Whitebeard’s eyes were full of shock.

As a master who has developed both the domineering and fruit abilities of the three colors to the extreme, he can naturally easily sense the state of his sons by seeing and hearing the colors.

So this will make him clearly feel that the domineering strength of Saatchi’s son has improved a lot!

This kind of improvement, according to normal terms, can only be achieved through several years of hard cultivation – provided that there is no bottleneck.

When you encounter a bottleneck and get stuck, then I don’t know how long it will take to break through, and the previous Saatchi was under the bottleneck.

He still knows enough about Saatchi, and he has only been seen for a few months, and he has improved so much?

Could it be, what are the special opportunities?

But the more opportunities his sons have, the better, and the happier he is!

Whitebeard laughed

“Goo la la ~ Saatchi my son, I didn’t expect to see you for a few months, your strength has improved so much, you didn’t let my daddy disappoint me!”

Everyone looked at each other and laughed, so Malgao handed the two pamphlets directly to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard looked at the few big words written on the booklet [Domineering Quick Method].

The eyes froze sharply!

He quickly began to flip through.

Everyone carefully observed Daddy’s expression and prepared to watch a good show.

I saw that the whitebeard still had a smile on his face at first, but the more he saw the back, the more serious the expression on his face became, and even finally, he brought a deep shock!

“Domineering fast, fast, obviously fast, but according to this method, it will not affect the potential, but it can quickly develop domineering, can quickly improve strength without sequelae, and it is universal, which … This thing can definitely make the sons undergo a collective transformation! ”

In the eyes of the white beard, in addition to the shock at the beginning, it was joy!

He didn’t have time to care about where this thing came from for the time being, but he clearly knew how much impact this thing had on the Whitebeard Pirates!

And even if it flows out, how much it will affect the sea!

Looking at the change in the expression of the white beard, many sons had satisfied expressions on their faces and smiled.

They just wanted to see Daddy’s unseen look.

Like, compared to them, there is no difference, right? Hahahaha!

And Whitebeard did not hide his shock in the slightest, and his brows couldn’t help but twitch and tremble.

As the top domineering powerhouse on the sea, Whitebeard thinks that his research on domineering has gone deep enough, but what he didn’t expect was that someone would be able to research this quick method without side effects!

The key is in the quick success!

The least valuable thing on the sea is time, but the most valuable thing is also time!

Any cultivation, whether it is physical exercise, domineering cultivation, or the development of fruit ability, requires a lot of time, and this is no exception, even him!

However, this booklet broke the common sense on the sea, and directly and quickly raised the domineering level to the limit level supported by his body, saving a lot of time.

Even, with this booklet, perhaps exercising the body will become the most priority option – as for domineering, it can be done quickly anyway.

This thing is a real force that can change the pattern of the sea.

“Who is it that can study the domineering nature so thoroughly, and can reverse the way to quickly improve the domineering according to the domineering nature, in this regard, much stronger than my father, is there any strong person on the sea that I don’t know?”

Hearing the white-bearded evaluation, a look of surprise flashed on everyone’s faces, but they didn’t expect that the father’s evaluation was so high, it seemed that they still looked too lightly.

However, the strong on the sea?

Well…… A six-year-old strong man is also a strong man … Right?

Saatchi said quickly

“Dad, it was no one else who created this domineering quick method, it was our little brother, your little son, Levi!”

As soon as the words fell, Whitebeard was instantly stunned.

There is only one thought left in the mind, how is it possible?

For Li Wei’s demon, he already has enough understanding, but this kind of need to understand the nature of domineering extremely thoroughly, even the most thorough understanding of domineering people on the sea, there is no one, it is possible to study the secret inheritance, it is actually from the hands of the little demon Li Wei?

Even if the whitebeard has crisscrossed the sea for many years and has seen all kinds of geniuses rise and fall, but… Never seen such a small one, have you?

He’s only six years old, right?

Closing the book in his hand, Whitebeard sighed, and couldn’t help but wonder if he was really old?

In this era, is there still a ship that can carry me?

But soon, he pushed this emotion out of his mind, he was a white beard!

The sons still need his protection, how can they show such a gesture?

He muttered and said

“This crash course, no one else has seen it except you, right?”

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Whitebeard said in a deep voice:

“Then, in the future, it will belong to the secret inheritance that only the captain and above can read, and they can’t even let them know except for the captain.”

“If anyone dares to leak it, don’t blame daddy’s iron fist, and educate your disobedient son well!”

Whitebeard has always treated all crew members as family, but this time, he can’t treat them the same as before, because the power of this thing is too great!

If the news comes out, even if the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Group has increased rapidly, it is impossible to have the strength to be an enemy of the entire sea!

At that time, this thing will not be a treasure, but a disaster!

And Li Wei, who created this secret method, will be targeted by everyone!

In order to protect all the family, and even more to protect Levi, it is absolutely necessary to limit it to the scope of the core captain.

Although Whitebeard loves each son open-mindedly, he also knows that there must be sand mixed in by someone in it, but he just doesn’t care.

But this time is different!

What Levi created is too subversive and must not be leaked in the slightest!

Everyone also put away the smiles on their faces, returned to a serious expression, and said

“Daddy, what should we do in the next two years? Is it two years of concentrated development, and after two years, our strength is developed, at least we have the ability to protect ourselves. ”

The meaning of everyone is obvious, that is, two years to develop domineering, strength leap, must be low-key, can not attract anyone’s attention.

It is best to unknowingly have more than a dozen domineering masters comparable to the level of the emperor and vice.

At that time, whoever met had the power of a war!

As the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard is naturally not stupid, he knows when to hibernate, especially for his own family!

ps: Brothers, does anyone watch … Why is there no data at all!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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