If it was the previous Marko, he would definitely use his own Qingyan and burn it indiscriminately!

But the glutinous ball of Katakuri is not so afraid of fire!

Therefore, Kaji is not a very good opponent for Marko!

It should be said that unless he is restrained, or meets the protagonist Wang Luffy, Ka Er can be said to be the strongest level under the Four Emperors!

“Weeping rain sticky rice!”

With the awakening of the Kataku chestnut fruit ability, the ground has already turned into a waxy mass, like a branch, countless glutinous balls entangled towards Marko in mid-air!

This kind of large-scale attack, even if Marko can fly, he can’t fly out!

Countless glutinous balls, directly wrapped Marko!

However, at this moment, on Marko’s claws, the armed color domineering aura condensed and covered, strengthening to the maximum, and at the same time, a transparent force was attached to the tip of his claws!

A smug look flashed across Marko’s face.

“Armed Color Crane Claw Vibration Claw Strike!”

The hole card that had been pressed to the bottom of the box was finally lifted, and Marko’s claw strike with the power of vibration attached to it became extremely sharp, and the glutinous ball was directly cut into pieces under his claw strike!

As Marko flew out of the shredded glutinous ball, Katakuri’s face was full of shock.

“What is it? Never seen him use it! Has Marko developed new abilities? ”

Originally, after Marko was caught by him with weeping rain glutinous rice, unless he ate it with his mouth, there was no way, Ka Er thought that he had won, but he didn’t expect that Marko could actually directly smash the glutinous ball!

This attack power!

Former Marko, absolutely nothing!

At this time, Ka Er still does not know, Marko is no longer what it used to be, and this battle may not have a result.

However, he can’t just retreat!

“Matchless donuts!”

Ka Er’s hands were wrapped in transparent glutinous balls, and the constantly rotating circular glutinous balls began to float in the sky, and then, the combination ability was activated!

“Weird power rice cake!”

The enhanced horn glutinous ball bombarded out of the doughnut and slammed into Marko!

Marko fought back with both claws, like a storm!

Hours of fierce battles!

Both of them began to feel the loss of physical strength, but there was no hope of winning the opponent in front of them!

Marko felt a little helpless and a little proud.

Because of Li Wei, his strength has improved, which is visible to the naked eye!

He is still promoted within the rank of emperor and vice, although it is very large, but there is no qualitative change, and what about the other captains?

That’s promotion to the imperial vice, that’s a qualitative change!

Through the battle with Ka Er, he could almost imagine how strong the current Whitebeard Pirates really was!

Ka two, don’t you know, such a captain, the Whitebeard Pirates, there are twelve in total!

“But now for the development of the power of vibration, it is still not enough, the attack power is not strong enough, and no matter how you fight with Ka Er, it is just a tie, it’s a pity.”

For this, Kaji is also very clear, and the goal has been achieved, he is not willing to continue to fight Marko to the death, which is not good for the Charlotte family.

So, the two smart guys looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other’s eyes.

Ka Er led the people to evacuate, as if they had not come, and this ore island returned to its original appearance.

The battle between Kaji and Marko soon swept the sea, and the name of the immortal bird Marko resounded in the sea again!

But this time, his characteristics are no longer immortal Qingyan, no longer resistant to fighting, but sharp claws!

Many forces on the sea also know, and Whitebeard doesn’t seem to have a problem!

As for the fact that the Whitebeard Pirates had an extra deputy captain, it was also slowly spread at this time, and ordinary people didn’t care at all, after all, he was a guy who was completely unfamous, and it was not as good as the discussion of the undead bird and Kaji fighting to a draw.

However, the red-haired pirates.

“Captain, right? The Whitebeard Pirates have an extra deputy captain, still called Levi? But Levi’s kid, counting the time, hasn’t he turned nine yet, right? What are they doing? ”

Jesus Bu looked at Shanks a little strangely.

Shanks’ eyes moved slightly.

For that magical child, he has always paid attention, but the white-bearded pirate group hides him deeply, and basically no intelligence flows out, and without intelligence, it is the biggest intelligence!

“Sure enough, this kid is not ordinary!”

Shanks wanted to take the child away, but Whitebeard also wanted to, so he could only give him to Whitebeard.

“Is the co-captain less than nine years old? Little Levi, what kind of magic do you have now that can make the Whitebeard Pirates, who have never had a deputy captain, add a deputy captain? ”

The Four Emperors Group used to only have a deputy captain in the red-haired pirate group, in fact, the reason is very simple, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group, Ben Beckman, has the strength of no less than the admiral, is a royal-level powerhouse, and has surpassed the imperial vice.

A strong man of this level, Ben Beckman is naturally the deputy captain.

And the powerhouse of this level, the Four Emperors Regiment, only the red-haired pirate group has.

The original Whitebeard Pirate Group did not have it, and Mitsuki Ota may have a chance, but it didn’t stay long in the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and came to the Roger Group.

And now, with one more deputy captain, it can basically be considered that Li Wei has royal-level combat power.

Thinking of this, the redhead only felt a little ridiculous.

A child less than nine years old, royal-level combat power?

Even the child he chose had not yet gone to sea when he was 9 years old!

Of course, many strong people suddenly grow rapidly with opportunities, and Luffy has not yet gone to sea at the age of nine does not affect the redhead to feel that Luffy can grow rapidly.

The sea is the best training ground for men!

However, Levi’s kind of news, did not appear on the sea at all, and suddenly became the deputy captain of the white-bearded pirate group, and the redhead really has never seen it.

“Haha, Levi’s kid, or my nominal cheap brother, just since I picked it up at that time, I haven’t seen it again, let’s go to the Whitebeard Pirates to take a look, and drink by the way.”

“Captain Bastard, drinking is the point, right?!”

“Hahahahaha, how is it possible, why am I here to drink? Hahahaha~”

The Whitebeard Pirates have an additional deputy captain, this news, the pirates do not care, but the navy cannot not care.

Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the navy, Sengoku asked Karp, who was stealing senbei

“Karp, what do you think of the sudden addition of a deputy captain to the Whitebeard Pirates?”


Karp chewed on the senbei, ignoring the annoyed expression of the Warring States, and said casually:

“Are you going to arrest him? But now I haven’t even given a reward, besides, Whitebeard is not dead yet, and you can’t move his crew, think about this, it’s better to honestly eat more senbei. ”

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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