Warring States also said slowly at this time:

“This is actually our purpose, to execute Ace, take the opportunity, and leave a white beard!” Now there are more and more pirates, more and more supernovae with more than 100 million bounties, eleven supernovae, can be called the extremely evil era! This trend must be interrupted! ”

“Our ultimate goal in publicly executing Ace is to completely leave behind the whitebeard who is currently the most powerful and holds the title of the strongest man in the world!”

“One Four Emperors falls, the new world will inevitably fall into a melee, the pirates will be weakened, and at the same time deter those who have not yet gone to sea!”

“Anyway, the era of sea thieves opened by Roger must be interrupted!”

Looking at the serious expression of the Warring States, the green pheasant and the yellow ape knew that there was trouble next, and only the red dog began to look forward to it, he wanted to personally send the white beard down the yellow spring!

At this time, Lieutenant General Burning Mountain, who participated in the meeting, suddenly asked:

“The Whitebeard Pirates have an additional deputy captain, will it have an impact on our public execution, after all, if the Navy loses too much, even if it wins, it will be a loss, and as the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world, our goal is his words, and how much will it cost to come back?”

Chi Inu looked murderous and said, “No matter what the strength of that deputy captain named Levi is, he is just coke under the old man!” A newly rising fellow, both he and Whitebeard must be left at the headquarters of the Navy! ”

For this emerging powerhouse, the red dog has always been able to kill and kill, and the momentum of the pirate must be interrupted!

Sengoku also nodded and said

“Deputy Captain Li Wei, we don’t have too much intelligence at the moment, but he and Whitebeard must all be left behind, and the rest of the Whitebeard Pirate Group can’t support a Four Emperors Regiment!” In this way, our goal of getting the pirates into infighting can be achieved! ”

“As for Whitebeard, you may not know that Whitebeard’s body has been plagued by old injuries, according to our calculations, Whitebeard at this time has reached a point where it is close to running out of oil, and it cannot exert its peak combat power, moreover, the battle will be accompanied by the deterioration of the injury, and the threat of Whitebeard is far from as great as imagined.”

After the Warring States said this, the atmosphere on the field was obviously slightly relaxed, this is the deterrent power of the strongest man in the world.

The yellow ape breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it seems that the white beard can be handed over to Sakaski, he can paddle with peace of mind, and the salary will be taken, isn’t it beautiful?

As for the so-called deputy captain, the pheasant is not there.

Seeing that everyone basically approved of their plan, Sengoku nodded slowly and said:

“Well, tomorrow the official news will be issued, and we will be seven days from tomorrow, the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, will be responsible for the battle of Portcas D. Ace for public execution! ”

“Prepare to inform the Seven Wuhai, the elite forces of the Navy, and begin to draw!”

“Prepare for battle!”

“This combat operation, call it, war on top!”

Time goes back to the present day later.

Just as the Whitebeard Pirates were discussing how to deal with Ace’s affairs, Newsbird sent the latest newspaper.

Whitebeard took the newspaper and unfolded it.

The expression ranged from serious, to angry, and finally, the overlord-colored domineering madness surged out!

“Navy! You are looking for death! ”

Everyone felt that something was wrong, and after Marko took the newspaper, he glanced at it and said with an ugly face

“The Navy is preparing to announce Ace’s identity in the headquarters of the Navy in Marin Fandor, and at the same time, publicly execute Ace!”

The captains’ faces instantly became gloomy.

They were not in much hurry at the beginning, this kind of sea thief who was directly caught by the navy was generally locked up in the advancing city and rarely killed directly.

There are countless sea thieves locked up in the city, so they did not think that Ace, who fell into the hands of the navy, was in danger of life!

Bista gripped the hilt of his sword with both hands and said angrily

“I haven’t done much in recent years, do you really think that our white-bearded pirate group is a soft persimmon? Is the Navy going to take our Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Everyone knows that in the style of the Whitebeard Pirates, they will definitely go to save Ace, and of course the Navy knows it!

But they still did it, and it was clear that their purpose in the first place was to use Ace to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates!

At this time, Marko looked ugly and said:

“To be precise, the target is Daddy.”

