Red lightning flashed on the beak knife in Whitebeard’s hand, but it only lasted for a moment, and the momentum on Whitebeard’s body disappeared.

“Ahem, ahem…”

Covered his mouth, coughed several times, and spit out a cloud of blood, but the whitebeard’s eyes became brighter and brighter!

Because, at this time, Levi was evolving what the white beard showed just now on the spot!

[You clearly observed the evolution of the overlord color domineering, you had an epiphany, you comprehended the overlord color winding! ] 】

With the prompts flashing in his mind, Levi’s overlord color has evolved into overlord color entanglement, covering his hands with red lightning-like lightning, and a sense of oppression appears in the nearby space.

Marko and Bista, Saatchi and the others were already sluggish and petrified, and they watched Levi watch, from awakening the overlord color, to evolving the overlord color, and finally mastering the overlord color winding, only a few seconds!

That’s overlord wrapped!

The top power on this sea!

Those who master it are all famous powerhouses on the sea, the four emperors, the marshal of the admiral, and so on!

If Li Wei is slowly cultivating and mastering, they are not so shocked, but just look at it again, it will be?

This qualification is too against the sky, right?

“Goo la ~”

“It is worthy of being the son of the old man, and it is worthy of being little Levi! Unexpectedly, even the overlord color was instantly mastered, reaching the level of the apex of the sea, hahahahaha! ”

Whitebeard’s laughter changed, and it was obvious that he was using laughter to hide his extreme shock, and as a result, the laughter was deformed!

This kind of qualification, he has never seen before!

And it seems that because the strength of mental power is stronger than the physique, Li Wei’s overlord color is entangled, and even has actual combat value!

In other words, this kid, in a short period of time, the explosive power is equivalent to the level of the four emperors and admirals!

Think again, this stinky boy is only six years old!

Is there really a so-called son of heaven in this world?

Whitebeard smiled and smiled, a little numb, when the stimulation passed a certain threshold, and then increased stimulation, it did not have the slightest effect, referring to the current state of Whitebeard and many captains.

Li Wei looked at his brothers, who had lost control of their expression management and completely collapsed, and the whitebeard who was trying to control and wanted to maintain his mighty image but had no effect, and couldn’t help but feel a little helpless.

Did you overperform yourself for a while?

But that’s okay, right?

Anyway, later they will get used to it.

After a while, when everyone finally came to their senses and barely returned to normal, Levi said with a smile

“Daddy, I need a fruit to do research. If I’m not mistaken, this fruit is in the hands of the king of the magnetic drum kingdom, I don’t know if it was eaten by him, anyway, this king is not a good thing, I hope to be able to take this fruit, if it has been eaten, bring people over. ”

Whitebeard said with some curiosity

“Superman, swallow the fruit? Little Livi, you already have the top domineering spirit of the sea, even if you don’t eat the devil fruit, you can stand at the apex of the sea, even so, you still need this fruit? ”

Others were also a little puzzled, in their opinion, even if Levi did not eat fruits, he was already strong enough, and there was no need to increase the shortcomings of being afraid of sea water.

Levi said with a smile

“I’m not going to eat the Devil Fruit, I just need to do some research to test my idea.”

Everyone nodded at this, and Saatchi took the initiative to say: “Otherwise, let me go, our sixth and second teams have been resting for a while, just in time for activities.” ”

Others are indispensable, but Levi is different, he knows that Marshall M. D. Tichy, one of his goals is to swallow the fruit, if he is hot in the brain, directly launched in advance, and snatched away, then Levi’s plan will not be finished?

So, Levi waved his hand and said

“Brother Sachi, who will cook for me when you leave? The second rematch is also not easy to go, after all, the position of captain of the second rematch is still vacant, so let the other old brothers go. ”

In the end, everyone discussed that the current Whitebeard Regiment is not suitable for fanfare, and it should be low-key.

So Marko, who can fly again, runs, directly parachutes, to see if the fruit is still there, if not, directly catch the person.

Such a small movement is not easy to attract the attention of people with intentions.

Now any news about Levi, they must be careful!

And the Whitebeard Pirates also officially decided to enter a dormant state silently!

If you don’t take the initiative to provoke other forces, the captain level, and those who have the authority to cultivate the domineering quick method, all go to cultivate!

Two years later, wait for the Whitebeard Pirates to break through the cocoon and be reborn!

After returning to the room, Levi continued to concentrate on understanding, and he constantly stimulated, used, and controlled the overlord-colored domineering energy within the scope of his room.

The connection between the overlord color and his own spiritual power is carefully explored and studied.

With the extreme perception, his research is really too helpful!

In combination with some of the cultivation knowledge provided by everyone on the ship, finally.

[Through the study of the relationship between the overlord color and spiritual power, combined with some methods of spiritual power itself, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the Great Millstone Forging Spiritual Method! ] 】

Under the action of the overlord-colored domineering, his spirit was repeatedly crushed by the overlord-colored domineering that seemed to form a millstone, removing impurities, and then slowly recovering, and then continuing the previous process.

The strength and upper limit of spiritual power began to get stronger day by day!

Feeling the ever-increasing spiritual power, a heartfelt smile flashed on Li Wei’s face, because he could vaguely feel that his spiritual power seemed to be able to have a subtle impact on the vitality of these heavens and earth in front of him!

Although it is not yet to the extent that it can directly attract the vitality of heaven and earth, this also represents Li Wei’s idea, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Next, the bad one is to swallow the fruit!

Thinking of this, Levi took out a fruit full of patterns, officially the devil fruit – Superman Swallow Fruit!

His luck was good, when Marko arrived in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, the fruit had not yet been eaten, just right, it was directly taken by Marko, and even he was not found at all.

Perhaps, only when the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, Wapol, wanted to eat the devouring fruit, he would realize that the thing was long gone!

Taking out the devouring fruit, Li Wei did not mean to eat it at all, but instead exerted the top domineering and extreme perception to the extreme, he wanted to see what this devil fruit was hiding!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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