In a sense, when Li Weifei’s sword is fully opened, the physical attack is really full, as long as it can hit people, it is a hole.

Therefore, Levi did not mean to try it on the redhead.

With full firepower, he himself could not contain his hand.

The continuous overlord-colored entangled confrontation, the aftermath of the battle, also ploughed all the real islands, completely unable to see the original appearance, and even if it were not for the continuous bombardment of the shock wave, the surrounding sea water would have submerged the island long ago!

In other words, the fight between Levi and Shanks even knocked out the real island, and the part above sea level disappeared completely!

With another fierce attack, the two stopped together.

After all, it’s not a life and death battle, and fighting a nine-year-old like Levi, Shanks won’t be desperate, right?

That spread out that he four emperor Shanks, beat a nine-year-old child, and desperately, his face is not wanted?

It’s better to stop there, everyone still has some leeway.

Li Wei also tacitly closed, although there are many means that have not been used, but there are only a few who can really surpass the bully on the upper limit.

There is no need to use it in this kind of discussion.

Some can’t hold back, and some are not suitable for current exposure.

It is better to simply use the three-color domineering and sword skills, and use the traditional power of the pirate world to carry out a smooth confrontation.

Anyway, with the improvement of the blood exchange realm, his physique has also been improved, and the domineering spirit has also improved, and domineering is originally one of his most important means.

Just because he already has the power of qi and blood, he can’t feel that domineering is not important.

The upper limit of domineering, in Li Wei, is actually very high!

After all, his physique, but with the Nine Transformations Returning to the Yuan Technique, is constantly improving, and the domineering will also increase!

As the battle between the two stopped, the sea water poured and directly flooded the island.

Shanks, as a person without the ability to fruit, naturally began to swim, ready to swim to the other side of the boat, anyway, the distance is not far away, and he will arrive soon.

However, when Shanks was trying to swim, he accidentally saw Levi standing on the sword next to him, looking like a light wind, flying in the air.

The redhead exploded in an instant!

“Levi, you stinky boy! You can still fly with this thing? %…… ¥%…… ¥%! Wouldn’t you look like I’m dumbfounded? It looked like I lost! Feed! ……%……#¥! ”

Levi ignored the redhead’s shouting, kept the redhead swimming at speed, and flew calmly towards the side of the boat.

Coming to the side of the boat and seeing the shocked eyes of everyone on the boat, Li Wei’s heart was dark.

Lao Tzu made a flying sword, isn’t it for this moment?

Standing on the flying sword and flying gracefully, swimming in the sea with red hair is a stark contrast.

Ben Beckman and Jesus Bu and others also felt that the captain had completely lost this time, and lost miserably!

The battle may not be fruitless, but in demeanor, the redhead is fiercely suppressed!

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at Levi with a strange look, but they knew that Levi could fly directly, that is, he didn’t look handsome with a sword.

This strong contrast made them also have some ideas, strong or not seems to be temporary, but handsome or not, but for a lifetime!

Marco glanced at Bista, his eyes were strange, no wonder this guy pays so much attention to the so-called elegance, usually there is no contrast and does not think, but now the sharp contrast in front of him, he also understands.

Fortunately, there was no reporter from the World Economic News newspaper at this time, and if you took a picture at this time, the redhead would be finished.

Levi dismounted from his sword with a calm expression, while Shanks climbed onto the boat from the sea.

The expression on his face was full of depression and a hint of embarrassment.

Beckman and the others couldn’t help but cover their foreheads with one hand, apparently, they felt that the captain had embarrassed them again….

However, the redhead quickly adjusted his mood and laughed

“Levi is already a complete strongman, hahahaha, a child I picked up back then, I didn’t expect to grow up so fast after a few years, the sea is really magical, by the way, isn’t it time for a banquet?”

Listening to their captain’s blunt change of topic, Beckman and others were also a little helpless, but there is no food, the embarrassment must always be alleviated, right?

Therefore, the topic on the field was instantly guided to the banquet, and as for the battle just now, it seems that everyone forgot.

The white-bearded pirate group doesn’t want to be too proud, after all, you always have to give the redhead a little face.

Whitebeard laughed and said

“Goo la la la la ~ Little ones, go back to the base, the banquet is on! Saatchi, the food is up to you! ”

“Yes daddy!”

In the midst of laughter, the group took a boat back to the logistics base, the food was not served anyway, but the wine must be drunk first.

Because of the treatment, Whitebeard has not drunk for a while, and has long been gluttonous.

If you have a chance, you must have a good drink!

With Saatchi in full swing, all kinds of meat were gradually delivered, and everyone began to have a happy banquet time.

The crew also rarely did not train, and all participated in the banquet.

While drinking, you can talk freely and unrestrained.

“Have you heard? Just now, the red-haired Shanks, and our deputy captain, had a fight at sea. ”

“Really? Who won? ”

A Levi fan next to him arrived right away:

“This still needs to be asked, it must be the deputy captain who won!”

“But that’s the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors of the New World!”

“What if it’s a redhead? Deputy Captain Levi, but the most amazing person on the sea, he will definitely be stronger than everyone! ”

Finally, they turned their gaze to the whistleblower.

“The final result is not up or down, but in the demeanor of Deputy Captain Levi on the left, he suppressed the redhead, hahahahaha.”

Everyone laughed, it was obvious that what the redhead was trying to avoid had happened, the contrast between him and Levi was too obvious, how could he hide it?

He was soon bald out by his own men, who were happy to see their captain’s jokes.

So, the whole banquet scene was known, the battle was over, Shanks could only swim over from the sea, while Levi calmly flew with his imperial sword and crushed Shanks with grace!

However, for the result of the battle, they still recognized, the two were comparable, and the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates would not think that Levi was stronger than the redhead, but it was enough to be able to be comparable!

After all, it was one of the four emperors of the new world with the same name as Daddy, red-haired Shanks!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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