After the yellow ape entered the soy sauce mode, Joz glanced at the execution table at a high place, and then roared angrily and said:

“Everyone, get out of the way!”

The fist turned into a diamond, the pitch-black armed color burst out and wrapped it, the power of vibration was slightly emitted, and Joz slammed into the ground with an arrow step!

A huge ice surface, a circular crack instantly appeared, and a huge hemispherical ice mass was separated by a punch!

Joz forcefully picked up the huge ice cube that did not match his body size and smashed it in the direction of the execution table!

A huge block of ice, like a meteorite, fell from the sky!

The red dog glanced at the ice cubes in the sky and stood up.

“These two bastards actually left the guard without permission, you are all gone, who will guard the execution table?”

His right fist turned into scorching magma and roared:

“Big Spitfire!”

The right fist was slammed out, and a huge magma fist suddenly burst out!

The huge ice cubes, in front of the big Spitfire of the red dog, were like a piece of paper, shattered into slag!

This level of ice is just made by the green pheasant, where can it be a threat to him?

The corners of the red dog’s mouth turned up slightly, and he actually made a move on him, so he had to be ready!

I saw that in the next second, the huge magma fist suddenly exploded, turning into magma balls one after another, like a meteorite rain, smashing towards the pirates!

For a moment, the scene was like a scene of hell!

There are terrifying temperatures everywhere, like the end of the world!

This is the power of the red dog, the same is the fire system, the fruit of Ace, is the natural system of burning fruit, and the fruit of the red dog is the upper fruit of the burning fruit, the natural magma fruit!

This fruit is extremely powerful in nature, and it has been developed extremely deeply by the red dog, and the terrifying volcanic rain can be stimulated at will!

The high temperature of the magma is enough to burn a pirate in an instant!

In the volcanic rain, a large magma ball fell in the direction of Whitebeard!

The terrifying high temperature burns the surrounding air, and after passing through, leaving a path with distorted light, it is enough to see the horror of the red dog magma!

Whitebeard had a domineering smile on his face, and the supreme fast knife in his hand was casually moved, and the huge magma was blocked, turning into a sugar gourd and wearing it on Whitebeard’s beak knife!

Subsequently, the white beard blew casually!

The armed color domineering with external release and internal destruction, following the air flow in the mouth, directly extinguished the burning magma ball!

“Go light candles for your birthday cake, Magma Ghost!”

The red dog showed a wistful chuckle and said:

“Don’t like this lavish funeral? Whitebeard? ”

He unabashedly wants to keep the strongest man in the world at the headquarters of the Navy!

On the battlefield, the confrontation became more and more intense, pirates and navy died non-stop, and the vice admirals of the navy and the captains of the white-bearded pirate regiment all rushed into their respective enemy positions and carried out unbridled killing!

This is war!

On the battlefield, without strength, you can only turn into a revenant under the strong!

Little Oz, as a descendant of Majin Oz, has a body shape far beyond ordinary giants, and he directly used frozen naval ships to smash the road in the bay!

Originally, the battlefield had always been on the ice in the bay outside the square, but now, the battlefield is moving to the square!

And through the square, soon it will be the location of Ace’s execution table!

The intensity of the war, further increased!

After Little Oz was defeated by several Qiwu Seas, the subsequent pirates will continue to move forward on the road opened by Little Oz!

Buffalo Atmose, captain of Team Thirteen, encounters Doflamingo, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty!

Originally, his fate was manipulated by Doflamingo’s parasitic line to attack his subordinates, but at this time, his fate had already been changed by Levi!

As the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, his strength has made terrifying progress!

When the parasitic thread fell, he saw that Artemus, who had become very keen, wrapped his arms on the two great swords, turned into a black sword body, and cut off the thread that wanted to control him!


The big sword cut through the thin wire, making an almost metallic sound, and Doflamingo’s thread was hard enough!

“Buffalo Atmose? You and my intelligence show differently. ”

A smug smile spread across Atmose’s face.

“Nanabu Haido Flamengo, are you going to stand in front of us? Don’t blame me for not reminding you, Nanabukai, it’s not good for me! ”

Say it, the two double knives of the rage, slashing madly towards Doflamingo!

He does not have the kind of sword art of Dajian Hao, only simple and effective sword techniques, coupled with a strong physique, and now he has become a strong two-color domineering!

Although there is no sword blessing of interest, his two big swords are not as damaging as Jian Hao, but domineering and physique, let his sword be heavier than the next, where is this sword?

