After the discussion of many high-level officials of the Whitebeard Group, it was basically determined that the [Domineering Crash Method] can only circulate among the captains, and absolutely cannot circulate below the captain, no matter how good the relationship is, it can’t!

This is definitely not a risk!

After Whitebeard’s dialing, they all knew how much this thing would affect Levi if it was exposed!

They must not see this happen!

As for the other brothers and sisters, they are protected by the captain who has cultivated the domineering quick method!

Anyway, this is originally the power used to protect the family!

Whitebeard is more curious about Li Wei’s degree of demonization, you know, a perfect understanding of the domineering nature, can create such a domineering quick method, which means that Levi’s own domineering level is already at the peak of the sea.

Hehe, six years old, domineering level at the peak of the sea.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard wanted to laugh a little, if only the red-haired imp knew that he missed such a demon….

“Saatchi, go ahead, call Little Levi.”

Whitebeard pointed at Saatchi, who quickly went to Levi’s room and called Levi over.

“Dad, I haven’t seen you for a long time, how is your health lately?”

As soon as Li Wei arrived, he asked about the physical condition of the white beard, after all, the white beard has too many dark injuries, when he was on the top, the strength can be said to be half gone, and now it is not a few years before the top time point, and the physical condition should have been bad for a long time.

However, the matter of restoring Whitebeard’s body has long been planned.

“Goo la la la la la ~ Little Levi, don’t worry, daddy’s health is fine, quickly talk about it, this thing, you haven’t shown it to anyone else except for Saatchi, right?”

Whitebeard pointed to the two pamphlets in his hand.

Levi chuckled

“Don’t worry, dad, I’m not stupid, this kind of thing must control the scope of proliferation, and if it is known by others, it is a capital enemy.”

Whitebeard nodded with satisfaction, Levi, this child, the most enchanting place, not only talent, but also the mind, acting mature not like a child at all, but more mature than some big-hearted captains.

After asking this, Whitebeard had an interested expression and said curiously

“Little Livi, can you tell me what level your two-color domineering has reached?”

After Whitebeard asked, all the captains’ eyes lit up and stared at Levi, they were also curious about this!

Levi chuckled and said

“Didn’t Dad guess it a long time ago? In addition to my own physical limitations, in terms of level, my two-color domineering is already at the apex of the sea. ”

Marko, Bista, Joz and the others all had dull expressions on their faces.

They previously felt that the upper limit of this manual was limited, and it was impossible to create a strong person at the apex of the real sea, so although they attached great importance to it, they did not expect that Li Wei, who created this manual, was already the apex of the sea at the domineering level!

Key daddy agreed!


The apex of the sea, there is only one!

Whether it is the world’s strongest man, the world’s strongest domineering, the world’s number one swordsman, etc., all command is placed on a person’s head.

And their little brother Levi can already become the world’s first two-color domineering?

Levi looked at everyone’s expressions, who didn’t know what they were thinking?

I can’t help but have a good airway:

“Brothers, don’t think too much, I’m talking about the domineering level, but in the end, I am limited by my physique, and I can’t exert too strong strength, and now I’m still very weak!”

Everyone rolled their eyes in unison, even if it was because of insufficient physique, the domineering level could not be played, but it was definitely a good hand, but it could not be called weak!

“Goo la ~”

Whitebeard smiled and said

“Well, as an older brother, you can’t be left behind by your younger brother too quickly, all give the old man hard to cultivate, little Li Wei, I hope daddy I can see the day you climb to the top of the sea!”

Levi chuckled and said, “Don’t worry, dad, this day won’t be long.” ”

“Haha, I hope so. But Xiao Liwei, you have to know that the two-color domineering is indeed very strong, but just relying on the two-color domineering, even if your physique is enhanced, and the domineering level is all brought into play, it is only a weak royal level, far from being the apex of the sea. ”

Levi nodded.

Whitebeard continued:

“These are not the knowledge you should know at this age, but you are different from others, and you who have a top domineering level are already qualified to touch.”

“If you want to truly ascend to the stage of the sea powerhouse, you must have the potential of a king and have the overlord-colored domineering!”

“When the overlord color domineering is developed to the extreme, and you master the overlord color winding, you can be regarded as a strong person standing at the top of the sea.”


Whitebeard coughed twice, flashed a trace of helplessness, and said:

“It’s a pity that the old man’s body is no longer enough to support the frequent use of overlord color winding, and the load on the body is too great, but even if the overlord color winding is not used, the shock fruit has already awakened, and the old man who has been developed to the extreme still has the capital to be proud of everyone!”

Saying this, the white-bearded open-minded laughed.

Others are not in a very good mood.

A strong person, the strongest means in his hand can hardly be used, this is already extremely weakened!

The reason for all this is not the old wounds on Whitebeard’s body?

As for why Whitebeard is old and injured, it is not to protect his family!

Otherwise, like Karp or Rayleigh, take a little health, and the current whitebeard will still be at its peak!

“Goo la ~ No need to make this expression, sons! Even if you don’t use the overlord color entanglement, the old man is still the strongest in the world now! ”

At this time, Levi suddenly spoke:

“Dad, I want to feel the overlord color and see if I have the qualifications of a king.”

Although he said that he was talking to see if he had the qualifications of a king, Li Wei’s expression was obviously confident.

Indeed, this kind of thing is qualified, he who has the anti-heavenly understanding, whether he has it or not, can comprehend it!

Seeing this, Whitebeard smiled and said

“Little Levi, then get ready!”

After speaking, Whitebeard’s eyes froze, and an invisible momentum instantly stimulated and was controlled within a small range.

Li Wei was not stunned, but carefully felt this momentum, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and in the next second, a childish king breath rose from Li Wei’s body!

Overlord color domineering!

There really is!

A hint of surprise flashed on Whitebeard’s face, and he directly began to demonstrate the evolution of the overlord-colored domineering until it turned into a overlord-colored entanglement!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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