Hearing that this was His Majesty's order, Hu Hai's mind suddenly turned around.

On the surface, he is still the flattering young son in His Majesty's heart, and he can't show anything in this matter.

Otherwise, when the news reaches back to His Majesty, he will definitely be rejected by His Majesty.

His Majesty has so many sons, he finally made a little impression on His Majesty.

How can it be ruined because of this little thing?

Thinking of this, Hu Hai's reason suddenly returned to the cage, and he threw the saber in his hand to his subordinates.

Since you can't enter the mansion and can't see Zhao Gao, you can only transmit information in another way.

Hu Hai handed over a note to Zhao Gao: "Give this to Bengongzi and give it to Zhao Gao." "

Cover Sun took the note and should have put down the matter.

In this way, there is nothing Hu Hai can do, he can only leave with a gloomy face.

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