Levi became famous for his medical skills in an instant, from a simple deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, without any other information, into a brilliant doctor.

As one of the Seven Martial Seas, Don Quixo Dedo Flamengo was originally a little looking forward to this top war, after all, after all, this was an opportunity to participate in the destruction of a Four Emperors Regiment!

But now, after learning that Whitebeard’s physical state had actually recovered to his peak, Doflamingo was a little stunned!

He knows very well how terrifying these monsters on the sea are at their peak, powerful abilities, and perverted physiques, just take Kaido, it is like an unkillable creature!

The whitebeard in his peak state must not let it go!

You can’t take down Whitebeard in a short time, and who can withstand the terrifying destructive power of Whitebeard at its peak?

Anyway, he just wants to be as far away from the battlefield as Whitebeard now as possible, just hit soy sauce on the periphery.

Desperately for the Navy? Think too much!

Lao Tzu is a Draco, and the navy is just a house slave!

With the words of the Warring States, everyone became clear that Whitebeard seemed to have really recovered his peak!

Even Karp, who is not ready to make a move at all, has a very serious face, although Ace is his grandson, but the sailors under the field are all righteous forces, if this is exported by Whitebeard, how many “nine six seven” is not enough to kill!

But Karp thought about it, the old children and grandchildren will be publicly executed, and what do you want to think?

Isn’t the Navy the three admirals? The Warring States are also there, it is not difficult for so many people to beat a white beard, after all, no matter how strong the white beard is, it is just a person!

However, he became interested in the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group named Levi, what level of healing ability can heal Whitebeard’s completely helpless old injuries and overdrafts, which is simply a strategic-level healing ability!

Lieutenant General Crane next to her thought clearly, and she said in a deep voice:

“Find Levi, deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! Today he must be left behind! This strategic-level healing ability must not be in the hands of pirates! ”

She is well aware of the ability to heal Whitebeard, and it is easy to treat injuries, if Whitebeard does not die, and goes back and is cured, then things will happen!

When the Warring States heard this, he nodded slowly and said:

“It is indeed a troublesome character, and it cannot be left to Whitebeard!”

“Goo la ~ Warring States, the old man’s son Li Wei, is not only good at medical treatment, my sons, but they have been well tuned by him, Warring States, provoke the Whitebeard Pirates, you will receive a surprise!”

Whitebeard’s casual words made the Warring States instantly concentrate, and his eyes were full of shock!

Could it be said that this Li Wei not only has strategic-level medical skills, but also can help people improve their combat effectiveness?

What kind of terrifying talent is this??

Even if it is a navy, there is only one former general Zefa, who is good at teaching disciples, but even Zefa, the strong person who really brings out, is himself a terrifying talent.

And listening to Whitebeard’s tone, that vice captain Li Wei was actually able to improve everyone’s strength? ?

This man will be eliminated!

Sengoku roared:

“Position me Levi, deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! Stare at him! It’s been so long, haven’t you found it? ”

“Report to the Marshal of the Warring States, on the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, all the fifteen existing captains have been found, but the deputy captain has not been found.”

Warring States frowned slightly, “Are you hiding?” Cunning whitebeard! ”

“Goo la~”

Whitebeard laughed softly, looked at the execution table, and said:

“Wait a little longer, Ace.”

Ace looked at the white-bearded big ship group that all dispatched to save him alone, looked at the old white-bearded, and for the first time in his heart, he regretted his impulse, regretted that he chased Tiki alone, he was too arrogant!

The remorseful Ace forced tears back and shouted, “Daddy! ”

At this time, Marko’s voice came out:

“On this sea, everyone should understand what will happen if they attack our companions!”

The other captains also roared:

“Ace! We won’t let go of any guy who hurts you! ”

“Wait for me! Come to your rescue now! ”

Off-site, Moonlight Moriah said loudly:

“Here are the strongest combat power of our Seven Wuhai and Navy Headquarters, three admirals and 100,000 sailors elite!” The other party is the Whitebeard Pirate Group and more than forty pirate ships, Whitebeard, how are you going to attack! ”

Obviously, Moriah’s brain is not very good.

Doflamingo’s face also had a smile on his face, and although he might be far away from Whitebeard, he couldn’t help but say to Hawkeye:

“Are you going to be a spectator again? Whatever you want, hehe~”

However, at this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became a little wrong, and the water life seemed to be moving!

I saw Whitebeard standing at the bow of the boat, casually inserting the supreme fast knife twelve works of Cong Yun cutting beak knife next to it, and then clasped both hands, and the ability to shock the fruit was activated!

“Sea Earthquake!”

With a roar, Whitebeard smashed his fists into the air on both sides!

Invisible cracks appeared in the air and then spread above the sea!

