Two powerful overlord-colored domineering, clashing on the island, invisible red lightning, seems to affect reality!

The red-haired eyes, with a hint of surprise, Xiao Li Wei’s strength touched the floor of the royal level, he barely recognized it, even the overlord color is so strong?

You know, the overlord color is originally an ultra-rare qualification that is not one in million, and it is good to have the overlord color, not to mention the powerful overlord color!

The redhead had a somewhat interested expression.

“Little Li Wei, let me see how strong your overlord color is!”

The redhead said silently in his heart, and at the same time, he continued to increase the intensity of the overlord-colored domineering!

And what made him feel incredible was that even so, Levi could still keep up!

The domineering on both sides is still equally divided!

The redhead is a little unbelievable, he will be overlord full of color!

Could it be that as the emperor of the sea and the recognized overlord color powerhouse, he couldn’t even suppress an eight- or nine-year-old child?

However, what the redhead didn’t expect was that the overlord color that Li Wei exported was also increasing!

The overlord-colored clash between the two, the red lightning produced, split the desert island!

The clouds that were originally in their sky were all scattered by the strong overlord color of the two!

At this time, Levi suddenly happened.

“Uncle Shanks, is this your limit?”

Shanks’ face flashed with a hint of stunned, did he say?

Can Levi’s overlord color continue to strengthen?

But that’s not possible!

Even if it is Captain Roger, the overlord color is only slightly stronger than him, and Levi’s overlord color can be compared with Captain Roger?

Levi saw Shanks’ obviously disbelieving expression, but showed a hint of a smile, and then, overlord color, full open!

The overlord color, which was once again stronger, finally suppressed the red-haired overlord color and suppressed it in his direction!

On the ship watching the battle from afar, at the beginning, seeing that Levi was going to fight with the red-haired Shanks, none of the people were optimistic about Levi, even the white-bearded pirate group, it was no exception.

After all, they all know that the overlord color of the red-haired hair is not lost to the whitebeard!

However, looking at the gradually increasing overlord color of the two on the scene, everyone was a little unsettled.

Marko exclaimed with a look of amazement

“With this level of overlord color, shouldn’t Levi really be able to compete with the redhead overlord color?”

Ben Beckman next to him couldn’t help but say:

“Impossible, he will soon be unable to strengthen anymore, but the captain’s overlord color has not yet reached the limit!”

Marko didn’t speak, and he was inclined to agree with Ben Beckman.

However, Yi Zang, who had personally used the vibration wave talisman made by Li Wei and indirectly saw Li Wei’s power, had different ideas in his heart.

Red-haired Shanks, of course, is very strong, but Levi may surprise them!

Sure enough, before a while, Ben Beckman was greeted in the face, and he looked at the desert island in the distance with a shocked face, stunned.

“This… How is this possible? Little Levi, can really be on a par with the overlord color, and the ship? ”

“But how is this possible? He’s not even nine years old, right? This is not right! That’s it at nine, and it’s still at nineteen? ”

Even Marko next to him, his expression was no better, although they knew that Levi’s strength may have reached the royal level, but Shanks is the top powerhouse in the royal level, especially the best at overlord color!

Saatchi said with a proud look

“Little Levi, but I grew up feeding it with my own hands! It must have been my cooking that had an effect, otherwise how could it be so domineering? ”

Everyone else around didn’t bother to take care of him, and they were all feeling the domineering aftermath emanating from afar.

Yi Zang’s heart moved slightly, sure enough!

He knew that Levi was not that simple!

However, just when everyone thought that the overlord color collided and clashed and ended here, Levi’s voice was heard.

“Shanks, is this your limit?”

Everyone has seen and heard it, even if it is a few kilometers away, they know that they have never heard it wrong, but Li Wei’s statement, is his overlord color not yet the limit?

Could it be that his overlord color is even stronger than the red-haired Shanks, the king of the sea?

The expressions of disbelief on everyone’s faces, don’t blame them for not believing, it’s really, it’s hard to accept!

Even the white beard, his expression couldn’t hold back.

I didn’t make a sound just now, but I really forcibly endured it.

But now, he can’t help it, Levi, this kid, is a little too scary!

However, whether they believe it or not, Levi’s overlord color is fully open and directly overwhelms Shanks!

Everyone was stunned!

Beckman muttered

“Impossible, this is all an illusion, an illusion, the captain’s overlord color, actually suppressed by a child, this is an illusion!”

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates did not perform much better, they knew that Little Li Weimeng, but they didn’t expect it to be so fierce!

Even thinking that he had overestimated Levi’s Yizang, he was dumbfounded, he still underestimated Levi!

With this level of overlord color, even if they are so far away, the aftermath has a huge sense of depression!

The white-bearded crescent-like beard was shaking slightly, and it was obvious that his mood was not as calm as his expression!

For the first time in decades, he was terrified by a child!

Fortunately, this kid is the son of the old man!

Thinking of this, Whitebeard has a feeling of relief, after so many years, having received so many sons, there is finally one, which can be better than blue!

It’s not easy!

After feeling his domineering and being suppressed by Levi, some of the redhead’s expression management failed.

This level of domineering seems to be really comparable to Captain Roger!

Captain Roger, that’s One Piece!

If he hadn’t been born in the wrong era, perhaps, he would have been Joey Boi!

Such a king who opened the era of great navigation, how strong his overlord color is, you can imagine!

However, the redhead felt that the quality of Li Wei’s overlord color was comparable to Roger!

At this moment, the redhead began to wonder if his arm would lose the gamble, and this kid should not be another Captain Roger-like figure, right?

So he wears a straw hat, it seems to be quite suitable?

Of course, Levi was not too interested in the straw hat that I don’t know how many people had brought it.

His overlord color can overwhelm the red hair, in his opinion, it is a matter of course, after all, the Nine Transformations Return to the Yuan Technique, but it contains the Blood Qi Great Millstone Forging Spirit Method!

This is used to temper and improve spiritual power!

And the overlord color, and spiritual power, is closely related!

The mental power is strong, the overlord color, naturally it cannot be weak!

ps: Brothers beg for data!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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