The red dog among the three generals, Sakaski’s face was a little gloomy at this time.

Obviously, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is a little beyond his imagination, and in this way, the losses of the navy will definitely not be small!

And the root cause of all this, the Levi who did not appear, has become one of the guys that Sakaski wants to kill the most now!

“This dangerous pirate must be killed directly! Little ghost, even if you hide well, it will always appear, and the old man’s magma will definitely teach you to be a man! ”

The red dog forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart for Li Wei’s magical ability, which was transformed into substantial killing intent!

Strategic-level healing ability, coupled with the peculiar ability that can raise the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates to the level of the Emperor and Deputy Commanders, these two things appear in the same person, then this person is more dangerous than Ace, who is about to be executed!

This power definitely has the potential to upset the balance of the sea!

What if that kid could mass-produce middle-level combat power?

Even the pacifists of the scientific troops are not comparable, right?

So how should the Navy respond?

The source of all these troubles is Levi!

With a cigar in his mouth, the red dog has some desire to help, these pirates, one more dangerous than the other, one more terrifying than the other!

The outstanding performance of the leaders of the white-bearded pirate team on the field obviously attracted the attention of the vice admirals of the headquarters, this level of enemy is not something that ordinary navies can deal with, this is their opponent!

Vice Admiral Mole, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, Daubman and more than ten Vice Admirals appeared on the battlefield!

At the same time, the large ship regiment outside the battlefield also leaned on the ice, and the captains of the large ship regiment such as Skuyard rushed to the bay with their men!

23 Suddenly, Hawkeye, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty and the world’s number one swordsman, moved and walked to the front of the stage!

His actions instantly attracted everyone’s attention, after all, it was not in line with Hawkeye’s previous style.

The yellow ape said strangely:

“It’s really rare.”

Chi Inu couldn’t help but say, “That Hawkeye, who goes his own way, actually wants to take the initiative to participate in the war?” ”

Doflamingo was curious: “Why, are you ready?” ”

“I just want to see how far we are with that man.”

That’s the only purpose for which he came to war!

Hawkeye took the black knife night of the supreme fast knife from behind and waved it in the direction of Whitebeard!

A turquoise flying slash flew towards Whitebeard!

The slash of the world’s number one sword hao attracted everyone’s attention, and I saw that slash across the sky, and the sky seemed to be cut, and the air was quickly disturbed and became distorted!

The frozen ice surface was cut out of a deep ravine under the accidental injury of the sword qi!

The terrifying sword qi made everyone’s eyes can’t help but be attracted, this kind of slash is not at all what can be seen in ordinary times!

Especially the swordsmen on the field, the slash of the world’s number one swordsman, made them open their eyes!

It’s not like a human can do it at all!

After flying and slashing hundreds of meters, the power did not decrease in the slightest!

The general big sword hao, after flying slash flying out, the attack distance is not so far, after a little farther, the power will become scattered, the power will sharply become smaller, but the eagle eye’s slash is obviously different!

This is extremely condensed sword qi!

Hanama Bista looked at Hawkeye’s sword qi, but his eyes were slightly strange, is this the sword qi of the world’s number one sword hao?

It seems that compared to Levi, it is not necessarily stronger, right?

But thinking about it, Levi and the redhead are on a par, and Hawkeye itself is a level master, so it is not surprising?

However, he still couldn’t believe it, Li Wei, like that, he didn’t have much time to practice swords, and at the age of nine years, he could achieve the level of Hawkeye, the world’s number one swordsman?

How terrifying this thing looks!

When there was no comparison, they felt that Levi was very against the sky, but after the comparison, they found that it was even more against the sky!

“I can’t stop this level of slashing.”

Foil Bista is a little self-aware, although his strength is already the top of the imperial vice, but in the face of Hawkeye, who is also a swordsman, he is actually defeated, after all, everyone plays with swords, Hawkeye and him are compared with him, is a qualitative gap!

When Hawkeye’s sword qi flew in, the pirate members on the road could only frantically flee to both sides, such a slash, even if it was an aftermath, was not something they could bear!

Of course, this does not mean that this slash needs to be blocked by Whitebeard himself!

King to King! It is clear that, in their opinion, Hawkeye is not qualified to face Whitebeard directly!

If he did it, it would be a shame for the Whitebeard Pirates!

So, Joz flashed onto the ice and blocked the front of the sword qi!

“Shine Armed Color Shock Defense!”

Joz instantly transformed into a diamond form, and in this state, he can have a body comparable to diamond hardness, and his defense is terrifying!

If it was before, then diamondization was the complete state of his defense, because his domineering cultivation was not very strong.

But now!

