Pushing into the gate of the city, Levi checked the situation nearby with a hint of curiosity.

At this time, the inside of the city was still chaotic, but it seemed to have gradually begun to be controlled.

“Could it be that Blackbeard’s gang has escaped?”

Levi didn’t care, he didn’t think that he had to slaughter Blackbeard Tichy here, anyway, sooner or later it would fall into his hands, just a little earlier.

When Levi stood at the door, several prisoners in prison uniforms seemed to think that Levi at the door was a little in the way, and cursed angrily:

“Hey! Boy, don’t block the door, hide from Uncle Ben! ”

Saying that, the machete in his hand slashed down towards Li Wei, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face!

As prisoners who can be locked up in the city, they are all extremely evil and murderous!

For those who stand in their way, there will simply be no other option, only hacking!

Especially or about to run out of Advance City, there are still people blocking the way?

This is looking for death!

A trace of stunned flashed on Levi’s face, he never expected that this kind of karami could still appear among his battle objects!

He originally thought that the first battle he planned would be the director of the city, Magellan!

Unexpectedly, it was a small ordinary prisoner!

Li Wei was too lazy to spend saliva with this kind of character, the blood and qi in his hand condensed, and the transformation weapon was launched, and a two-handed long sword appeared in his hand, and then, with a random wave!

A terrifying flying slash slashed out horizontally, directly cutting several prisoners in front of Levi in half!

Those prisoners who were killed by Levi still had shocked, terrified expressions on their faces580!

They didn’t seem to think about why they would have such bad luck and meet such a master!

Li Wei’s casual sword qi, after cutting through several prisoners, the momentum was still undiminished, and it slashed into the internal wall of the city, directly collapsing!

This is the Advance City, the walls here are extremely hard and specially made walls, and they are not deliberately destroyed at all!

And for Levi, it was not even an ordinary attack just now, but it was just a casual wave, as if wiping the dust on his body!

But such a slash can burst out terrifying destructive power!

This is the damage level of the world’s top great sword master!

Not weaker than Hawkeye!

Not caring about the prisoners he had killed casually, Levi continued to walk forward and soon saw a guard who looked like a lion.

Levi walked up to the guard, who was suppressing the prisoners, and said:

“Hey, let me ask you, where is your commissioner Magellan?”

Maticola the Lion roared:

“Boy, where are you from? Is it a prisoner? If it’s a prisoner, give me a good return! If you’re not a prisoner, Advance City isn’t the place to be! ”

Looking at the psychological prison in front of him, Levi didn’t want to talk nonsense.

“Forget it, anyway, the prison is so big, let’s look for it layer by layer.”

Saying that, Levi didn’t pay attention to this prison at all, and walked directly to the direction of the passage on the next floor.

Seeing that Levi didn’t bird himself at all, the lion was a little annoyed and angrily wanted to pounce, but saw Levi suddenly turn his head and look at him!

Huge pressure instantly filled the entire space!

“Overlord color!”

Levi didn’t want to waste more time with these little minions, and chose to confidante overlord Qingping!

Give Lao Tzu a moment of quiet!

With the outbreak of Li Wei’s overlord color, the invisible momentum shrouded the entire sea layer, and the terrifying overlord color has begun to affect reality, and a trace of red thunder light flashes in the void!

This is Levi’s terrifying overlord color!

It can be called the strongest overlord color!

After clearing the screen, Levi felt much quieter in an instant, and he calmly came to the next floor.

The first basement floor was observed by Levi, and there was no trace of Magellan, and then he went directly to the second basement floor.

On the second basement floor, he actually encountered a humanoid cow!

“Isn’t this a jailer beast? It seems that the guy who failed to awaken the animal line Devil Fruit and has a terrifying body, I remember that they were not in the burning hell of the fourth underground level? How did you get here? ”

Levi thought about it, maybe it was too chaotic, somehow he came here, and Levi was obviously already regarded as a target by this jailer beast.

“I heard that your body is very strong, I would like to try it.”

A hint of interest appeared on Li Wei’s face, after all, these jailer beasts may indeed have no human wisdom, but their bodies are solid animal line demon fruit awakening, this is not a weak force, this is the power that may reach the emperor-level physique!

Maybe the attack power is not enough, but the defense is possible to reach the level of the emperor, pure big meat shield!

Perhaps, similar to Joz? However, Joz has wisdom and can use domineering, much stronger than these jailer beasts.

Looking at the big cow jailer beast that rushed towards him, a smile flashed on Levi’s face, the dark armed color, or the long sword wrapped around it!

“Armed color winding lightspeed slash!”

Exactly, try lightspeed slashing with this thing!

