Originally, although they knew that Levi was strong, how strong was it?

Now I finally know!

The apex level of the sea is not weaker than the four emperors!

Li Wei’s strength gave them enough room for imagination!

“You say, is Levi now surpassing his father? After all, Dad is over seventy. ”

Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world, but he is more than seventy years old, and in terms of continuous combat ability, he is definitely not as good as Levi, which is the angle of their point of view.

“Daddy may still be the strongest in the world, but Deputy Captain Levi is not necessarily weak, just like the other four emperors, Daddy is only one line stronger than them, besides, Daddy has not fought for several years, is it because he is old and needs to maintain energy?”

“In this way, in terms of combat strength, daddy may still be one point stronger, but after all, it is not durable enough, if you really want to fight, it may be the deputy captain who wins in the end.”

Talking here, several crew members couldn’t help but drink a few large sips of wine to suppress the shock.

After this inference was put forward by them, it only felt a little strange.

They are now wondering if their deputy captain has surpassed the world’s strongest white-bearded daddy?

Hurry up and get this idea out of your head!

At the same time, though, they couldn’t help but get excited.

With Deputy Captain Li Wei here, the combat power of the Whitebeard Pirate Group can be described as soaring in an instant, becoming a veritable first pirate group!

Before, due to their lack of high-end combat power, the first pirate group always had a feeling that they were not worthy of the name, but now, it is absolutely worthy of the name!

Of course, they actually didn’t know that not only was Levi very strong, but their captains had also completed the evolution of strength.

Even if you don’t count Li Wei, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at this moment is already the strongest Pirate Group.

However, there is actually nothing to be proud of, after all, the really powerful forces on the sea have never been the so-called Four Emperors Pirate Group.

The navy and the world government are the real behemoths.

That is, the navy must deploy the entire sea, otherwise, it is absolutely easy to pack up a group of pirates at the level of the four emperors.

Levi did not forcibly prevent the war on top, but because of the special circumstances, the navy could not really go all out.

If you really let the navy go all out, even if Levi exerts his full strength, he will not be able to carry the white-bearded pirate group and people to the hard top.

How many strong people are there at the level of General Everbright in the Navy?

What about the Whitebeard Pirates?

There are many white-bearded pirate groups at the imperial and deputy levels, but there are many strong people in the generals, and there are also seven martial sea assistance.

Although it is impossible for Qi Wuhai to really exert strength, it is still possible to pull attention.

This is the power of the navy, if you really calculate it, the four emperors combined, it is similar to the navy.

However, this is also temporary, and Li Wei knows very well that as long as he is given time, the growth of strength has always been going on.

Once it completely breaks through and becomes an existence beyond the level of a general, then the navy will no longer be put in his eyes.

The only thing to worry about, that is, the one on the Void Throne, does not know exactly the body level.

However, as long as there is enough time for development, it is also natural to surpass that person.

After the banquet of the red-haired pirates, they went back to their ship to sleep, and left, after all, their purpose had been achieved.

Shanks also confirmed that Levi was indeed the child of the year, but he still had the strength of a top emperor.

This made him a little worried, and he didn’t know if it would upset the balance on the sea

However, seeing that the white-bearded pirate group has not moved for several years, I don’t know if I want to hold it back, or if I really start to cultivate my body.

In any case, with the results of the battle between the redhead and Levi, although only the captain level of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the members of the Red-Haired Pirate Group watched the battle, the result was known to everyone.

The news is naturally impossible to control, so the other forces on the sea naturally know, the redhead weighed the color of the deputy captain of the white-bearded pirate group, and it was flavorful!

So, the World Economic News reported the outcome of the war.

The New King of the Sea? Deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates fights Red-Haired Shanks! 》

Although there is no specific battle content, only a brief introduction to the results of the battle, but it occupies an entire page, mainly the photo that is still a black shadow, a large black silhouette.

Morguns, who did not get Levi’s appearance, can only be replaced by a black silhouette, well, this silhouette light theory body shape, and Levi can not be said to be exactly the same, can only be said to have nothing to do with it.

He looks like a small giant four or five meters tall, similar in size to a white beard.

Pure blindness.

Ghost Island.

Kaido held the wine bottle in one hand, whether to take a sip, and held the newspaper in the other, and then sneered.

“Whitebeard? An old naïve guy, can a new royal-level combat power appear on his ship? What fake news! What is this red-haired kid doing? ”

Kaido obviously did not believe that the so-called Whitebeard ship, there was a new emperor, and none of them had been inspected by him, so naturally there was none.

However, the sense of urgency in his heart still made Kaido think of a way to speed up the pace of the artificial animal Devil Fruit.

He always felt that this era seemed to be over, and he hoped that he could have enough strength.

He wants to become One Piece, a man who changes the world!


The Bigmom Pirates, Charlotte, and Lingling stuffed cake into their mouths while listening to Katakuri tell the contents of the newspaper.

“Isn’t the strength weaker than the redhead? It’s a pity, on the ship of the white beard, otherwise I will find a marriage with all nations, mamamamamama~”

Katakuri’s eyes were also full of worry, Whitebeard Pirates, what is going to happen?

He had fought with Marko before, and the strength of that guy had obviously become much stronger, and it was no less than him.

That is, there is no overlord color domineering, and the final potential seems to be inferior to him.

Now there is a mysterious deputy captain, directly comparable to the redhead, the white-bearded pirate group is there going to make any big moves?

I hope it doesn’t hurt my younger siblings.

Ka Er secretly made up his mind in his heart that if he dared to hurt his younger siblings, even the Whitebeard Pirates would be destroyed!

Bigmom generally sees the new strong people, the first reaction is marriage, this time there is no way to marry, but she did not give up, the white beard is a lot older, the health has not been good, maybe when will die, when the time comes to marry, no one to stop it, right?

Her abacus was very loud, but she didn’t think about it, Levi couldn’t look at her daughters…

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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