“Thief hahahahaha~ Understood, Ace, this is the power I got!”

Looking at the surrounding ruins, Ace didn’t say anything, his hands were pointed at Blackbeard, and green points of light began to condense.

“Hotaru, Fire Dharma!”

Firefly exploded on Blackbeard’s body, and Blackbeard, whose pain effect doubled, let out a scream again.

“So hot, so hot and so hot~”

“I already know the power of darkness, but as a natural department, isn’t this attack very simple for you?”

Blackbeard, who had been acting for a long time, suddenly stopped pretending, and a black fog rose on his body, and then the flames were directly engulfed by the black fog!

Ace’s expression also became solemn.

“As I said, darkness will devour everything, bullets, swords, blows, lightning, etc., unlike you nature, I can’t ignore these attacks, my body, will absorb several times more pain than others.”

“But correspondingly, I can absorb something that no one else can absorb, dark water!”

“Just like this!”

Ace’s body was pulled uncontrollably by gravity and was grabbed by Tichy’s arm.

“You feel it too, Ace.”

Ace’s expression became ugly, and it was obvious that he understood one of the abilities of the Dark Fruit, and after being touched by his hand, his ability to burn the fruit would be invalid!

Tichy slammed a hook punch on Ace’s stomach, directly knocking Ace away and smashing into the ruins next to him!

“Another ability of my Dark Fruit, the ability to absorb the Devil Fruit! After being touched by me, you will not be able to activate your own Devil Fruit ability! ”

“Whether it is the nature department, the animal department, the superhuman department, all the abilities will be restrained by me! My attack, they can’t defend against! ”

“Great Yanjie, Yandi!!”

“Dark Cave Road!”

In the end, Ace was easily defeated by Tichy, and he, who was the best at natural ability, did not catch Levi’s domineering fast lane – his physique was not standard enough.

At the same time, he left too early, missing the opportunity for Levi to provide the life force field for everyone in the Whitebeard Pirate Group as a venue, and did not catch up with the opportunity to exercise his physique desperately.

In the face of Blackbeard, whose fruit ability completely restrained him and whose physical strength was several notches stronger than him, Ace had no room for resistance.

Soon, news came from the sea.

Traitor to the Whitebeard Pirates, Marshall M. D. Tichy, grabbed the deputy captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates and handed it over to the navy in exchange for becoming a Nanabukai!

Whitebeard Pirates!

The white beard, whose body had just recovered to health, slapped the information on the large table and roared:

“First Saatchi, then Ace! Tichy this bastard! Is he looking for death!? ”

Whitebeard’s face is full of anger, Ace is his son!

Tichy, the bastard, hurt his son again and again, does he think that I, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, am too old to swing a fist?

“Betraying Ace and becoming Nanabukai, this is Marshall D. Tichy’s ambitions? This bastard, we should have hunted him down earlier! ”

“Unexpectedly, he was able to capture Ace, Ace is a natural department, how much is that guy hiding!”

Saatchi’s face was full of self-blame and said

“It’s my fault, I should have called Ace back earlier, I wasn’t dead at the time, there is no need to go and hunt down Tichy alone!” Ace! ”

“Saatchi! It’s not your fault! Everything is that careerist Tichy! The old man announced, Blackbeard Marshall D. Tichy, enter the must-kill list of the Whitebeard Pirates! ”

The muscles of Whitebeard’s whole body trembled, and he had already recovered his peak state, and between his fists, a wave of power emanated from his fists, and the entire space became extremely dignified.

Marshall S. D. Tichy, completely the Whitebeard Pirates!

Levi was silent at first, and then slowly said:

“The most important thing now is how the navy will deal with Ace, after all, Ace’s identity is not simple.”

Whitebeard’s face was slightly condensed, as a master of the sea for decades, he was certainly not stupid.

Ace’s father, but the One Piece who opened the era of pirates, Gor · D. Roger!

The Navy will definitely use Ace’s identity and do something!

“No matter what the navy wants to do with Ace, the old man will not sit idly by, the son of the old man, but the navy can not dispose of it at will!”

“What’s more, the navy doesn’t know yet, the old man has recovered to his peak, right? Fortunately, there are you, Levi, in this state, even if I advance into the city, the old man can penetrate it! ”

Whitebeard attaches the most importance to his family, Ace has been on the ship for a short time, but he is already a family member he recognizes, and he must not accept that his family is arrested!

It just so happens that his body has recovered to its peak under the healing of Levi, and it is better to have the opportunity to move his body!

The captains were indignant, mainly towards Blackbeard Tichy.

Originally, Tichy killed Saatchi (although it didn’t turn out to be dead) and snatched the Devil Fruit, which had already shocked and angered them, but this time, directly sending Ace to the world government in exchange for becoming His Majesty the King Seven Wuhai, this bad behavior still made them a little difficult to accept.

As old-school pirates, Blackbeard’s kind of conspiracy makes them a little unable to keep up with the reaction.

Now the newspaper has not yet come out, but those who are a little better informed know that the deputy captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates was caught by Blackbeard to give to the world government, which is a big deal!

Red-haired pirates.

When Shanks heard what Beckman had told him, his expression instantly became serious.

“Ace fell into the hands of the Navy? That’s not good news! The sea may be chaotic, let’s see how the navy deals with it, Ace’s identity is special, if the navy is a little extreme, then a big war will break out, and the balance of the sea will be broken! ”

“Beckman, get ready, we may be involved in a big war.”

Beckman nodded, he still knew this captain very well, he would not let the balance on the sea be overly unbalanced.

Let’s hope the Navy is a little more sensible.


The day before that, the headquarters of the Navy.

“Just now, Marshall M. D. Tichy, sent the deputy captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, you all know, Marshal of the Warring States, what should we do with Ace? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru seemed to ask questions, but in fact he raised questions, and as for the solution, he had already discussed it with the Warring States.

Marshal Sengoku’s face is serious, Ace’s identity is not simple, one is not handled well, the consequences are serious, however, this is also an opportunity for the Navy!

Therefore, Sengoku said solemnly: “We will face the whole world, and we will face the whole world, and we will face the One Piece King Gor · D. Roger’s evil bloodline, Fire Fist Ace, is publicly executed! ”

The words of the Warring States instantly silenced the scene of the high-level meeting.

The green pheasant said calmly:

“Marshal of the Warring States, what is our purpose in doing this?”

Sengoku pondered for a moment and said slowly:

“Portcas D. Ace, as the bloodline of One Piece Roger, his birth represents sin! His father Roger opened the era of sea thieves, bringing the sea into a period of extreme chaos, and the sins are incalculable, as Roger’s son, Ace must be publicly executed in front of the world and declare his sinful identity! ”

Easing his emotions, Sengoku continued:

“Because of the mistake committed by that sinner Roger, the pirates on the sea are now becoming more and more rampant, and we must take such measures to deter the pirates!” Open execution at the headquarters of the navy, let those pirates see the deterrent power of the navy! ”

At this time, the old salted fish yellow ape Borusalino felt a little troublesome, and said:

“But Marshal of the Warring States, Ace is the deputy captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he will be publicly executed, as the strongest Whitebeard in the world, he will not sit idly by, at that time, a big war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirate Group will definitely break out!”

He had never liked this troublesome scene, so he questioned it.

However, before the Warring States could say anything, Sakaski spoke first

“What about Whitebeard? The pirates should all die! As long as they dare to come, the old man will definitely kill them all! ”

Sakaski looked murderous, and for pirates, he always advocated killing clean.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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