The power of blood qi is instilled into the sword body, the blood qi envoy plus the strength of his own muscles in the whole body, the armed color domineering winding increases the destructive power and hardness, Levi’s light-speed slash, launch!

In an instant, the long sword in Li Wei’s hand turned into a sword light, so fast that the sword body was no longer visible, only the sword light remained!

At this moment, the sword in Li Wei’s hand cut out hundreds of knives!

The dense sword light directly turned into a net composed of sword light, cutting the air to pieces, and then shrouded the cow-shaped jailer beast!


The sword light that was so fast that it did not cause sound at all, as if it was silent, it appeared in an instant, and disappeared (CDBD) again!

The jailer beast that originally rushed forward suddenly stopped and stopped in front of Li Wei sluggishly, as if he had pressed the pause button!

Subsequently, the screen was paused and the dynamics resumed, but!

The jailer beast directly turned into a pile of pieces of meat! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

The section is neat and smooth!

This is the horror of Li Wei’s light-speed slash, this breaking through the upper limit of the attack power of the Great Sword Hao!

In an instant, a jailer beast with a reputation for its defensive power turned directly into a pile of pieces of meat!

What a terrifying combat power is this!

Even Levi himself couldn’t help but marvel!

It was the first time he used this trick in actual combat, and the effect was really strong!

“This is an attack when facing the level of a general, even if it is elementalized in advance, it is impossible to hide them all!”

Li Wei believes that the blade covered with armed color entanglement, with the speed of light slash, even if it is a natural department, let him get close, it is impossible to be immune after the move!

Bound to get hurt!

Unless there is a hard object that can withstand this attack, hard top!

For example, Hawkeye uses a black knife to block hard, and with Hawkeye’s domineering blessing, the black knife may be able to block his attack, but it can also passively resist.

“It’s a pity, after all, it’s a melee physical attack, and it’s a little difficult to face a yellow ape like that, not close to you, and want to play a role.”

Levi would not feel a pity, after all, he did not rely on this one attack method to eat.

After slashing quickly and slashing the jailer beast into a piece of meat, Levi continued to walk towards the next layer, layer by layer, Magellan could not stop advancing the city, right?

As long as he is in the city, with his sights, he will be found soon.

“I don’t know how the battle situation is on Daddy’s side, but compared to Daddy in his peak state, it will give the Navy a headache, right?”

A hint of evil interest flashed on Levi’s face, when he watched it in his previous life, he had been thinking, if the white beard on top was the peak, what would be the result?

Now, the peak whitebeard is coming, can the navy withstand it?

However, Li Wei did not know that the state of the white beard at this time did not seem to be seconds!

On the battlefield, the pirate group under Whitebeard, the leader of the big vortex spider pirate group, and Skuyard suddenly appeared next to Whitebeard.

Skuyard picked up the long sword in his hand and said in a deep voice:

“Each of the 43 pirate groups that you waved down has been greatly favored by you. For the sake of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is also necessary to go to the soup. ”

After speaking, Skuyard pierced Whitebeard’s chest with a sword!

As a whitebeard who has recovered his peak combat power, how can he be pierced by a pirate with a reward of 200 million Bailey?

The answer is that Whitebeard is defenseless against his family!

And this scene that happened on the bow of the Moby Dick also instantly shocked the entire battlefield, and the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates watched one by one as Skuyard tried to pull out his long sword, and his father’s chest oozed blood!

“Skuyard, how could you do such a thing?”

They do not understand, do not accept!

Qiwu Hai on the field, admiral and others, all stunned, at this time, someone actually stabbed Whitebeard in the back!

This is a big variable on the battlefield!

An angry Marko flew directly onto the bow of the boat, trampled Scuyard under his feet, and angrily questioned:

“Skuyard! Why do such a thing! Answer me! ”

“Verbose! Didn’t you force me to do that? ”

“Hurry up and end this boring farce! Whitebeard! Aren’t you colluding with the Navy? The lives of your Whitebeard Pirates and Ace will definitely be saved, and the Navy has promised it! ”

Skuyard’s words made the people of the Whitebeard Big Ship Group waver, is there really such a possibility?

“Listen up! We’ve all hit the mark! I never knew that Ace that guy was the son of One Piece Gor D. Roger, and you know how much I hate Roger! Didn’t even tell me the news! ”

“Why don’t you tell me that Ace is Roger’s son and you want Ace to become One Piece!”

Skuyard’s words made his pirates waver, and soon someone roared:

“Leave the Whitebeard Pirates alone, let’s quit!”

On the field, pacifists are wantonly attacking their pirates, with heavy losses, they originally had a little intention of retreating, and when Skuyard said so, they didn’t want to do it in an instant! ! .

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