The originally calm sea surface was instantly triggered by Whitebeard’s shocking fruit ability, and the water surface suddenly began to rise higher, forming a terrifying sea peak tens of meters high, and the height is still rising!

It must be accompanied by a terrifying tsunami!

This is one of the reasons why the Shock Fruit is called the strongest superhuman lineage!

Able to cause earthquakes, air earthquakes, tsunamis!

Near Marin Fandor, the sea is all surging, and a terrifying tsunami seems to be coming soon!

The 100,000 sailors on the square instantly fell into panic. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

A tsunami of this magnitude falls down, and it will die!

And this terrifying range, everyone in the square, don’t think about running!

Looking at the terrifying tsunami, Sengoku seems to see the white beard that crisscrossed the sea when he was young!

This terrifying tsunami is not diminished in the slightest!

That is, Whitebeard did not bluff, he really recovered his peak?

“Damn, this little imp named Levi! If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have had to face such a whitebeard at all! ”

The Warring States now can’t wait for a Buddha’s shockwave to shoot that little devil into meat sauce!

Unfortunately, I never found it!

After the terrifying tsunami rose to the highest, the monstrous momentum directly frightened the 100,000 sailors, although they are also the elite of the navy, but when have they seen such a terrifying scene?

This is the attack of the strongest man in the world!

Sengoku said in a deep voice: “Let this level of range attack fall, no matter how many people there are, it can only bring more losses!” Today’s battle, the victory or defeat is difficult to say! This man has the power to destroy the world! Extensive damage, it’s terrifying! ”

As the white-bearded figure appeared in the bay in front of the square so close to the execution table, Sengoku knew that his strategy had been wrong!

The huge tsunami, the height even exceeded the height of Marin Fandor, the terrifying tsunami, even obscured the sunlight, in the eyes of the sailors on the square, the sight suddenly darkened a lot!

Doflamingo exclaimed, “Is this the whitebeard in its heyday?” It’s also good that the deputy captain with healing abilities did not appear, such a person survived, maybe there will be a chance to cooperate in the future …..”

“Goo la~”

Looking at the terrifying tsunami, the green pheasant’s face was solemn, and he instantly flashed over the square, and two cold breaths spread from his hands!

“Ice Age!”

The natural frozen fruit is full of fire!

The extremely cold breath instantly froze the sea water into ice, and the huge tsunami turned into a huge iceberg in a second or two at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The terrorist attack launched by Whitebeard was directly frozen by the green pheasant, one of the three major generals!

The terrifying iceberg stopped in front of him, looking at the iceberg on his head, the navy soldier gate gasped, and finally he was saved!

In the next second, the green pheasant came directly to the bay in front of the square, and the frozen fruit ability was activated!

The ice surface instantly spread around with the pheasant as the center, and soon, the water surface in the entire bay was frozen!

Frostbitten ice, the movement of ships is restricted!

“Exactly, it created a suitable place for us to stay!”

With the Navy ordering the artillery, war, broke out in an instant!

Everyone from the Whitebeard Pirates jumped off the ship and attacked the square.

After a short handover, the Whitebeard Pirates burst out with extremely strong combat power, and under the leadership of the captains, it was like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, pushing forward wantonly!

The Warring States looked at the battlefield below from a high place, and his face was instantly wrong, what happened?

The combat effectiveness of the Whitebeard Pirates, something is wrong!

Looking at the black armed color domineering and terrifying combat power wrapped around the captains, this combat power has clearly reached the level of lieutenant general!

Aren’t the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group always average in strength?

When did it suddenly become so strong?

Suddenly, Sengoku thought of what Whitebeard mentioned earlier, his sons had been trained by those 3.2 deputy captain Levi!

“Damn it! Is that deputy captain Levi doing the ghost again?! Bastard! Unexpectedly, he was able to let the Whitebeard Pirate Group have so much more middle and high-level combat power, this guy, it’s too dangerous! ”

The eyes of the Warring States were full of shock!

This writes the captains of the white-bearded pirate group, the combat power may be like that in his eyes, the level of lieutenant general, the royal deputy among the pirates, but is the number a little too much?

This ascension is terrifying!

How did such a freak appear on the sea?

The face of the Warring States is very uncalm!

“Deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Levi, you’d better not appear today, otherwise, your little life will definitely stay in the naval headquarters!”

It can be seen that something is wrong below, but not only the Warring States one, the seven martial seas, the three major generals and other masters, all have their own judgments!

Doflamingo is now looking forward to working with Levi even more, he understands, no wonder Levi can become the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, it turns out that he has this ability to help the crew improve their strength!

Such talents can be in high positions everywhere!

“Could it be some special devil fruit? I’m really curious…”

In Doflamingo’s eyes, in addition to curiosity, it was shock, so shocked that all he could imagine was only strange devil fruits, and he couldn’t think of other possibilities! .

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