Levi’s face was full of harvest joy.

At this moment, he has been waiting for several years.

The light flashed in his mind, all his research results, blended together, the vitality surged, swallowed and shifted…


All this turned into nutrients, allowing Levi’s fruit tree to blossom and bear fruit successfully!

In his mind, it was as if a light flashed!

[Through your comprehension of the vitality of heaven and earth, your understanding of natural celestial phenomena, combined with many magical essences and understanding of the nature of life force, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the law of immortality, and the nine turns return to the yuan (first turn)].

Nine turns back to the yuan!

The real immortal method, when it appeared, Li Wei instantly felt that it was extraordinary!

The specially enhanced versions of the Great Millstone Forging Spirit Method, Shentong Yuan Qi Swallowing Method, and Shentong Phoenix Nirvana that were previously developed were all integrated by Li Wei and all integrated into this generation method.

In a flash.

The vitality of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, as if attracted by a black hole, surged towards Li Wei’s body.

The Nine Transformations Return Yuan Technique operated, and the Heaven and Earth Yuan Force was transformed into the ultimate life force, and it was quenched towards the cells of the whole body.

The whole body seems to be soaked in a hot spring, a feeling of fullness lingers in his heart, and Levi can clearly feel that he is evolving!

The essence of his life is leaping!

This refreshing feeling brings him the ultimate pleasure.

The cells of the whole body are nourished by this essence of life, and it is forcibly nourished and degenerated, as if the whole body is cheering!

Under the continuous instillation of a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality, Li Wei only felt that his body was constantly being strengthened!

And his whole body, as if being quenched, a black stain, constantly emerging from the pores, as if all the harmful substances deposited in the cells were all discharged at this moment.

The whole body has undergone a washing of the pith.

At this moment, he completely opened the gap with ordinary people!

However, this is only a part of the first turn of the Nine Transformations to the Yuan Recipe, or in other words, it is just the beginning of the entire exercise of the Nine Transformations Returning to the Yuan Recipe, laying the foundation!

And the Nine Transformations to the Yuan Technique, the formal content of the first transformation, is to further degenerate the blood after the initial refining of the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi!

The first turn can also be called the blood exchange realm!

When Li Wei’s tendon washing was completed, the supply speed of heaven and earth vitality did not slow down at the first time, but still instilled towards Li Wei.

But this time, the pure vitality is no longer a large and complete combination of the cells of the whole body into the quenching, but specifically find a part of the blood for deep and thorough degeneration!

Under the continuous infusion of powerful vitality, that small part of the blood slowly began to glow with a hint of golden light.

A small part was converted into gold!

When the blood in the whole body is transformed into golden blood, it also represents the first turn of Li Wei’s nine-turn return to the Yuan Technique, and his thorough cultivation is completed!

Levi jumped on the top of the Moby Dick and sat here, a huge whirlpool that only he could see, just above his head, gathering the nearby heaven and earth vitality in this direction!

With the gathering and agitation of the Heaven and Earth Vitality, at first others could not see it, and could only feel a depressed feeling, but as the gathered Heaven and Earth Vitality increased, the huge vortex would still be seen by others after all.

Obviously, it looks like a large cloud whirlpool, but the sense of oppression it brings to people is stronger than the storm on the sea!

Even the rays of the sun seemed to be attracted, and were refracted into a colorful halo, shrouded in Levi’s body, looking divine.

The crew of the Moby Dick also gradually discovered the situation.

Not only one Moby Dick, but the entire fleet docked in the port of the logistics base, someone found it.

Everyone came to the deck, even the busy people in Baituan Port, and they found out.

Then, one after another, they looked at the figure dumbfounded.

“That was… Levi? ”

“Is this feeling the ability of the Devil Fruit?”

“The clouds and mist swirl, the halo is draped, as if the heavenly gods, is this really what the Devil Fruit can do?”

Everyone fell into a state of sluggishness, and their eyes were full of awe for the strong.

Whether it is a Devil Fruit ability or not, but one thing they can confirm is that the power of the scene represents absolute strength!

And Levi did not care about the reaction of the outside world, at this time the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were resting on the logistics base, and Whitebeard himself was undergoing physiotherapy.

Levi never got off the boat because he didn’t want to interrupt the rhythm of his research.

That’s why he was able to create the Nine Turns Yuan Technique so quickly!


Among UNLB.

Marko is receiving the group of Fishman Island, led by Sea Hero Jinping.

“Jinping, don’t worry, I know that the outside world has all kinds of speculations about the dormancy of our Whitebeard Pirates in the past two years, even you are worried, is there something wrong with Daddy, right?”

A hint of worry flashed across Jinping’s face.

Indeed, Whitebeard, as the protector of Fishman Island, is really because of Whitebeard’s existence, Fishman Island can get a relatively stable life today.

You know, before being sheltered by Whitebeard, Fishman Island can be described as a paradise for pirates, and all pirates who want to go to the new world have to pass through Fishman Island, and the power of Fishman Island is simply unable to resist the steady stream of pirates.

But fortunately, Whitebeard announced that Fishman Island was protected by him, although the pirates who came were still endless, but compared to before, there were many more rules, after all, no matter how arrogant the pirates, when facing the name of the world’s strongest man, they have to weigh it.

So in the past two years, there have been gossip on the sea that Whitebeard seems to be dying, which makes Jinping a little worried, he has great respect for the whitebeard who shelters Fishman Island, but he also knows that the age of the strongest man in the world is more than seventy!

The body is not good, and it is also possible that something goes wrong!

He is not only worried about Whitebeard’s body, but also about the future of Fishman Island!

Without the shelter of Whitebeard, will Fishman Island fall into the pirates’ hoho again?

Coming with him is the eldest prince of Fishman Island, Shark Star, he came this time to ask by the way, can find someone to help solve Van der Deken IX.

Originally, he would not come, but the news circulating at sea, he followed Jinping and came for this reason.

As His Majesty Qiwu Hai’s Jinping, he can come directly, but he must have a suitable reason, his sister Bai Xing is threatened, but they have no way, this is a suitable reason.

Looking at Jinping’s worried eyes, Na Muir, the captain of the eight-band team of the white-bearded pirate group who was also a fishman, smiled and said:

“Jinping, don’t worry, our father’s body is still the same, it has not deteriorated.”

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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