Sengoku looked at Kapu’s nonchalant look and was annoyed!

This bastard!

At this time, the red dog spoke.

“No matter who this kid is, what if there is no bounty, as long as it is a pirate, it will be annihilated!” Even the Whitebeard Pirates, one day, will be annihilated by me! ”

When the red dog faced the pirates, his attitude has always been that he quickly kills, so it is not surprising that there is such a reaction, as for the green pheasant and the yellow ape, they did not express any opinions and touched the fish.

In the end, no results were discussed, and Li Wei’s bounty was not decided, because Li Wei’s strength was not yet known, nor did he show any destructive power, and the amount of the bounty was to be determined.

Levi didn’t care about his delay in getting a bounty, and he didn’t regard the bounty amount as a recognition of himself like the Straw Hats or other pirates.

He doesn’t need this form of recognition at all.

At this time, Li Wei, in addition to his daily cultivation, was further studying medical skills.

At the same time, don’t forget to let the Whitebeard Pirates help collect some devil fruits, or fruit abilities, to develop new magical powers and increase means.

“It’s a pity, many of the fruit abilities I want are in the Blackbeard Pirates, such as the Teleportation Fruit, that’s a good thing, wait for the opportunity.”

Levi is not in a hurry, there are so many fruits, take your time.

And the purpose of studying medical techniques is not actually for treatment, now he has the light of healing, directly flying bricks, and there is no need for other treatment methods.

His main research is a branch of medicine, medicinal diet and tonics.

Many forces have methods to use medicated diet and tonics to speed up the speed of strength improvement, and the effect is still there.

At the beginning, Li Wei did not think of this aspect, after all, his strength growth mainly depended on the cultivation progress of the Nine Transformations Returning to the Yuan Technique.

But he suddenly remembered that the reason why many medicinal materials have the effect of improving strength means that the medicinal materials themselves are nourished by the vitality of heaven and earth?

So, he directly found some medicinal materials that were often used as medicinal meals, and looked at it with the eyes of Yuan Qi, sure enough, this thing contained high-quality Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi!

[You read medical techniques, study the fusion of medicinal herbs, combine the analysis of the effects of medicinal food, and the cooking methods of medicinal foods, you master the method of maximizing the medicinal properties of medicinal herbs, and the method of integrating medicinal properties of medicinal herbs, you have an epiphany, you comprehend the basic medicinal diet true scroll! ] 】

[According to the basic principles of the basic medicinal diet real scroll, after continuous experimentation, you use medicated ginseng as the main one, supplemented by various medicinal auxiliary materials, to create medicinal food and tonic soup! ] 】

Levi sat at the table, looking at the bowl of medicinal food in front of him, his eyes full of satisfaction.

This thing proves that his medicinal food scroll is really effective!

And he also created a medicinal diet that really suits him!

Tongen soup!

Picking up the soup bowl, the amber medicinal soup appeared in front of Levi’s eyes.

This thing is a medicinal diet that he has come up with after studying and experimenting for a period of time that can stimulate the medicinal properties of the medicinal ginseng to the greatest extent possible to replenish his vitality.

The best solution he could find!

At this point, Levi assured with his anti-heavenly understanding, there is nothing better.

“Try it, the effect of this medicinal meal.”

A trace of saliva filled Li Wei’s mouth, directly brought the medicated meal to his mouth, and began to drink!

The taste is delicious, after all, it is a medicinal meal, but not a Chinese medicine soup, the taste becomes sweet and delicious under Li Wei’s debugging, and it does not affect the medicinal properties at all.

After all, it was eaten in his mouth, and the taste was also very important, and he didn’t want to find guilt for himself.


As the tonic soup was sent into his mouth, a large amount of vitality burst out in an instant, making Li Wei not surprised and rejoiced!

Good to go!

Except for the first time when he cultivated, Li Wei felt the pleasure of refining a large amount of Yuan Qi, he never passed so quickly, and the amount and scope of Yuan Qi that could be attracted in an instant were limited!

This also caused his current level, or fifty percent.

With the operation of Li Weijiu’s transformation to the Yuan Recipe, the medicinal power in the medicinal diet was quickly absorbed, transformed, and finally degenerated the blood.

Golden blood, more and more!

An hour later.

The medicinal power in the medicated diet is completely absorbed.

Li Wei’s face was full of surprise, and he could clearly feel that the amount of golden blood had risen a lot from before!

“Good! Refining medicinal food is much faster than the speed at which I have worked hard to devour the vitality of heaven and earth! Drugs are really fast! ”

A pot of medicinal food, but not just such a bowl of soup, after the remaining bowls are all drunk, Li Wei can be sure that there is no problem in breaking through the blood exchange sixty percent!

The speed of this kind of strength improvement is simply divine speed!

“However, there is one point to note, it is the medicine three points of poison, where this sentence is placed, it is the nine transformations of the Yuan Yuan Recipe that is established Only in the later stage, after the transformation of the internal organs, the detoxification ability leaps, maybe it can be effective against the poison, now, there is no way at all.”

Li Wei is actually not particularly anxious about the speed of his strength improvement, but he attaches great importance to the foundation of his strength!

“It seems that we have to find a way to create a method to remove erysipelas.”

Li Wei began to observe his body with his extreme perception, and soon, he found a trace of almost imperceptible poison in his blood.

Because it is now the exchange blood stage, after the poison is absorbed, it remains in the blood and is difficult to excrete.

“If I could study the poisonous fruit on Magellan, maybe this kind of thing would be useless to me?”

Thinking of this, Li Wei’s eyes lit up slightly!

Poisonous fruit can make venom, the whole body is poison, the rules represented by this fruit must be related to toxins, he studied the ability of poisonous fruits, directed to develop a magical ability to discharge body toxins, should not be a problem!

“It seems that when the war breaks out on top, I can take advantage of the chaos in the city to play with Magellan, and by the way, develop a detoxification power!”

Levi decided in an instant that the plan passed!

Since there was already a plan in terms of medicine and poison, Li Wei was not afraid, and directly made another bowl of tonic soup!

“This feeling of quickly improving strength is awesome!”

Li Wei was full of smile while refining, it seemed that he had to find more other elixirs containing the vitality of heaven and earth, but the problem was, but by looking for it himself, it was pure blindness.

The sea is so big, even if he can fly, to find medicinal materials from such a big sea, it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, it is still necessary to pass through the power of the Whitebeard Pirates.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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