At this time, Saatchi suddenly said:

“Fortunately, because of Levi, daddy has recovered his peak combat strength, our combat strength has also risen to a big level, the strength of the crew has also increased, the navy wants to deal with us, and when the time comes, regret it, it may be the navy itself!”

Saatchi’s words made everyone’s eyes light up slightly, indeed, today’s white-bearded pirate group is no longer what it used to be!

At this time, Joz also said:

“Don’t forget, we also have a deputy captain on board who is comparable to the red-haired Shanks! The war between the navy and us is equivalent to a war with two pirate groups of the four emperors at the same time, and the result may be that they did not expect at all, and the arrogant navy will pay for their arrogance! ”

At this time, everyone also turned their attention to Li Wei, and only then did they reflect how important the promotion Li Wei brought them was!

Restore Daddy’s peak state, so that the captains all grow into the combat power of the imperial deputy level, which is equivalent to the level of vice admiral to alternate general, in terms of mid-level combat power, they are not worthy of the navy at all!

Even, whether the headquarters of the Navy can come up with the combat power of the vice admiral corresponding to the captain of the white team, it is still two words!

After all, the navy has to guard the entire sea, and the combat power they can draw must not be all!

Without Levi, they might still have gone to war with the Navy, but they were far from the confidence they have now!

Whitebeard also laughed and said

“Little Levi, this time, prepare to let the sea see what kind of demeanor our deputy captain is!”

Levi also smiled slightly and said, ”

“Don’t worry, with me, don’t worry about this war, I will make a move, let the navy know, what is the end of provoking our whitebeard pirate group!”

Levi actually has no good feelings or bad feelings for the Navy, after all, he has not been in contact.

But for the world government, he has always been wary, after all, the person on the Void Throne has always been a threat, a threat that he must face.

Maybe he won’t notice him when he hasn’t grown enough, but once he exceeds the specifications, he will definitely be hit!

If the position of the Navy and the world government has always been the same, then it is actually a matter of time before it is confronted with the Navy.

Exactly, on top of the war, let him see the strength of the Navy.

Those legendary people only know that they are emperors, but they have never fought in the end!

Whether it is the three major generals, or the Warring States, even, Karp!

“Goo la ~ little ones! Big ship group assembled! Prepare for war with the Navy! Goal, take back Ace! ”

“Yes!” “Yes!” “Yes!”

Everyone echoed in unison!

Li Wei sighed in his heart, the war on top was finally about to break out.

At that time, the chaos in the advancing city is also inevitable, Blackbeard Titch has already been on top there, regardless of whether Luffy the straw hat will still run to advance the city to save people, Titch’s Blackbeard Pirate Group alone is enough to make the advance city chaotic.

At that time, it would be the best time for him to obtain the ability of the poisonous fruit!

“Exactly, after eating medicinal food for such a long time, the medicinal poison really needs to be dealt with, although it has not affected it for the time being, but look at the diaphragm!”

The ability to advance the city to obtain poisonous fruits was something he had planned a long time ago, and it would be much easier to move in the chaos.

Otherwise, even if his combat power is already at the top of the imperial level, it is still risky to capture the Advance City alone.

At the time when the Whitebeard Pirates decided to assemble.

Nanabukai also received a mandatory summons from the navy to participate in public executions in response to a possible big war!

This is almost a clear card to put out a war with the Whitebeard Pirates!

As one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, Jinping was full of anger after receiving the forced summons!

He also wanted to prevent the outbreak of the Great War and protect Whitebeard, and the final result was naturally to be stripped of the title of Qiwu Sea and locked up in Advance City!

The other kings Qiwuhai are more or less unwilling to fight with the Whitebeard Pirates, they are not here to work for the navy!

So Hawkeye wants to see the gap between himself and Whitebeard!

However, whether it is the Qiwu Sea, the navy, or other forces, they do not pay too much attention to Li Wei, the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and their eyes are on Whitebeard himself!

No one could have imagined what kind of storm a deputy captain of the white regiment would suddenly appear!

PS: Brothers are on the shelves at twelve tonight! Kneeling for support for the first order!!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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