If his physique is still weaker than the top royal-level combat power like the redhead, then his spiritual power will definitely not be weaker than theirs!

After all, there is no real way to exercise spiritual power in this world!

It’s his exclusive!

If so, his mental power is not as good as that of the red hair, then he doesn’t have to play.

Feeling Levi’s overlord color comparable to Roger, the redhead knew that he couldn’t continue the overlord color confrontation, and if it went on like this, he would even lose!

No way, it’s a rush!

He doesn’t want to lose face in front of his back and back!

So, the redhead directly put away the overlord color, and the griffin in his hand was instantly covered by the black armed color entanglement, and then, towards Levi, he slashed out!

Levi also put away the overlord color at the same time, and the two of them seemed to say okay, swinging their swords and flying and slashing!

The redhead is a domineering master, and at the same time, he is also a big sword hao, and Li Wei is obviously a big sword hao since he was a child, but he didn’t have enough physique and domineering before to play it!

Now he is obviously already a complete sword master, even in the face of Hawkeye, he is confident that he will not fall behind!

Two terrifying flying slashes, swung out at the same time, and the part that touched the ground, directly cut the ground of the desert island, two sword qi, fiercely chopped together!

This level of sword qi, if they directly bombarded the island under them, perhaps, they could shatter the island with a few strokes!

Two flying slashes that can split the sky collided fiercely, the air was split in this situation, the air explosion sounded loudly, and the explosive sword qi cut the surroundings to pieces!

Shanks’ expression was a little out of control again.


This kid, not only is the overlord color strong, but the strength of the armed color is also ridiculously high, and even, he is also a big sword hao?

Less than nine years old, how exactly did you do it. Where did so much time come from?

Could it be that this kid’s domineering can directly reach the full level? Otherwise, where did the time come from to cultivate everything to the top?

The redhead didn’t know, but he guessed the truth with a random sentence in his heart!

Li Wei’s domineering is indeed directly full level, and the difference is always only the body!

Anything technical, anything regular, in his case, is not difficult, and domineering is no exception!

The redhead couldn’t believe it, his all-out slash, rapid succession, Da Jianhao’s no flat A, all of them were big moves!

Looking at the redhead who constantly cut out terrifying sword qi like a monster, Li Wei couldn’t help but exclaim, this is the redhead!

This flying chopping looks much more energetic than on a computer!

At this moment, he was obviously fighting, but Li Wei had a relaxed mood for watching Fan!

This level of flying slash, is it to be tempted?

He responded without hesitation, one after another dark blue flying slashes, and every slash of the redhead was easily accepted!

Looking at the sword qi that constantly overflowed from the island, the eyes of everyone watching the battle were wide, and they couldn’t wait to get close to the battlefield, this level of battle, it is rare!

Especially as the big sword Hao’s Foil Bista, he is even more obsessed with watching the two of them constantly swing their swords from a long distance, this kind of flying slash that is a big move level in his hands, but in the hands of Levi and the redhead, but he doesn’t want money, crazy throwing!

Bista muttered

“This is still a tentative attack in the early stage, is it so terrifying? Is this the top sword master? Hawkeye, who is the world’s number one swordsman, is said to be on a par with the red-haired Shanks. ”

Thinking of this, Bista felt that compared to them, he did not deserve to be called a great sword hao at all.

If he went to fight the two on the field, just relying on this tentative flying slash would be enough to drown him alive and kill him!

His physique, domineering, can’t withstand it at all!

In terms of swordsmanship, he has reached the level of Great Sword Hao, combined with his own physique and domineering, the Great Sword Hao of the Imperial Deputy level is not much worse than that of the Navy Alternate Admiral Peach Rabbit.

But compared to the redhead, Hawkeye, the strongest level of the big sword, it is really a world of difference!

Hawkeye’s knives have been overwhelmed!

“It’s just that they are so strong, little Li Wei, or watched me practice the sword of kendo when I was a child, but now, I actually have the qualifications to face the wave with red hair, can the gap between this person and people really be so big?”

Bista is a little difficult to top.

At this moment, he only feels that the gap between people and people is sometimes really bigger than people and dogs!

Looking at Foil Bista’s look of great shock, Saatchi smiled and said

“Bista, don’t think about it, calm your mind.”

When Bista thought that Saatchi was trying to comfort himself, he heard the bastard say:

“You’re going to get more hit next, where are you now?”

Bista felt the urge to draw his sword and cut people.

However, Saatchi is also right, there are many blows in the back, he better lie down early, what else?

He has been like this in his life, or through the domineering quick method given by Li Wei, the strength has gone further, coupled with the development of the power of vibration, the strength is already the top imperial deputy, not bad.

Levi had already helped him raise the ceiling a lot, and he should be content.

“But think about it, Li Wei can cut out the flying slash at the age of three, and can also create a secret method such as [Domineering Quick Method], on the road of Dajian Hao, he may have already come to the front, not weaker than Hawkeye redhead, and it is normal.”

Bista gave himself a long period of psychological construction, and finally was able to continue watching the battle smoothly, and at this time, the two people on the field were no longer satisfied with the initial temptation, and began to cut together with real knives and guns!

At such a time, it is the time to truly manifest swordsmanship!

The previous flying slash against the wave more reflects the domineering level and the level of physique, but what Da Jianhao has is not only these!

Exquisite swordsmanship is also the core of Great Sword Hao!

Both of them have one-handed swords in their hands, and they collide again and again, but they don’t have to be small in the strength of their two-handed swords!

The redhead’s eyes were full of excitement, and when he collided with Hawkeye, he used a one-handed sword, and Hawkeye used a two-handed big sword, although his other hand could also assist, but it was still a little awkward, and it was precisely because of this that after he broke his arm, Hawkeye did not fight him.

But now, when encountering another top sword master with a one-handed sword, this fight will not feel any different!

The sword infused with high-intensity armed color domineering is constantly looking for the opponent’s weakness, but it will be blocked every time, and even the deliberately created weakness will not be fooled!

Such a sword technique, he confirmed, Li Wei is definitely already a top sword master!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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