After cultivating the [Domineering Quick Method] given by Li Wei, his armed color, because of his strong physique, has reached a very strong point!

The defense improvement brought by armed color hardening is enough to raise the defense power to another level!

Coupled with the icing on the cake of the Vibration Power Defense, which reduces some physical attacks, the overall defense is terrifying!

Hawkeye’s sword qi, if Joz only used diamondization to resist, he would have to use his power to lead the slash to the void, but now it’s different!

He has a more confident choice!

Joz’s big mouth cracked, revealing an ugly smile, and on the shining diamonds, a black armed color domineering was wrapped! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

The faint white light condenses on the domineering!


Slash at Joz and completely explode!

The terrifying momentum spread out, cutting the ice surface next to it into cobwebs!


Joz didn’t have the slightest injury on him!

This time, Joz did not lead the attack to the sky, he directly resisted!

Hawkeye’s slash hit Joz and was killed without injury!

In terms of defense, Joz at this time is no weaker than a strong man at the level of a general!

In other words, Joz was able to resist a general in a short period of time, before his physical strength was exhausted!

Joz’s performance, obviously, shocked everyone!

“The world’s number one slash was actually slashed at the moment?”

“Is this the captain of Team Sanban, Diamond Joz? Isn’t this terrifying defensive power invincible? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru said in a deep voice: “Diamond Joz has always been known for the development of shining fruits, and has never shown this level of armed color domineering!” His defense has risen a whole notch from intelligence! What’s going on here? ”

“Is it really that Levi imp? His ability can make these domineering white-bearded pirate team leaders master high-level domineering? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru is worthy of being a big staff officer, and by observing the general situation of all the pirates on the field, it was quickly determined that the domineering increased significantly, and it seemed that it appeared only on the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

“That is, this ability is likely to only be suitable for those who have sufficient strength themselves? But even so, it’s scary enough! There are so many strong people on the sea, and they have the ability to create a lot of domineering masters, which is enough to change the sea! Li Wei, deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, really can’t stay! ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru and Sengoku are both determined to leave their lives behind!

Lieutenant General He forcibly endured the shock in his heart and ordered: “Give me a dead stare at the field, whether there are new faces, once that Levi appears, mark it immediately!” If the strength is not strong, send a lieutenant general, and if the strength is strong, you must keep him! ”


As time slowly passed, the battlefield became further intense, and the yellow ape watched for a long time, and finally planned to move.

“Each one is as strong as a monster, if you want to minimize the loss, you can only capture the thief first!”


The yellow ape turned into a light and instantly appeared in the middle of the battlefield, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire battlefield, naturally shining fruit!

Then the light condensed, and 177 turned into the appearance of a yellow ape!

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

The yellow ape’s hands emitted a dazzling light, and then, with a wave of his hand, lasers rained down towards the white beard!

However, at this moment, Marko, who had never participated in the battle, instantly turned into a human-animal form, and a large amount of blue flame erupted from his wings, condensing into a shield of flames, directly blocking all the laser rain of the yellow ape!

“How can I let you directly face our big boss?” Marko had a smile on his face, his strength was no longer what it used to be, plus the terrifying survival and life-saving ability of the undead bird, dragging a general, he could do it!

“It’s so terrible, the Whitebeard Pirates, it’s really a monster-like ability, animal line bird fruit phantom beast species immortal bird form~”

Marko also did not have the slightest politeness with the yellow ape, and with a spin, he turned into an immortal bird form, and the whole body was composed of immortal birds composed of Qingyan, flying towards the yellow ape!

“It’s really a bird I’ve never seen before~” The yellow ape said terrifyingly, and casually an eight-foot qionggou jade.

This time, Marko didn’t have any intention to block, the laser rain directly penetrated the body of the immortal bird, but it was like elementalization, the attack directly penetrated, and it was of little use to Marko!

Marko approached quickly, turned into a human-animal form, his claws were covered with armed color domineering, and he smashed into the yellow ape fiercely!

Obviously, Marko didn’t think about whether his attack would work at all, and even if he became stronger, he couldn’t threaten a general!

However, what Marko didn’t expect was that obviously blocking his kick, the yellow ape still turned into a light road and flew away, looking like it was shot away.

Marko was a little confused, when did he become so strong?

The yellow ape turned into a human from light in the distance, and his whole body was unharmed, but he said in his mouth:

“It seems that it is impossible to simply smash the yellow dragon, giant troops, prepare to dispatch!”

The yellow ape entered the standard soy sauce mode, anyway, there are quite a lot of people, not inferior to my combat power, right?

However, just when the yellow ape was about to play soy sauce, the scene seemed to change! .

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