With Li Wei’s exploration and observation of this devil fruit, his understanding of it became more and more complete day by day.

Not only that, on this day, he directly found Marko, who was cultivating the [Domineering Rapid Method].

Marko’s two-color domineering is actually quite strong, but it is only relative to the other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In fact, Marko pays more attention to the development of his own fruit, animal line, bird fruit, phantom beast species, and immortal bird form fruit ability.

After all, as a phantom beast species, the upper limit of this fruit is very high, think about Kaido, if nothing else, the blood bar of the phantom beast species is absolutely thick!

Therefore, Marko actually lacks time in the domineering cultivation, and the talent is not the top one, which causes his two-color domineering is only relatively strong, obviously compared to Ka Er, who is also the emperor and deputy, whether it is seeing or arming, it is a lot worse.

Really to say, a little cruel, Marko and Ka Er are a little far, Ka Er sees and hears the color to foresee the future, the armed color is very strong, the fruit ability awakens, and even has the overlord color, the upper limit is there!

And this is also the current situation of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is really every top powerhouse who can get it.

But now it’s different, after having the domineering quick method, Marko’s relatively weak two-color domineering will grow rapidly, and when two years have passed, Marko’s two-color domineering potential has been developed, except that there is no overlord color, he is the top royal deputy!

It can even be said that it is equivalent to a candidate general!

Away from the royal level, it will only be one overlord color behind!

And Marko, as a phantom beast species, his physical potential will naturally be higher than others, that is to say, his two-color domineering strength will be stronger than other people of non-phantom beast species!

If he can’t get out of it, he won’t be afraid of anyone!

Levi found Marko because Marko’s fruit is indeed one of the most special fruits on the sea

As a phantom beast species, but with nature-like abilities, strong vitality, and therapeutic effects, Li Wei wanted to obtain a method that could link the Yuan Force and physical activity by studying Marko’s fruit ability.

Time passed slowly in Li Wei’s steadily advancing research, and the entire Whitebeard Group really dormant, the volume on the sea became smaller, and the deterrent was still there.

In the blink of an eye, Levi was eight years old.

This meant that he had studied the ability to swallow fruit and immortal bird fruit for two whole years.

In the past two years, the strength of the leaders of the white-bearded pirate team has carried out a wave of unimaginable improvements without the outside world knowing at all!

Two-color domineering, all of them have reached the limit level that physical strength can reach!

It can be said that the number of powerhouses at the royal and deputy level of the Whitebeard Pirate Group has reached 12, and there are still a few physical fitness, even if the domineering is improved, it is one line away from the imperial and deputy level, but it is also a big improvement in strength!

Marko is already at the top of the ranks, and Bista is no exception!

The enhancement of the domineering two-color makes his swordsmanship a little like a foil, less elegant, and more awe-inspiring!

Now he may not be as good as the previous Mitsuki Ota, but he is already a top sword master.

At least, now he is stronger than the warden of the advancing city, Yu no Hiryu!

As a great sword hao, his level of swordsmanship is here, and his attack power is not even lost to ordinary emperor-level powerhouses, and similarly, the difference is in tyranny.

Other diamond Jotz, as well as chef Saatchi, etc., have greatly improved their strength!

You know, over the years they followed Whitebeard, fought with various powerful pirate groups, and fought with the navy, and every time they dragged their feet.

Like many years ago, when he fought with Roger’s group, Zhenpu relied purely on people releasing water, Marko faced Rayleigh, and Renly even fought with only one finger.

Fight like this for three days without distinction between victory and defeat….

They actually know that part of the victory and defeat is Roger and Whitebeard Daddy!

This gang of them is just playing soy sauce to drag their feet!

But now, it’s different!

Just in terms of hard power, they can withstand it!

Even if he is weaker than Renly, Marko, who has the form of animal line, bird fruit, phantom beast species, and immortal bird, can still withstand Renly’s attack!

That’s the difference!

And if he doesn’t want to face a little, and relies on the powerful physique and physical strength of the phantom beast species to survive, and stay up to the back, Renly can only leave.

When the two-year penance was over, they were actually very emotional, and finally, the Whitebeard Pirates, the strongest name, really lived up to the name!

They no longer need a daddy to wipe the ass of their undisputed sons with his old body!

And in the past two years, the Whitebeard Pirates Group has finally ushered in new blood, and now serves as the vice captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates!

This silly boy has been thinking about assassinating the white-bearded daddy at the beginning, with his strength, isn’t it a joke?

Chunchun added laughter to the captains who worked hard to cultivate every day.

Of course, in the end, Ace was still reformed, but this time, he could not become the captain of the second team like the original.

Although he has a natural department, his strength seems to be much stronger than that of the team members, and he even has the king qualification of the overlord color, but the current hundred regiments, there is an unwritten rule, that is, if the physical strength does not reach the cultivation [Domineering Quick Method], he cannot be the captain.

But Ace’s potential is visible to the naked eye, so he can only be the vice captain and act as the captain.

Wait until the physique is enough to cultivate the domineering quick method, and then turn positive.

Of course, even if the strength is improved, the captains still tacitly do not reflect too much, after all, if you can expose it later, then it will be as late as possible – buy time for the elder brother Levi!

Their captain level knows that in the past two years, Levi has basically been in a semi-closed state!


At this time, Levi had no intention of getting closer to the new member Esla, because until now, everything he wanted had finally been put together!

When he was six years old, he comprehended the [Great Millstone Forging Spirit Method].

Since then, spiritual power can be steadily and rapidly improved, and the influence on the vitality of heaven and earth is also increasing.

At the age of seven.

[After your research and analysis of the ability to swallow fruits, combined with your own observation and understanding of Yuan Qi, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the Divine Power Yuan Qi Swallowing Method! ] 】

Since then, he can cooperate with his strong spiritual power to swallow all the vitality outside his body into his body, and the vitality swallowed in his body can circulate freely.

Of course, at this time, the vitality has little effect, but it can finally be passively absorbed by the body’s cells, and there is no need to eat a lot of food!

When he was eight years old.

[After analyzing and observing the morphological abilities of the phantom beast species and immortal birds, combined with your own understanding of body cells and life force, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the magical power Phoenix Nirvana! ] 】

At this time, he has been able to transform the vitality in his body into high-quality vitality by using the immortal bird’s understanding of vitality and cells.

This vitality is of extremely high quality and can directly affect cells throughout the body and evolve to a higher level!

At this time, all the abilities have actually been strung together, but he continues to deepen the special research on these abilities, with the purpose of taking out unnecessary abilities as much as possible, focusing on absorbing vitality and transforming them into vitality that can promote cell evolution!

And today, finally confident, everything is complete!

“Immortal Immortal Law, right now!”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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