It’s clearly two big hammers!

This is the effect of cultivating the domineering quick method!

“Super Strike Whiplash!”

Doflamingo erupted dozens of almost transparent thin silk threads from his hand, and then wrapped these silk threads together to form a thick column like a hair, and struck towards Atmos!

The powerful attack power of the line fruit, if it is not blocked this time, even if it is a small mountain, it will be cut in half!

Feeling the terrifying destructive power contained in Doflamingo’s attack, Atmose’s two armed colored swords slashed towards the whip condensed by silk thread!

While! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Like a sound like metal colliding, Artemus blocked the blow, but his figure couldn’t help but take several steps back!

“Is this the strength of the Seven Martial Seas?”

Through his cultivation of the domineering quick method, he has barely broken through to the level of the imperial deputy, and just this, he can only barely block Doflamingo’s attack!

He suddenly felt a sense of rejoicing, glad that there was Levi’s presence on the ship, otherwise, Doflamingo this level, it would be difficult for him to withstand it!

“Armed color vibration power slash!”

Artemus added the last unskilled vibration power, which can add a little attack, is a little!

Anyway, Doflamingo must be dragged down!

“Let’s go! This Tenyasha will be handed over to me! ”

Doflamingo felt the strength of Artemus’s confrontation with himself, and couldn’t help but ask:

“Buffalo Atmose, have you also become stronger because of your deputy captain?”

Atmose’s face was full of pride, it was their luck to have Levi!

Seeing Artmose’s expression, Doflamingo understood, it turned out to be really like this!

That man, the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, was really able to help people improve their strength!

And obviously, it is not an ordinary improvement, after all, these captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are all old pirates, and their strength has basically been set, just like that, they can become so much stronger, which is simply incredible!

Doflamingo’s eyes were full of shock, another person who could make his strength stagnate, soared a lot, called Devil Fruit!

Is this the horror of Levi?

When the battlefield of Marin Fando was in full swing, on the other side, in the sea.

A small military submarine is sailing at maximum speed and will soon reach its destination, advancing the city!

And the one who harnessed this submarine was none other than the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment who did not appear on the battlefield, Levi!

“I don’t know if Blackbeard Tichy is retreating now, if it runs into it directly, then try Tichy’s color and see how far Tichy can do with just one dark fruit.”

Levi is a little looking forward to it, and the Advance City may be the place where he first participated in the big war!

Even if there is no Tichy, at least, he will have a battle with Magellan, the director of the advancing city, after all, that is the purpose of his coming to advance the city!

The ability to obtain poisonous fruits!

When approaching the propulsion city, Levi felt that next to the submarine, there were a large number of sea kings.

He casually used the sound of the sea king class, combined with a small amount of overlord color domineering, to expel these sea king class!

On the other side, on the execution table, Sengoku looked at Karp who was sitting next to Ace, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, this old bastard!

“By now, if you have any crooked ideas, I will definitely not spare you, Karp!”

“Hmph, if I wanted to do it, I would have done it a long time ago!”

Sengoku didn’t say more, but he had already decided that he had to watch Karp and publicly execute Ace, which was a major matter for the navy, and he definitely couldn’t be messed up by Karp, an old bastard!

He decided, early execution!

At this moment, new variables appeared on the battlefield!

The Straw Hat Kid (Wang Nuo Zhao) and the shemale king Ivan, Klockdar, the clown king Bucky and others, with a part of the prisoners who came out of the Advance City, suddenly fell from the sky!

Looking at Luffy’s big face, Sengoku’s face was full of annoyance, and said:

“Karp, it’s your bastard’s family again!”

The Warring States are more determined, and they must be optimistic about Karp! At this time, the two grandsons of this fuck have arrived!

The arrival of the straw hat kid has no impact on the Whitebeard Pirates, at most it is just to attract attention, and the real rescue of Ace depends on the power of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Also at this time, as the captain, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the world, finally moved!

He took a step forward!

The terrifying momentum instantly enveloped the audience!

As a sand crocodile Klockdar, who was defeated by Whitebeard’s hands and has been in his arms, he attacked Whitebeard without hesitation!

However, he was stopped by Luffy, and he and Whitebeard were on the side of saving Ace, and it was impossible for the sand crocodile to hinder Whitebeard Ying!

And the other side at this time.

Advance the gates of the city.

A small submarine floated from here, and then the submarine turned into blood and dissipated, and Levi instantly appeared at the gate of the city.

The battle that belonged to Levi finally began! .

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